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UK Policing Newswire Archive

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Mark Kennedy, James Bond, and the Secret State.

17-01-2013 13:18

"The High Court has today granted an application by the Metropolitan Police for a secret hearing over the claims brought against them under the Human Rights Act, arising from undercover officers engaging in intimate long term relationships with women whilst undercover."

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Katy Bourne Sussex Police Crime Commissioner

16-01-2013 15:14

Katy Bourne Sussex Crime Commissioner are you covering up for Sussex Paedophile ring

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State Using ‘Secret Evidence’ To Try And Keep John Bowden Behind Bars

08-01-2013 20:51

For the past 30 years John Bowden has been at the forefront of the British prison struggle, and is by far our most prolific prisoner writer. Time and again, John’s articles have shone a searchlight into the State’s murky dungeons, exposing brutality and repression, and challenging the very nature of prison. For many years now, John has been held in jail because of his political views and his willingness to challenge injustice. That has never been clearer than now, as the State attempts to use ‘secret evidence’ to keep him behind bars.

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Can of Worms Opened: The EDL Conspiracy Theories Start Here

08-01-2013 05:04

The judge sentencing in the Tommy Robinson false passport case today opened a wriggling, purified can of worms. Stephen Yaxley Lennon of Luton was, as expected, sentenced to a jail term as almost everybody had expected (albeit a short and unsatisfactory one). That is no surprise, as passport fraud involving the United States, meant the UK felt compelled to act. What was not not expected, was the judge's strange but honest remarks about Tommy's actual identity.

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Sussex police: “If you intend to quit protesting, then tonight’s the night to do it.”

06-01-2013 12:06

A tweet sent by Sussex Police Liaison on New Years Eve has angered campaigners, as it appears to show a less than positive attitude towards the right to protest. Police Liaison Officers say their role is to support protest rights by developing dialogue and communication, but they have faced attack previously by activists and monitoring groups who have accused them of harassing activists and exploiting trust to gather intelligence on protest groups

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Vauxhall Squat Raids

05-01-2013 10:00

These pictures were taken during the eviction of squats in Vauxhall last night. The eviction was resisted, and it took a reported eight and a half hours to finally clear squatters from the building and the roof.

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UG#605 - The Institutionalized Shadows of Psychopaths (Histories of the CIA/FBI)

04-01-2013 21:20

In our first hour this episode we hear author Tim Weiner on the FBI and the 48 year reign of its founder, J. Edgar Hoover, whom Weiner describes as 'a Machiavelli'. In our second hour, a vintage recording of Alan Francovich speaking about On Company Business, his groundbreaking 1980 film on the CIA.

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New Year’s Eve Brixton [anti-prison demo] London 31 December 2012

04-01-2013 20:09

Brixton, London, 31 December 2012…almost midnight
The Gregorian calendar is moving towards the next chapter in the existence of those who mark time in the boredom of ritual …Suddenly they appear out of nowhere, a few people out of step, dressed in black. Unfurling banners, a strange light in their eyes, they unhurriedly conquer the urban high street and proceed towards Brixton prison.

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FAI/ELF Communique For TV & Radio Blackout

04-01-2013 12:00

As part of the ongoing anarchist war for total liberation, we carried out a hit on the Bathampton radio and TV relay station. Fires were set at four points of the structures, and we left undisturbed. As a result of the sabotage, on top of causing hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of damage, we regionally shut down all TV channels on Freeview as well as all national analogue and digital radio stations. Additionally it took down Vodaphone and other mobile networks, damaging police communications and other digital services. 80,000 homes and businesses in the area were affected.

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Barbara Tucker now on hunger strike: started Thursday 27th

31-12-2012 16:36

Long term Parliament Square peace campaigner Barbara Tucker is now on a hunger strike which started on Thursday 27th December 2012.

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Schedule 7 terror laws used to interrogate activists

30-12-2012 10:32

There is now abundant evidence that the police are using terrorism powers to stop and question activists on their political activities when they pass through UK ports. It is undoubtedly very helpful to the police that the draconian powers introduced by Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 provide no right to silence – a refusal to answer questions can lead to a criminal conviction. The powers are also hugely intimidating – people can be detained for up to nine hours and have their DNA and fingerprints taken. To top it all, no ‘reasonable suspicion’ is needed – the police and border authorities can stop whoever they wish. What more could ‘total policing’ wish for?

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MI5 Betrayed Bomb Victims

27-12-2012 10:48

My experiences after being attacked by satanist David Myatt are that the Admiral Duncan,Brick Lane and Brixton nailbombings were an MI5 sponsored sting operation that went wrong.

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Cardiff French embassy is target over police repression as busy month is topped

23-12-2012 22:25

The group blocks the entrance to the consulate
Activists from different networks in Cardiff, including No Borders South Wales, South Wales Anarchists, Gremlins, Travellers groups, Cardiff Migrant Solidarity and the new Network of Cardiff Squatters came together to continue the support shown for migrants in recent months.

Several activists decided to use International Migrants Day this week to respond to a call-out from French activists for actions outside French Embassies and Consulates in solidarity with a recent day of action that aimed to highlight the continued state repression against sans-papier, Roma, the homeless and anti-airport activists in France despite a change of government to a party that spoke out against such actions before they were in power.

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New Year's prison run!

23-12-2012 09:48

Manifestation, warm drinks, food, readings,…

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Rumours of our Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated!

17-12-2012 16:55

As you may be aware, our plans to host a temporary community cafe run on anarchist principles in Bristol this weekend, have been scarpered after Avon & Somerset Police decided to raid Everything Is Not OK Cafe on Friday morning; evicting the building and arresting the five occupiers.

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European Police Congress in Berlin

17-12-2012 12:55

In February 2013 the 16th European Police Congress will be held in Berlin. According to the numbers of the responsible organiser, a publishing company for administration issues, around 1.600 participants coming from more than 50 countries attended the last congress in 2012.
Cops, politicians, enterprises and other VIPs meet there once a year to coordinate their interests. While members of the administration get free access, normal journalists and people have to pay around thousand euro for registration. Enterprises with commercial interests pay per square meter for exhibition ground. Well-known brands were present the last years.