UK Policing Newswire Archive
State infiltration and attempted disruption of activist websites
22-01-2011 08:52
New revelations published in an excellent article in today’s Schnews show police and/or government employees actively disrupting activist websites, posting comments designed to “sow mistrust, demoralise movements and to incite violence and illegality”.
Preventative Arrest Used Against Anti-Racists in Leeds
20-01-2011 16:36
Reporting on the abuse of civil liberties by West Yorkshire Police.Statement on Mark.Stone/Kennedy by Mark Barnsley
20-01-2011 12:25
Mark Stone/Kennedy - A personal statement from Mark BarnsleyFull article | 2 additions | 32 comments
Jim Sutton - undercover cop in Reclaim the Streets
19-01-2011 23:13
Reports on Jim Sutton an undercover cop who infiltrated Reclaim the Streets during the 1990's and had kids with an activist.Full article | 1 addition | 151 comments
Kennedy Mania in the Mainstream Media
19-01-2011 19:01

The media has gone into a feeding frenzy over what was described by Newsnight as the "deepening controversy over police agents". Yet still none of them are putting together the evidence that political policing has been used to trash the 'right to protest' in this country,of which the use of undercover coppers is only a small part, with FIT Teams, kettling and general harrassment of protestors being other major parts of the ongoing police strategy. Perhaps this is because these same journos are part of the media circus that allows the cops to get away with it as we march towards water cannon and a police state.
However, the long term infiltration of environmental and direct action groups in the UK by PC Mark Kennedy for a seven year period, must be causing some discomfort for the cops, as his antics in the UK and ,according to the Guardian another 22 countries, are beginning to be unravelled.
Today's Independent claims that Kennedy, who is missing but believed to be in the USA, has called in publicity Guru Max Clifford as he "prepares to sell his story". The report further notes that Nottingham Police have launched an internal inquiry into the mess, which will run alongside a limited IPCC inquiry which 'Amerdeep Somal, of the IPCC, said will focus on the alleged failure of Nottinghamshire Police to disclose relevant material to prosecutors.'
An account of Marco Jacobs' time in Brighton
19-01-2011 15:57

Marco Jacobs was an undercover officer in Brighton in 2004/5
Statement from Cardiff Anarchist Network (CAN) on the infiltration by Mark ‘Marc
19-01-2011 15:49
This is our response to the revelation that our group had been infiltrated by Mark Jocobs for four years.Officer "B" Marco Jacobs- further info and photos
18-01-2011 19:22

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Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements.
18-01-2011 00:14

please flag up any mistakes and we will up date in 24 hours or so. We still need more factual information about their activities. The purpose of this post/thread is to create as clear a picture of the infiltrators as possible for activists worldwide.
If you wish to post about the bourgeois press then please post here.

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Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements
15-01-2011 21:17

For attention of all international activist groups and movements regarding known involvement of UK undercover political police.
We need translation into French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Polish, Russian, and any other languages people think are relevant. Please post translations here
Notts Police - you've been framed
15-01-2011 11:23
The current case of Notts Police withholding evidence which may undermine their prosecution case is just the latest example of what could seem like deliberate policy.
The relevations in today's papers that Notts police have deliberately withhelp tapes of recordings of undercover cop Mark kennedy plotting with environmental campaigners look for all the world like an atttempt by the police to pervert the course of justice. The penalty for which is a jail sentence.
But this is not a one off by Notts Police. They have previosuly withheld evidence for it only to come to light after many months when the court case opens. In 2009 they denied possessing evidence which would support environmental protestors facing a court trial for blockading E-on's offices in Nottingham. There was video evidence of the defendents complying with police orders on the promise that they would not be arrested if they did so. Yet Inspector Will Chell of Notts Police denied any knowledge of such evidence.
This was rather foolish of him as photographs had been published on indymedia showing him standing next to his officers while they filmed and photographed the event. There was even a recording of him making his ultimatum to the protesters. Whilst this did lead to Notts police getting their wrists slapped in court no charges were brought against the offendng officers.
So, if you are wondering whether senior Notts coppers have been carrying spare underwear this week, the answer is it seems unlikely. The police routinely behave against members of the public as if they are above the law. It is hard to blame them for this given the desultory performance of the CJS and CPS in holding them to account.
See link for full story.
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Officer 'B' revealed as Cardiff based 'Marco' Jacobs
15-01-2011 00:03

