UK Policing Newswire Archive
The Siege of Julian Assange is a Farce
17-11-2014 10:45

The siege of Knightsbridge is a farce. For two years, an exaggerated, costly police presence around the Ecuadorean embassy in London has served no purpose other than to flaunt the power of the state. Their quarry is an Australian charged with no crime, a refugee from gross injustice whose only security is the room given him by a brave South American country. His true crime is to have initiated a wave of truth-telling in an era of lies, cynicism and war.
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Brisbane G20 - Ciaron O'Reilly prohibited then arrested speaking out for Assange, Manning, Snowden
16-11-2014 21:46

G20 resistance all but evaporates in Brisbane heatwave.
Policing for the G20 summit in Brisbane this past weekend was of overkill proportions. There was very little in the way of serious resistance, the Guardian reported that cops (6,000) outnumbered protesters and only 14 arrests were made. One of these was Manning and Assange solidarity activist Ciaron O'Reilly, who has been held in custody all weekend and will be brought before Brisbane Magistrates on Monday morning.
london solidarity with testet
02-11-2014 12:18

translation of text about the murder of Remi at a protest site in france
02-11-2014 11:40
last weekend remi was killed by the french police at protest site in Testet south west france
York Demo The Guidhall Against Jimmy Saville And Grandma B Abuse November 7th
01-11-2014 14:30

The cover up of the abuse of grandma b a elderly pensioner in a wheel chair linking this to a Demo about jimmy Saville and the alleged corruption of the city of York officials county of Yorkshire and the police service alleged.

Execution of "Occupy Democracy" and the Banality of Evil
29-10-2014 13:05

Yorkshire Ripper farce - new fake TV documentary
27-10-2014 13:30
Ever since the fabrication of The Peter Sutcliffe Myth, the mainstream media have kept repeating the police version of events. The truth rarely gets a look in.Occupy Democracy – The Battle of the Tarpaulin
19-10-2014 15:58

Cops at the door - a Bristol anti-repression statement
16-10-2014 15:34

A month of solidarity with Chelsea Manning (Part 2)
09-10-2014 20:18

policeman thinks he doens't need concent of home occupant;
08-10-2014 04:09

Police are sticking their heads above the trenches of the social war
22-09-2014 23:07
A curious article appeared in the mainstream BBC news today, stating that police believe that up to 20 actions carried out in and around Bristol may have links to so called 'domestic extremism' .Surveillance Project Exhibited in Nottingham
21-09-2014 00:23

Nottingham Trent University
Exhibition: 20th September – 4th October

A month of solidarity with Chelsea Manning (Part 1)
20-09-2014 17:00

Full article with links here:

SOCPA7 Events taking place this week
08-09-2014 19:54
Inside the walls of Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS), over 100,000 animals are imprisoned and more than 500 animals are killed every day.Report and media analysis of march on NATO Newport Thursday 4th September 2014
08-09-2014 13:47

Theresa May has got to stop the Morton Hall lies over Rubel Ahmed
07-09-2014 22:07
The 26 year old dies of a preventable illness. Staff ignored his cries for help. Then hie died. So what does the Detention Centre say? It says the young Rubel killed himself?is that the best Theresa May can do?
How Riccardo Magherini died in Florence city centre, Italy
06-09-2014 17:27
this is the story of a young men that died on march 3rd 2014 while asking for help in Florence City Centre. Riccardo had a son, 2 years old...Police Wagons Burn In Keynsham (F.A.I.)
06-09-2014 14:09
From the midst of the terror-fervor, the advance of the surveillance state, and display of force by the law.This is to report incendiary action bringing life to our hatred for the police, inkeeping with our wider effort for the eradication of authority and it's civilisation and with not a step back before repression which fails to inhibit us...
NATO banquet at Cardiff Castle Thursday 4th September 2014
06-09-2014 14:05