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UK Policing Newswire Archive

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SchNEWS: Justice for Shale

18-06-2014 07:49

Anti fracking campaigners have got their hands on a Sussex Police report that details an 'emerging' nationwide strategy on protests against the controversial drilling technique. The report has been exposed in a report about the policing of the protests at Balcombe, West Sussex, last summer. Fracking is high on the government's agenda and as the government continues to push shale gas harder and make it easier for gas companies, the report suggests they've also put plenty of thought into cracking down on the opposition.

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Police Spies Demo

04-06-2014 12:13

A demo has been called by Police Spies Out Of Our Lives tommorow 5th June outside 'The Royal Courts of Justice' , The Strand , London from 9am to 10.

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Calais sea festival/ Evictions and resistance

03-06-2014 19:55

The migrants evicted from the camps have occupied the place of food distribution; the police will not evict them until the end of the week.... we need to use the festival as an occasion to raise awareness/ spread information - since three migrant camps housing well over 600 refugees and migrants were evicted for the occasion!

Three squats opened by No Borders/ Salut a toit, housing over 100 migrants, are also under eviciton and could be evicted any moment.

The women's squat in Victor Hugo will not be evicted thanks to successful campaigning and will stay until the women and children are re- housed in a better place -however we are no more there, since the prefect Denis Robin ordered the association Solid'R to take it over, else it would close it!

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Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign Mass Picnic and Festival

02-06-2014 16:36

Mass picnic and festival at Orgreave on 14 June 2014.

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Coming soon, to a field near you

28-05-2014 00:20

Government use Traveller policy to attack protestors and squatters, Hippy Travellers and Taxpayers bear the brunt.

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Six years on: Remembering Pauline Campbell and her campaign against prisons

17-05-2014 18:56

Pauline & Sarah Campbell's grave, tended by Joan, Malpas cemetery

I spent a couple of hours today in Malpas, Cheshire with Joan Meredith, who walked alongside and supported Pauline Campbell in her campaign from 2003-2008 to prevent the deaths of women and young people in the prison system and to close all prisons. Afterwards, I visited the grave of Pauline and her daughter Sarah in Malpas cemetery, pictured below.

Pauline Campbell's only child Sarah died aged just 18 in Styal Prison in 2003. Thereafter, Pauline would protest outside prisons where a death had occurred, stand in front of prison vans arriving with new prisoners and demand that the women inside be taken instead to a place of safety. After five years of tireless campaigning during which Pauline was arrested numerous times but rarely brought to court and never convicted, she was found dead on her daughter's grave in Malpas on 15 May 2008. That was six years ago this week and Pauline is remembered by Joan in a post on her blog. [ See also: Guardian obituary | Remember Pauline | Pauline Campbell Remembered, 11 Aug 2008, Styal | Prisoner Justice Day, 13 Aug 2008, Holloway ]

Reports on indymedia of some of Pauline's prison protests: [ 5 Feb 2008, Styal | 17 Jan 2008, Holloway | 27 Sep 2007, Not Guilty | 12 Jul 2007, Holloway | 23 Oct 2006, Eastwood Park ]

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Katy Bourne SPCC “SCANDALOUS” Screams the Argus.

14-05-2014 19:35

The façade of competence of Katy Bourne, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner can no longer be maintained. Even The Argus newspaper has to admit that Sussex Police are ‘SCANDALOUS.’

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Fascists given free reign in newcastle

10-05-2014 14:56

Fascist Bone Heads
Today a piss poor show from the north east left allowed the neo nazi national front. North east infidels and English defence league to hold a large scale rally virtually unopposed

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Aldermaston Women attend Serco AGM at Canary Wharf

09-05-2014 12:26

Protest outside the AGM of Serco who are involved in running the Atomic Weapons Establishment among their many crimes.

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Organising for Abolition: Skill Sharing Weekend

05-05-2014 10:15

How can we build a movement for prison abolition in the UK? How can we build literacy and understanding around terms like ‘prison abolition’ and ‘prison industrial complex’? How do we do this work with those healing from prison and create a supportive culture of care and solidarity? How do we do this work with people completely new to radical politics or alternative thinking?

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Solidarity with AR Prisoner Debbie Vincent!

22-04-2014 20:07

Demonstration outside Winchester Crown Court
'If you don't fight, you've already lost': Animal rights activist facing six years in jail remains defiant April 17, 2014

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Support the SOCPA 7

21-04-2014 15:39

Over recent years there have been many attempts to stop UK activists protesting against Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory; Huntingdon Life Sciences. Activists have been arrested, raided, imprisoned and banned from taking part in the campaign.

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Tower Hamlets - could the BBC & Private Eye be leaving out 'UK National' angle?

16-04-2014 16:23

The London Met Police is reported by Wednesday's Guardian (16 April 2014) web site and by the Evening Standard to have found 'no evidence' of criminality in Tower Hamlets Council.
There will therefore be no investigation by the Police into Tower Hamlets Council, say those reports.

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Met Police Laughing Stock as Anti-Fascists Released

16-04-2014 02:46

Met Police - "dog ate my homework"

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#137: Breaking the Frame & politics of technology, rant on Irish policing...and

09-04-2014 09:21

Listen to episode 137 of Dissident Island Radio featuring an interview on Breaking the Frame - a series of events and conferences discussing the politics of new technologies, the history and relevance of Ludditism, an informed rant on policing in Ireland and Dissident Island Discs.

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Demonstrators Storm Spanish Embassy in London in Solidarity with Sub-saharan Migrants

28-03-2014 18:35

the banners with same message in english and spanish
As had been previously announced on, on Friday the 28th of March a group of 12 to 15 protesters went to the Spanish consulate in London’s West End to protest the recent murders of dozens of Sub-saharan African migrants trying to enter the Spanish colonial enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla on the North Coast of Morocco. The Spanish Guardia Civil were responsible for these murders, according to eye witnesses.

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“Fracked Future Carnival” at London Shale Gas Forum on Wednesday

22-03-2014 16:59

The Shale Gas Forum changed venue at the last minute to avoid protests. Protected by police and soldiers in a London barracks, it was still hounded at its gates by a large, noisy and lively crowd, and one protestor managed to defy all the security and sat in on a keynote speech by Cuadrilla boss Francis Egan before being ejected.
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