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Undercover and over-the-top: The collapse of the Ratcliffe trial
13-01-2011 17:33
Sent from New Internationalist magazine ( NI contributor Danny Chivers was one of six defendants whose charges were dropped in Nottingham Crown Court this week, following revelations about an undercover police officer who had infiltrated the UK’s environmental protest movement. Here, Danny explains the extraordinary events that led to the collapse of his trial, and what they tell us about the policing of protest in Britain today.Saving Iceland statement on Mark Stone
13-01-2011 15:10
The following is a statement from the Saving Iceland campaign released today in response to various request from media to talk about Mark Stone / KennedyIMPORTANT: A respectful request to all activists regarding Mark "Stone"
11-01-2011 12:59
In the wake of the Mark "Stone" story breaking in the mainstream media yesterday, a lot of journalists are trying their best to dig out all the gorey personal details. They are phoning up lots of activists and trying to find out more information. You may be one of those activists.X3 - X-Tended Account
26-12-2010 16:15
A friends brilliant account of the student happenings.Please read it on

Protest 2010: Into the Spectacle
22-12-2010 15:59
The use of agent provocateurs at the London Student Demonstrations 2010, and the key photo ops that came out of it. The Hammer Gang, and others, not only attacked innocent demonstrators with hammers, but lead 1] right-wing newspaper photo-ops 2] a campaign of entrapment. Time to fight back!Student: Why I am protesting
21-12-2010 13:27

David Cameron recently wrote in the Evening Standard, ‘Before protesting, students need to get the facts straight.’ There is an establishment theory that the student protests are a knee-jerk reaction to reform. They claim that the student actions are ‘hysterical’ and ‘ill-informed’: basically, we don’t know what we’re talking about. Students just want an excuse for a ruckus, the theory goes; we are bored of daytime TV and binge drinking, so we’ll try rioting for an adrenalin-filled change.
And So It Begins: Police repression of anti cuts & fees campaigners
20-12-2010 11:22
At 5am on Saturday 18th December the home of UWE Student and Anti-cuts & Fees campaigner Paul Saville was raided by police.He was arrested on suspicion of affray and conspiracy to commit affray.
Paul, who was involved in the recent UWE occupation was held for 12 hours. His computer, mobile phone and note books have all been seized.
This is only the start, police repression of anti-cuts activists will only increase in the coming months. Anyone involved in the campaign is a potential target of repression but particularly those individuals and groups openly active in mobilising and organising.
After the October 23rd demo the two people arrested we questioned by a Detective constable, not what normally happens when arrested for a minor offence. The DC asked them question related to active anarchist groups in the area and showed them photographs on individuals they believe are active in the socialist/anarchist movement that they wanted information on. Of course their response was No comment to everything.
We urge everyone to take appropriate steps to keep themselves safe and protect any information you may not want falling into the wrong hands. Take time to swat up on security both on demos and using computers and the internet.
Heres a tip that came straight from a cop: When you delete files on your PC all it does is give permission to the hard drive to write over the space if needed. If it is not overwritten then the information can still be retrieved. Once files are deleted, clear the recyling box then load a large file (a film for example) onto the hard drive and copy it until the space is full, then wipe that file. It does take time but there are programmes on the net that can do this for you.
Don't let the bastards win, stay safe & stay active.
In Solidarity,
Bristol AFed
Geographies of the Kettle: Containment, Spectacle & Counter-Strategy
17-12-2010 19:28
The last few weeks of student-led protests against the ideologically blunt and financially reckless Tory-Liberal Democrat cuts and the massively short-sighted, brutal and regressive cuts to third level education in particular may well have marked something of a turning point in modern British history. They have won back the power of political protest that was seemingly lost after the defeat of the anti-war marches in 2003.