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UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive

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Police stop and search pedestrians and cyclists on Forth Road Bridge

02-07-2005 18:08

The police seem to be picking on pedestrians and cyclists, but leaving motorists alone.

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Make Poverty History Rally Pics

02-07-2005 17:55

Pictures from today's MPH rally and march in Edinburgh - sat 2nd July

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Clown Army marching in Edinburgh

02-07-2005 17:41

Pictures of the Clown army in Edinburgh on Saturday Jukt 2nd -- make poverty history march.

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About the park squat

02-07-2005 17:24

Yesterday we squatted a park then the police showed up and it ended up with most of the people got to sleep in the official campsites anyway.
This is my story.

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Edinbourgh: Police surrounded anticapitalist demo and banned observers

02-07-2005 16:59

When Police tryed to surround the anticapitalist demonstration at Buccleuch Pl. made away all people observing from outside. They even didn't allow to go in a guy with journalist card.
Popice keep the protestors there during some hours. People come around in solidarity.

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Police sttoping the anticapitalist demo at Edinbourgh

02-07-2005 16:22

Police tryed to stop the anticapitalist demo at the very beginning, at the university campus. People tryed to break the police line. At the end people decided to march by other streets since the police surrounded the protestors and keep the for hours.

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Police Arrive to Quell Violence in Edinburgh

02-07-2005 15:25

Police Arrive To Quell Violence In Edinburgh.

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video: G8 meeting in Sheffield 11-17.06.05

02-07-2005 14:23

video still1: young woman and police
This is a edit of a film put together by IMC Nottingham since the G8 demonstrations in Sheffield between the 11th - 17th of June 2005.

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Police attack - demonstrators S60'd

02-07-2005 14:22

Following a anti-authoritarian bloc presence at Make Poverty History finishing point, the bloc tried to leave the park but were blocked and attacked by police.

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Timeline 2 July 2005

02-07-2005 14:17

Time line of events from 2 July

14:00 Make Poverty History march going on. People who were supposed to leave the Meadows at 13:00 still haven't started walking because the route is still full of people.

14:30 Anti-capitalist block broke of the main march and has been cordoned of by riot police around Buccleuch Street/Windmill Lane. At least one samba band is in the cordon, and about 150 people outside the cordon.
15:00 Infernal noise brigade have arrived for support.
People within the cordons are 'kept' in smaller groups. They can move freely within that. This is on the corner of Buccleuch Street - Buccleuch Place. The clowns are on one side, doing their thing (cleaning uniforms)
16:30 people are being released in small groups into the meadows, their bags being searched. Other people (including members of the samba band are asked for their names
17:15 2 people arrested
17:15 according to reports, the whole of the Centre of the City and the whole of the Meadows are under Section 60

According to legal observers: people in the cordon were photographed one by one

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Black bloc march in Edinburgh

02-07-2005 13:37

Today, leaving the riotous sounds of the Infernal Noise Brigade amid the leftist speeches and liberal catcalls of the initial Make Poverty History meet-up at the Meadows, the black bloc of the larger anti-capitalist bloc that had earlier left Edinburgh Student's Union began a spontaneous march from the Meadows.

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Liverpool Social Forum a Space at the G8

02-07-2005 13:02

Liverpool Social Forum have set up camp and have some spare tent spaces up at te rural convergence centre, by stirling, come and jopin te fun

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brighton to edinburgh critical mass(photos)

02-07-2005 12:39

the brighton to edinburgh G8 critical mass ride enters Edinburgh late last night

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Pics from Edinburgh streets

02-07-2005 12:17

Geisha Bloc
1300hrs Edinburgh - the march is still streaming out of the meadows

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first photos of the make poverty history demo in edinburgh

02-07-2005 11:59

a sea of white...
the first photos of the make poverty history demo as it sets off on its circuit of Edinburgh.

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G8 Climate Change Analysis

02-07-2005 11:41

A large number of non-governmental organisations and protest groups have called for a day of action against the root causes of climate change to coincide with the last day of the G8 conference. These actions are taking place because these people do not believe that the G8 leaders will take an effective stance on climate change.

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Reports Sat 2nd July 2005

02-07-2005 11:12

G8 Reports from Sat 2nd July

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Residents and visiting activists march through Craigmillar

02-07-2005 11:03

The Jack Kane Centre
Residents of the most deprived area of Edinburgh joined with anti-G8 protestors camping on a park in their estate. They marched through the estate to show their opposition to poverty here and abroad.

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War of the Worlds opens this Saturday and is not at your local cinema.

02-07-2005 10:32

Why the G8 Summit will not liberate the poor of this world. Self liberation is the only answer.

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Clip Dissent Train arrives

02-07-2005 10:23

Video Coppers all around
Dissent begins! Around 9:45pm Friday the Dissent Train from London arrived in Edinburgh. Welcomed by friends and 40 coppers the Londoners came and went to begin their protests against the G8.
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