UK Policing Newswire Archive
Greece : Letter from the Initiative of Anarchist Prisoners in Korydallos Prison
14-08-2013 12:51
Demonstration against Stop & Search and Justice for Jason O’Connor
14-08-2013 09:25

Location: Camberwell Green Magistrates Court, 15 D’Eynsford Rd, London, SE5 7UP
Facebook event:


Statement on “Libcom and Aufheben working with the police" by Samotnaf
12-08-2013 18:12
On the inaccuracy of the 'non-fides' article “Libcom and Aufheben working with the police".The Arrest of Claudio Fonnesu
10-08-2013 07:45

Ian Tomlinson was condemned by BBC News presenter Chris Eakin within minutes
06-08-2013 01:27
The Met Police has "apologised" to Ian Tomlinson's family. But the BBC hasn't!
Yet the BBC ought to do so as well. And sack Chris Eakin. It was Eakin who condemned Tomlinson within minutes of Tomlinson's death at Police hands.
As he read the so-called breaking news about Ian Tomlinson's death, Eakin
went out of his way to make a very detailed statement blaming the demonstrators for
Tomlinson's death and in fact said words to the effect that Tomlinson himself had to blame.
ACAB take over Canton Police Station in Cardiff
05-08-2013 12:27

Operation Elveden to review my Piers Morgan, Jeff Edwards and Jeff Curtis compla
01-08-2013 16:44
Operation Elveden of the Metropolitan Police have attempted to refuse cast iron evidence of criminality. They have been persuaded to reconsider their refusal to act after I wrote to the DPPJustice in the UK: back to the 1930s?
31-07-2013 09:45

Proposals to cut legal aid and judicial review in Britain will make it harder for people fighting for their rights to challenge the government's cuts agenda, and will remove one of the few lifelines to justice for asylum seekers, refugees and undocumented workers, says Kate Blagojevic.
Whose Streets? Cuadrilla's Streets!
31-07-2013 07:33

London protest for Trayvon Martin and CA Hunger Strikers
30-07-2013 19:30

No Names, No Frack Drill
29-07-2013 20:43

Day 5 of Balcombe village's struggle against Frack Attack (Update)
Update - Day 5 - Monday 29th July - for continual updates head to
After a relatively quiet day on Sunday, today Monday, saw many vehicles arriving on site. Each delivery was met with heavy resistance. A heavily pregnant woman attempted to stop one of the trucks but was forced away as things got dodgy and dangerous. At the same time a man was arrested and brutally wrestled to the ground with a suspected broken arm.
For the rest of the afternoon more deliveries regularly turned up but only got through with police marching in front of each HGV and clashing with protesters attempting to stop them. A later delivery of office furniture saw a sit-down protest that resulted in a more significant delay and yet another arrest.
Perhaps as a sign of the struggle ahead the police have installed a mobile office on site and a casual conversation with one cop made it obvious that the police think they are there for the long haul. Some protesters thought it might pay to also set up a solicitor's office and branch of Infinity Foods alongside.
Jason Bishop – new allegations of undercover policing of protest
26-07-2013 08:40

Netpol has been asked to publish the following statement on behalf of former friends of an activist known as Jason Bishop, who they now believe to have been an undercover police officer.
Netpol have published this statement as we feel it adds important information to the debate about undercover police officers.
This is the latest in a long line of disclosures relating to the infiltration of protest groups by specialist units of the Metropolitan police including the Special Demonstration Squad and later, the National Public Order Intelligence Unit.
South Africa’s Dirty Cops: Licensed to Kill
22-07-2013 12:30

Last week Inigo Gilmore’s documentary, South Africa’s Dirty Cops, was screened on British television. It deals with the torture and murder that have become common at the hands of the South African police and includes an examination of the two most high profile cases of political violence on the part of our police in recent years – the murder of Andries Tatane in Ficksburg in April 2011 and the Marikana Massacre in August last year.
The scale of the Marikana Massacre, in which thirty four people were killed, made it a unique event in post-apartheid South Africa. But the Tatane murder was just one of the many murders of protestors by the police in recent years. There is no properly researched body count but a quick internet search throws up media reports of nearly forty people having being killed by the police during protests since the killing started on a university campus in Durban in 2000. The Tatane murder became so well known for the simple reason that it was captured on video and screened on national television.
EDL bring their love of law and order to Birmingham
21-07-2013 10:40

According to Tommy the EDL were…..
“protesting after six Birmingham men were jailed last month after admitting to a plot to attack an EDL rally in Dewsbury, Yorkshire”.
So let’s be clear…. They used to complain because (they claimed) the law didn’t prosecute Muslims. Today they’re protesting because the law DID prosecute some Muslims!

SchNEWS: Yo,ho,ho and a Battle of Brum
19-07-2013 16:43

The English Defence League are to hold their first national rally planned since the death of Lee Rigby in Birmingham this Saturday (20th). Tensions are running high after attempted nail bomb attacks on mosques in Tipton and Walsall.
The EDL are being corralled into a pub in Broad Street for up to three hours before being allowed out for the short walk to Centenary Square at around 2pm. They will then be bussed out again. This looks like the very same operation as the last outing for the League to the city in 2011 that saw over a 1000 cops put the city centre on lock-down.
20 July Newcastle 14 March Against Political Policing
19-07-2013 15:53

Police Spies Fashion Show
19-07-2013 08:14
It was recently revealed that eight women involved in social and environmental activism were deceived into having long term relationships with undercover police.This is an exclusive invitation to The Police Spies Fashion show. A bold and sexy catwalk display featuring the Metropolitan Police’s most provocative new look line up.
The State Repression Collection!
From Trayvon Martin to Andries Tatane: Cognitive Dissonance and the Black Male Body
18-07-2013 07:50

"The awful truth is that in a white supremacist society the black body remains a location of violence. The reality is that the black body has an identity that is still confined to and judged upon the colour of the skin. It is this skin, this exterior of the body, which becomes the fundamental focus in a racialised identity. As Fanon denoted, the white man sees only the black skin. It becomes the foundation for all relations. The black man is reduced to his outer coating and body. There is no depth – only surface. He is flattened out and stripped of psychology, emotion and intelligence. Thus the black man does not really exist as a fully-fledged human in this imaginary – he is an object. But more so he is an object that presents a danger to whiteness. He becomes nothing more than a signifier in service to white fear."_________________________________________________
This article by Gillian Schutte was originally published on SACSIS under a Creative Commons License
Schutte is an award winning independent filmmaker, writer and social justice activist. She is a founding member of Media for Justice and co-producer at Handheld Films.
Rushcroft Road Eviction Resistance
18-07-2013 07:27

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Violent Arrest in ULU
16-07-2013 16:11