UK Policing Newswire Archive
Swiss Undercover Cop interview (G8)
01-09-2011 17:41
Today in the Swiss "WOZ" online, there is an article with a Swiss former undercover cop, who was sent to spy at the German G8. The article mentions also UK agent Mark Kennedy who was there, as well as other spies, from France amongst other places.****
full article:

Just Do It Comes to Vivid Birmingham
01-09-2011 16:12

Corporate homicide law extended to prisons and police cells
01-09-2011 07:44
Police forces, prisons and youth detention centres face prosecution for corporate homicide from this week if an individual dies in their custody.In the 10 years between 1999 and 2009, 333 people died in or following police custody, according to the Independent Police Complaints Commission. Ministry of Justice figures show that last year there were 58 self-inflicted deaths among prisoners in England and Wales.
Cardiff Post-Riot Roundtable Discussion
31-08-2011 23:44
Wednesday 7 September at 7.30 pmButetown History & Arts Centre
Bute Street
Expect More DDoS Attacks
30-08-2011 17:01
warning and analyse by capitalist press of more internet sabotage.SOAS Students Day X - The Battle for Education
26-08-2011 12:09

Rossport – if Tuesday was not mad enough try today
25-08-2011 23:20

refinery and bounced back out again four hours later
"The August 2011 Riots in Britain" : an analysis
25-08-2011 02:15
For a few days in August 2011, the riots in Britain's cities flashed a searing light across the troubled sleep to which we, the ordinary people of that country, have been reduced by three decades of spiritless submission to the logic of capitalism. The only meaningful questions to ask about the riots are: how far did they go in repudiating the society that dominates us, and how can that repudiation be extended and deepened? Everything else is the howling of dogs.Another possible cop murder: Media blackout?
24-08-2011 17:00
A man has died following calling the police to his house in Cheshire in need of assistance after being 'threatened with a gun'. An eyewitness describes him being severely beaten while cuffed by up to 11 officers.Guide to Public Order Situations updated
24-08-2011 11:02
the Guide has been updated following recent eventsGerman Activists Sue re: Undercover Police Operation
23-08-2011 14:07

Legal Aid CUTS Creates Criminals
23-08-2011 07:59
With recent cuts in legal aid and access to justice being denied to the most vulnerable, how far can we continue to accept a two tired justice system designed to make those in most need the most vulnerable?Government considers curfew powers following riots
20-08-2011 06:41
In the aftermath of the riots that swept London and other cities in England last week, the Conservative/Liberal government is actively planning the imposition of curfew powers covering wide geographical areas.Emergency solidarity march and noise demo
19-08-2011 21:16

Report from Wandsworth ‘no to evictions’ protest
19-08-2011 20:01

Why had he just arrested a man? The best answer he could give ” he was whipping up the crowd “… his colleague added he was ‘ swearing’. In fact the gentleman in question had indeed used that dreadful and clearly very naughty F word and pointed out that capitalism was not a very good economic system. He also advised the police they had ‘ transferable skills’ and should get out while they can. It would appear he had a point as it all went down well, but did not amount to ‘whipping up the crowd’
Daylight Robbery, Meet Nighttime Robbery
18-08-2011 06:35
I keep hearing comparisons between the London riots and riots in other European cities—window smashing in Athens or car bonfires in Paris. And there are parallels, to be sure: a spark set by police violence, a generation that feels forgotten.Youth sentenced to years in jail for posting Facebook notices during riots
18-08-2011 06:22
The state clampdown against working class youth in Britain continues unabated. On Tuesday, crown court judges in England handed down long jail sentences to two young men for posting comments on Facebook.The stench of a police state
18-08-2011 06:20
The events of the last 12 days are a warning to the working class in Britain and internationally. The state repression and right-wing hysteria unleashed in response to youth rioting in London and other cities reveal the preparations of the ruling class for police-state forms of rule.News from Colchester
16-08-2011 19:26

Police incompetence, aggression and cover up in Norwich
16-08-2011 17:43
Sorry about the journalistic tone of the article but with minimal press coverage there is no reference point. This is the story of the siege of Normandie tower