UK Policing Newswire Archive
Ian Tomlinson Killer Simon Harwood Walks Free
19-07-2012 14:05
Family of Kingsley Burrell - Public Support Meeting
19-07-2012 12:33
Saturday 21st July 6:00 - 8:00pmHandsworth Park
Community Play Centre
Grove Lane
Birmingham, B20 2HF
All invited to attend this most important meeting
Sylvia Major Slip of the Tongue
18-07-2012 15:47
This video is supplied by an anonymous source.Even after this lengthy passage of time, it seems totally inexplicable as to why this particular woman would attend the High Court in London (700 miles from her home) having been named as an perpetrator of these vile allegations. It must be noted Major and Dragon claimed to have been suffering from trauma as a result of the allegations at Robert Green's trial. It seems too coincidental that only two weeks later she had made a remarkable recovery and went to London a day earlier for other business and just happened to walk to the High Court to attend the hearing, to which she was not a party.
French Embassy action for Noureddin Mohamed
17-07-2012 21:55
Who was Fred Hill
17-07-2012 21:03
Fred Hill died While in Jail for Refusing to Wear A Motorcycle Crash HelmetFortress Olympics looms over London
12-07-2012 13:50
Anarchist Federation (London) statement on the OlympicsCalais Latest: stand off outside the police station
10-07-2012 10:14
Another friend killed in Calais
09-07-2012 18:29
One more death. In the early hours of Saturday Morning (7 July), our friend N., 28 years old, from Sudan, died in Calais town centre. His body was dragged out of the canal near the Sub-Prefecture. As often in the past, the police have been point blank refusing to allow friends and family access to his body, or to hold an inquest into his death. They have already prepared their story about his death, which is starting to unravel as more evidence comes to light.I need a miracle to win PCC election.
09-07-2012 05:32
Not many people know that....
Matt Taylor is running in the Sussex election.
Matt Taylor for Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner 2012.
roger hayes jailed unlawfully manchester courts
06-07-2012 13:23
Roger hayes british constitutional group jailed for 21 days after legal system never followed the correct process and rogers on hunger strike please share throughout media and press associationNever Plead Guilty! - Activists Found Not Guilty
04-07-2012 18:05
Three activists were found not guilty in court because the police witnesses didn't turn up!200,000 4 man coffins ordered for Olympics
04-07-2012 13:37
An undercover journalist has reported that 200,000 caskets that can hold 4 to 5 bodies have been ordered for the Olympics. He also reports that predator drones will be hovering over London and training has been given for a mass evacuation of the city.Keir Starmer QC invites Drax power station protesters to appeal
03-07-2012 12:30
Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer QC said he had concerns about the safety of the convictions following the Drax power station protest in 2008.London 2012 Olympics Parents Blockade
26-06-2012 22:50
We as parents who has lost our kids to child stealing by the stateuk social services hundreds of legally kidapped children will bring the uk road system to a complete standstill we want david cameron to speak to us
we will stop the country moving with help of caravan owners vans lorrys and buses.
G4S security undercover: London Olympics is wide open to terror or false flag
22-06-2012 20:50
Mini report from my last vist to Calais
22-06-2012 19:33
Repression is worst than I have ever seen, I reckon they are really trying to clear Calais of its migrants before the Olympics.Our student union was supposed to protect us, not spy on us
22-06-2012 13:16
by Sacha Hassanreposted from Liberal Conspiracy
The Argus says 'No Comment'.
22-06-2012 12:11
Ian Tomlinson - More Cops Identified
21-06-2012 18:29
Defend Our Right to Protest: the Olympics and Beyond
21-06-2012 09:27
Tuesday 26th June, 7 - 9pmHarmony Hall, Truro Road, Walthamstow, E17 7BY