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Police Wagons Burn In Keynsham (F.A.I.)

((A)) | 06.09.2014 14:09 | Policing

From the midst of the terror-fervor, the advance of the surveillance state, and display of force by the law.

This is to report incendiary action bringing life to our hatred for the police, inkeeping with our wider effort for the eradication of authority and it's civilisation and with not a step back before repression which fails to inhibit us...

It took place in Keynsham (on 3rd September) at the police-station where a fleet of support group vans and other marked force vehicles are kept close to the ring-road which skirts Bristol. We rigged all three mobile-CCTV vans at their charging station inside the perimeter to the side of the cop-den with short fuses, then more fuel in containers was primed to incinerate an extra riot squad minibus parked to the front after we'd left the area. When the fires were detected, the riot bus and at least one of the camera vans were already burnt. According to the media an individual was arrested shortly after, who they are probably even now dimly realising they have no evidence to charge because we alone are responsible for the blaze under their snouts.

The police-station is situated close to the massive Keynsham Police Centre due to now open which is also to assimilate the functions of the old Bath and Radstock stations as part of a newly-constructed series of the force's multi-purpose detention suites, crime investigation centres, an operations base and the tri-force firearms facility which was burned down by the hands of anarchists one year ago. Remember, the police state has still been found vulnerable.

Now is the time the government choose to escalate electronic monitoring and travel restrictions, and to roll out more obvious than ever occupation of several cities by the security forces, some against the backdrop of citizens herded through metal detectors and surrounded by fencing in open public places. Though enraged we're neither shocked or indignant. The supposed 'state of exception' is the eternal trump card of democracy's totalitarianism - this is a war, and why leave escalation in the opponents' hands alone?

When police tell us increased presence in the latest terror-scare and heightened powers thereafter is for our own safety, we know they mean increased control and forcing obedience through fear, with renewed social license to kill (often young non-white men with the media's blessing), so we attack them regardless.

Confronting our fears was easier than we once imagined. They too can feel some insecurity and risk, just like the precarious masses they subject to the orders of the state and the whims of the economy and social norms as our lives are taken out of our hands piece by piece. Tension against payed-up bullies of the law constantly boils to the surface in class society - they're an obstacle to any kind of freedom and self-determination, out to pacify and neutralize those who in whatever way won't fit the social cage.

This choice of target brings us to the sentences read out against Juan Aliste, Marcelo Villarroel and Freddy Fuentevilla in Santiago for numerous actions against wage-slavery and a parting confrontation with the security forces which left a corporal dead and another officer wounded. Also, Carlos Gutierrez Quiduleo of the Temucuicui community is finally once again in the grasp of the same colonial state too over related charges, and we support the Mapuche people's fight for land, the ones of them who've clearly refused capitalist life as spiritual death and maintain their claim as ancestral defenders of their home, that is, the Earth. We won't stay spectators while our companions in Chilean prisons and beyond are facing long jail-terms without wavering, tarnishing the wretched social tranquility of the bankers and cops. While our hands still fashion the materials for destruction, aggressions of the type raised by the British state against unnamed individuals they suspect/ed of incendiary actions in Bath and Bristol by anarchists (take heart...) won't pass without repercussions either as we forge ahead to recover our denied autonomy.

Before the terrorism of the law these are no days for silence. Anybody can join the fray in their own manner by wielding the idea of unconditional freedom for each and all of us to claim. A long time ago, we learned to dispel the myth -peddled by the Holywood movies- of the rebels throwing themselves against the most unbelievable strongholds of their overlords, in a full-frontal military battle with no thought of living to fight another day. History is portrayed as a straight line with no corners or bends to deviate from this tale, so as to hold the spectator in a simple and romantic fantasy world, where the attainable skills for successful acts of vengeance remain a mystery behind the special effects and silver-screen stunts. When the credits roll the viewer is left doubting their own chances against the agents of power and their increasing technological capabilities, and the context is lost of an insurgent war of attrition reaching far back through the ages, chipping away at the establishment's morale, image of invincibility, and resources.

We learned not to see just what was conveniently put before us, but to study possible chinks in the armour of normality and to think the unthinkable. As some Czech anarchists in struggle pointed out not long ago (and burned out a CCTV station to make themselves clear), the vast array of surveillance apparatus works primarily by lodging defeatism in the minds of otherwise-aspiring conspirators. Yet as has been revealed by many before us, individual and collective insurrection is not only possible but visible, enlivening and essential to break away from a life-long civil lobotomy, as a way (amongst others) to live wholeheartedly and unapologetically. It could be an assault which lays waste to state property before their very station, or an officer stabbed or battered carrying out their wretched duties, cutting the wires of a surveillance camera or smashing a patrol-car windscreen in the area under cover of darkness. It could be us, it could be you, it could be the person next to you. The first cop to kill is the one in your head. But only the first...

We learned that authority has done it's best to quell the anarchist rebellion over the centuries but to this day we stand uncaptured and undefeated, side by side with our comrades here and across the globe. Side by side doesn't always need to mean physically close enough to link arms, solidarity has no fixed shape or set line, but looks to open reciprocal dialogue on a common direction through the avenues of mutual aid and direct action. For one day somebody might choose a letter exchange with a prisoner or spreading subversive street art with the other disquieted, sometimes a critical encounter and heated exchanges or the tenderness of a loving caress, and at others materialise in the embers of the oppressor.

By this communique we reignite the memory of the Santiago anarchist poet, dancer and fighter Claudia Lopez who fell to police bullets while on the barricades 16 years ago this September. Her unquenchable determination has not stopped accompanying the comrades who take to the street with their weapons.

Our regards to everybody out there who is joyously causing their own ruptures with normality in the daily contest against control and exploitation. Keep reclaiming your life in the many vital ways...


Uncivil Disobedients / Informal Anarchist Federation
