UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
M2N: Carnival in Edinburgh this late afternoon
04-07-2005 18:06

Edinburgh, wich took place (at the end) nearby the Convergence Center
and the Media Center. All was quite although the police was always around.
No Platinum backstage Pass for the poor! Live 8 – let’s bury it fast!
04-07-2005 18:03
Live 8 was a distraction from the real issues. Lets put the politics back into this campaign.Report from the Aid, Traid, and Debt, Make Poverty History Plenarie at G8 Altern
04-07-2005 17:50
Report from the Aid, Traid, and Debt, Make Poverty History Plenarie at G8 Alternative Conference
When CIRCA meets the riot police....
04-07-2005 17:12

Dungavel Protest, Tues July 5
04-07-2005 16:49
The international day of protest at Dungavel, Immigrant Removal Centre, goes ahead tomorrow Tuesday July 5. This will be a day of action, including noise protest, music, information stalls and more.The protest happens as hundreds of Zimbabwean's detained in Britain and threatened with deportation are on hunger strike.
G8: How the rich world short-changes Africa
04-07-2005 16:45

Medics targetted by police and Police not calling ambulances for head injuries
04-07-2005 16:20
A report from a medic 4/7 17:00 Edinburg: Police are targetting Medics, they are often searched, and have been arrested. This person also reports that Police have refused to call ambulances for unconscious people with head injuries.Video Clowns chase away Police - very funny!
04-07-2005 16:16
Clowns chase away Police - good stuff. G8 2005 Edinburg.Innocent Criminals Comedy Club G8 Charity Gig For Make Poverty History.
04-07-2005 16:15

picture update of the carnival of full enjoyment
04-07-2005 16:05

Picture of Kayak action at Faslane
04-07-2005 16:02

Live 8 – the concerts
04-07-2005 15:36
This is Live 8, the greatest rock show in the history of the world.M2N: Protests in Scotland
04-07-2005 14:49

Edinburgh on Saturday July 2nd. 9 labelled photos are attached.
M2N: Cops on way at Edinburgh
04-07-2005 14:42

g8 summit video quick links
04-07-2005 13:58
G8 summit video quicklinks: having trouble viewing? scroll down to the links to download codecs and media players at the bottom of this page.For screening quality films from the G8 and more, see:

WDM mocks Blair in G8 run-up
04-07-2005 13:46