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UK Policing Newswire Archive

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Concerns about Taser use in police force under scrutiny over recent death

28-11-2011 12:17

The police force currently under investigation over a Taser-related death is one of the most prolific users of ‘repeat-Tasering’ in the country, despite concerns that repeated use of the stun-guns present a significant risk to life.

A Bureau investigation into Taser use by the police has found that Cumbria Constabulary has used repeat-tasering, where an individual is subjected to repeated or prolonged electric shocks, 12 times since November 2010. This is more instances than recorded by the Metropolitan Police, despite Cumbria Constabulary having a much smaller population to police.

Cumbria has been under investigation by the Independent Police Complaints Commission since August, when bodybuilder Dale Burns, 27, died after being electrocuted at least three times at his home in Barrow. At least one individual has been repeat-tasered by Cumbria Constabulary since the incident.

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Emergency Student Union meeting calls for the immediate release of Zenon Mitchell

28-11-2011 12:02

Students at the university of Sussex gave a strong show of support for fellow student Zenon at an emergency members meeting of the students union last week. The meeting was called in order to pass a motion of solidarity with Zenon Mitchell Kotsakis, a student at Sussex who has been sentenced to 15 months for taking part in the demonstration outside Millbank Tower last year.

Over 200 students attended the meeting and voted through the following motion with only two abstentions and no votes against:

“Thousands have been arrested for taking part in student demonstrations since last year. Our fellow student, Zenon Mitchell Kotsakis was recently sentenced to 15 months in prison on charges of ‘violent disorder’. We demand his immediate release and stand in solidarity with Zenon and all other students facing similar charges and sentences.”

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London Occupy Activist - Tahrir Inspired Everyone - Video

27-11-2011 23:29

How one outspoken occupy activist got the police to fabricate an assaulting a police officer charge.

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Now you see it, now you don't - the case of the planted Balaclava

27-11-2011 12:35

Norman Grant
By Norman Grant

When common law rules governing the admissibility of Bad Character in criminal proceedings were abolished in 2003 and replaced with the disclosure of a defendant's previous history to the jury, good and bad detectives up and down the land must have clapped their hands together with unrestrained glee.

For immediately they knew, once a suspect's previous convictions for a similar offence were disclosed to the jury, all that was required to secure a routine conviction was a smear of DNA material planted at the scene of a crime and the rest was history. How do I know all this? Well unfortunately it happened to me!

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'No platform for filth, whilst students sit in prison'

24-11-2011 18:39

Sir Ian Blair, ex Commissioner of the Met Police was meant to give a talk at Sussex university last night, but students disrupted it - see the report below.

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The Red and Black Umbrella: New squatted social centre for Cardiff

21-11-2011 14:13

the red and black umbrella collective
It's new! It's free! It's in Cardiff!

The flyer reads: "You may have noticed we've moved into the old Tredegar Hotel [on Clifton Street], so we thought we'd introduce ourselves. We are the Red and Black Umbrella Collective and intend on turning the abandoned pub into a social centre. We believe people should come before profit. We are sick of government cuts that affect us while MPs and bankers get richer. David Cameron wanted a big society and we're going to give him one. We are currently renovating the pub and want to provide a cultural hub for the local community..."

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Nov 28: Solidarity action at court for the Cardiff Occupiers

21-11-2011 12:02

Two of those arrested at the Castle occupation in Cardiff on 11 November are up in court on Monday 28 November. Come to the court and show your solidarity.

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The Coming War on the Occupy Movement

18-11-2011 11:43

November 17, 2011

As I begin to write this, Occupy Oakland circulates in a by-now familiar pattern: forced from the camp at the break of day, the occupiers reconvened as they have done before on the steps of the Public Library. Later, they will attempt to close a repeating circuit that stretches a short six blocks along 14th Street between City Hall and the Library.

