UK Policing Newswire Archive
Arrest at ULU
16-07-2013 13:43

The crime? Allegedly chalking on University property to highlight the fact that the University does not pay its workers sick pay, holiday pay and pensions.
Fuck these people.
‘We Are Not Trayvon Martin’ Campaign Turns Protest Meme on Its Head
16-07-2013 10:25

When news of an unarmed black teen who was shot and killed by a "neighborhood watch volunteer" while on his way home first gained national attention last year, the phrase "I am Trayvon Martin" took hold as the official rallying cry of supporters looking, as Feministing put it, to lift the story "out of the particular."
Policital surveillance cannot be justified – Netpol statement on Police Spying.
12-07-2013 15:43
Recent revelations about undercover policing have shown that a number of legal and political campaigns and organisations, including the Newham Monitoring Group, a partner organisation in Netpol, have been subject to covert surveillance operations.While the police are keen to dismiss criticism as being merely an historic issue, applying to a bygone era, Netpol sees no reason to believe that things have improved in recent years. The covert policing of dissent still lacks any effective internal accountability mechanism or means of independent/public scrutiny.
Demonstrators besiege Leith Job Centre – police manhandle protestors out of building
12-07-2013 10:55

Demonstrators besieged Leith Job Centre in Edinburgh on 11th July to oppose the 30% sanctions target set by a new manager there. Police manhandled protestors who entered the building and announced that the Public Order Act was in force. Part of the Boycott Workfare Week of Action Against Workfare, the demo denounced all work-for-your-benefits schemes, and proclaimed opposition to the whole austerity programme.
OathKeeper Movement Ignites U.S. White House Fireworks Freedom Anyway
03-07-2013 21:52
American citizens planned revolt is set to begin on its "Independence Day" July 4, 2013 that was cancelled by the U.S. President for the first time in recent history so, this likely ignited tensions in what could easily turn into a day of bloody insurrection for The Colonies that will live in historical infamy once again.America OathKeepers White House July 4th 2013 Rebellion Ignites
03-07-2013 20:56
American citizens revoltion because United States government authorities unlawfully abolished their U.S. Constitution Second ( 2nd ) Ammendment Bill Of Rights freedom to bear arms ( firearms ) in Washington, District of Columbia, USA at the White House where on July 4, 2013 U.S. citizens march bearing firearms in protest at the U.S. Capitol.Nkululeko Gwala Murdered in Cato Crest
03-07-2013 07:20

Thin Blue Crimes: The History of the Police's Special Branch
02-07-2013 09:56

The Special Branch has been an integral part of Britain’s police since 1887. Early officers of it make claims, familiar justifications of the Special Branch today, the Special Branch being an, “essential guarantor of stability in Britain”. According to these early sources back then it single handedly prevented dynamite atrocities, protected royalty and forestalled revolutions.
Please sign this petition to get justice for the family of Stephen Lawrence
01-07-2013 15:51
We must keep the pressure on before this falls off the mainstream 'news'. We must shine a light on the disgusting way the Lawrence family have been treated by the Met. Only a full public enquiry can do this.100,000 March Demanding End To Rich-Poor Divide In Chile
30-06-2013 17:24

Fuck tha (Turkish) Police
28-06-2013 20:32

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Abused speak out on BBC Radio 5
28-06-2013 15:08

MET show interest in ACAB scavenger hunt
27-06-2013 16:48

Undercover Police Officers Licensed to Rape and Discredit UK Citizens
24-06-2013 08:51

UK Police forces have despatched undercover agents into peaceful protest movements, where they have engaged in intimate sexual relationships and even had children with the targets of their espionage, while maintaining their cover. They have also been found smearing the families of murder victims and justice campaigners, and undertaken illegal actions to discredit otherwise peaceful movements. Undercover police exist and it seems they are licensed to do just about anything to suppress our ability to dissent.
FAI take responsibility for blowing up the vehicle of prison screw (Greece)
22-06-2013 23:20

6 torched vehicles at UKBA crime team building & Tascor transporters smashed
22-06-2013 12:09
Hidden inside a quiet business park in Portishead, just outside Bristol, is a UK Border Agency office from where an immigration crime team work with police, including launching raids in the south-west. We visited Thursday night into Friday (with the death of anarchist Carlo Guiliani in combat with police during the G8 summit 12 years ago still fresh in our minds) to set fires that damaged the building and burnt 6 vehicles stationed there - 3 cars, 2 blacked-out people carrier vans (known to be used for dawn snatches of immigrant family groups) and 1 large van. The border regime mercenaries draw the attention of our total contempt the same as any other cop does, and now this long arm of the State has felt that we are close and we don't stop.Police provocateur allegedly co-wrote McLibel leaflet & fire-bombed a Debenhams
21-06-2013 18:25

Police agent provocateur implicated in McLibel trial.
21-06-2013 16:39
Bob Lambert, alis Bob Robinson, an undercover cop who joined London Greenpeace, co-authored the leaflet which led McDonalds to sue other activists. His Stasi handlers ommitted to tell the court he had done so.Police powers finally kettled by High Court
19-06-2013 10:49

For years it has been common practice for protesters held in a kettle (police containment) to be forced to submit to police filming and/or provide their details as a condition of leaving. There have been countless incidents in which protesters who have tried (lawfully) to refuse these demands have been threatened with arrest, or told they could not leave the kettle.
Call-out for solidarity: Sleepless in Istanbul III
17-06-2013 09:42