UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Forum for those arrested at the G8
03-08-2005 22:01
A private forum has been created for those who were arrested at the G8 and wish to share information and possibly co-ordinate transport.Post-G8 protests. UK EU Presidency 2005 meetings accross UK
02-08-2005 19:49
FW:There will be opportunities for post-G8 protests in many major cities accross the UK in the coming months. EU and UK ministers will be holding key summits here as part of the UK EU 2005 presidency.This info is found at:

G8 Defendent & Prisoner Solidarity
02-08-2005 15:03
During the G8 protests across Scotland the police arrested and imprisoned around 354 people. Almost two hundred people are due to have trials in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth, Stirling and Falkirk following the G8. Court cases have already started and more are due in the next few weeks. One person are still on remand.G8 Debrief cancelled to support the Mass Act of Defiance in Parliament Square
02-08-2005 10:54
01-08-2005 22:53
REPORTAGE and analysis of g8 events, photos, audio and textWitness appeal
01-08-2005 16:07
An appeal for witnesses to arrests on the A9 wednesday protests at Gleneagles...Society for Applied European Thought Response to Bush/Blair
30-07-2005 13:33
Response to media language following London bombings composed after the Society of Applie dEUropean Thought Conference in Slovakia, on the theme of Inclusions and Exclusions in the New EuropePost-G8 Dissent! Gathering: 6-7 August, South Wales
30-07-2005 13:10
Notes: Despite being advertised elsewhere as a "South Wales Dissent! Gathering", the event is, rather, a network-wide Dissent! Gathering which will be held in South Wales. See you there!Bristol Dissent news/info
28-07-2005 23:36
News & info from the Bristol Dissent group in post-G8 mode...G8 2005 issues: Two short video interviews from Bristol
28-07-2005 15:17

Police violence also leaves emotioal wounds...
28-07-2005 12:23
>> an "After the G8-Text" from Activist Trauma Support <<After coming back from the G8 a lot of us might be going through a phase where we don't feel very well, especially if experienced or witnessed police violence. How this affects us, how we react to is and more specific info on post-traumatic stress...
28-07-2005 04:24
This article is a fair use for educational purposes. It is one of dozens of law enforcement articles specifically about TASER GUNS and deaths caused by them. One state , Ilndiana, has stopped using TASER guns because the police there believe the TASER gun to be unsafe.Yet, the UK police shot a man in hiding in a bathroom. The neighbours saud they heard three shots. A little terraced house in Birmingham,UK, hardly has more than five feet of space between the bathroom and the corrider in front of the bathroom; the TASER gun should be well away , at a distance of yards away from the target , before the police should have shouted "police. Please come out of there or we will shoot" or something of that natute.
We must be careful that we do not become a police state.
Anti G8 Carnival for Full Enjoyment - what really happened?
27-07-2005 16:41
Edinburgh's Carnival For Full Enjoyment was roundly condemned by the police, Council and the media. But what was this anti G8 action really about? And what really happened on the capital's streets on 4th July? Here the Carnivalistas give their own account of the day....Pro-Capitalists 1 Social Change Activists 0: CRAP photos and story.
26-07-2005 12:07

On Saturday 2nd July 2005, CRAP (Capitalism Represents Acceptable Policy), the world's fiercest, most disiplined and doggedly persistant capitalism advocacy group, marched on the streets of Edinburgh, in defiance of various anarchist, leftist, progressive and churchy/do-goody/reformist organisations and successfully sabotaged their vague and pathetic attempt to make the world fairer, more sustainable and as the slogan goes 'make poverty history'.
Call out for other prissoner from back of police van arrested after A9 action
25-07-2005 13:47
I was arrested on a blockade of the A9 on Wednesday 6th Jully. I was put in the front of the police van but there was another prissoner in the cell at the back. We were taken to Perth police station. I urgently need to get in contact with him, he will have seen and heard some stuff in the van that's vital to my deffence.The Faslane G8 Blockade from a cyclist's point of view
23-07-2005 19:57

This set is from someone who participated in the g8bikeride.
political band wanted for g8 prisoner support night in Hull
23-07-2005 16:20
we are a collective in hull putting on a benefit gig for people arrested around the g8 actions. looking for a band to play some music on our alternatives to g8 film night. we're focusing on media misrepresentation and corporate news sources taking over , other stuff too.Part 4 of "Make Poverty History" Pictures
23-07-2005 10:24

Part 3: 25 more pictures of the Make Poverty History March
23-07-2005 09:10