This circuit, moreover, is one which draws its familiarity not only from recent weeks, but also from the early moments of what is a single cycle of struggle spanning years: it was down 14th Street that Oakland Police pursued us during the first rebellion, on January 7th of 2009, that greeted the murder of Oscar Grant. And it was in front of the same Public Library that I crouched behind a bush as an armored personnel carrier sped past, only to sprint off as heavily-clad militarized police-troops dismounted to chase myself and others on foot.

It has become all too apparent that the Occupy Movement is under attack, and that even my title is wholly insufficient: this war is not “coming,” this war has already begun.

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Fortnum and Mason protesters found guilty

17-11-2011 18:33

A group of 10 protesters who occupied Fortnum and Mason during the M26 demonstration have been found guilty of aggravated trespass. The sit-in organised by UK Uncut was held at the luxury food store on Piccadilly, in London, to highlight the store's tax avoidance. Charges of aggravated trespass against 109 others were dropped earlier in the year

The Defendants released the following statement:

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Fortnum and Mason 145 - 10 found guilty

17-11-2011 18:10

Inside F&M - (C) Amelia Gregory
10 UkUncut protesters, including some from Oxford, have been found guilty of aggravated trespass for entering Fortnum & Mason's last March to highlight the luxury store's failure to pay fair taxes.

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FM145: Defiant statement from the defendants outside of court

17-11-2011 14:52

"As the government’s cuts continue to destroy the economy and people’s lives we will not be put off by these attempts at humiliating and punishing us."

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Comrades, beware of irresponsible web sites

17-11-2011 01:32

A statement concerning the irresponsible practice of

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Another message to the Metropolitan Police

16-11-2011 22:51

Police Inspector Blog aka Inspector Gadget
Police Inspector Blog - proof some cops are really THICK

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Occupy London solidarity with Occupy Wall Street (at US Embassy)

16-11-2011 17:06

US citizens from Occupy London went along to the US Embassy yesterday to protest the eviction of Occupy Wall Street folk from Zucotti Park/Liberty Square.

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OWS Solidarity: Occupy DC storms DC offices of Bloomfield, hits US Conference of Mayors

16-11-2011 16:59

The sickening November 15 police raid on Occupy Wall Street, complete with videotaped beatings,cries out for payback. Late afternoon the same day, Occupy DC stormed into the Victor Building on 9th st, housing the DC offices of Bloomfield Office properties, "owner" of Zucatti Park the home base of Occupy Wall Street.

Occupy DC's arrival seemed to take Bloomfield by complete surprise, as the door was unlocked, allowing protesters to swarm into the building, reinforced lead banner and all, until no more would fit in the first floor hallway. I do not know if anyone tried to get upstairs or otherwise further into the building to the actual offices of Bloomfield Office Properties.

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Antifascist Prisoner Thomas Blak Released - But Deported

16-11-2011 15:49

Thomas Blak is the first of the six UK antifascists to be released, but he has been deported.

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mark kennedy's thatcher tears

16-11-2011 13:10

Last night, a year after he was uncovered[1] by the activists he had infiltrated for seven years, undercover cop Mark Kennedy starred in a Channel 4 documentary (it can be watched online here[2], at least for now). In it he said how wonderful the activists had been to him day in day out for years on end and how he feels bad having shopped them by the dozen. If that were true and he had a conscience as you or I understand it, he would have ended his mission years earlier.


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N9 Undercover Cops - More Photos, New Faces

15-11-2011 12:27

[Removed 16 images on which Declan Hunter claims copyright, demanding $35 per image licensing fee -]

Following the photos and videos that appeared on You Tube, Indymedia and Fitwatch etc of undercover cops attacking Nov 9 students and electricians protests down in London, here's a new set;

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Prosecution of F&M 145 protesters falls apart

15-11-2011 00:36

Today my trial for a two hour UKuncut sit-in at Fortnum & Mason ended far faster than anyone estimated. The trial was scheduled to end on the November 30th, however a thin prosecution case was over in just 2 and half days.