UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Faslane G8 Action Briefing
10-05-2005 18:40
Find out more about the Faslane-G8 Blockade Monday 4th JulyBristol Dissent news, events & G8 summit info
10-05-2005 16:35
Below is a list of upcoming events organised by Bristol Dissent and friends, plus summit info, along with web links where appropriate. Available at Bristol Dissent meetings are flyers, posters, briefing papers and info.Cre8 Summit workshop seeks folk who want to run a workshop/perform/cook
10-05-2005 15:40
DESPERATELY SEEKING: anyone who wants to come up for Cre8 Summit and run a workshop/perform/host an event/cook/whatever! The Summit runs from June 12-17 and whether you can do a one-off or a repeated event, please let us know!Greece: Mayday of Solidarity and Dignity in the dockyard ZONE of Piraeus
10-05-2005 13:29
This year’s 1st of May was on a Sunday and on a religious day of the easter. So Mayday in Greece will take place on the 10th and 11th of May.New Corporate Watch Report on G8
10-05-2005 13:23
Excellent new report by corporatewatch on the G8 in Scotland.Special Report: Bringing the G8 Home
10-05-2005 12:54
Corporate Watch's new hard-hitting report, 'Bringing the G8 home: corporate involvement in and around the G8 in Scotland 2005' is now on the web, available to read, print and distribute. Go to
weekend training in Nonviolent Direct Action, Legal skills, and Action Support.
09-05-2005 16:28
This in-depth training is a chance to come together withother likeminded people and prepare yourself for taking direct action or supporting others to take action at the G8 Summit and beyond.
weekend training in Nonviolent Direct Action, Legal skills, and Action Support.
09-05-2005 16:18
This in-depth training is a chance to come together withother likeminded people and prepare yourself for taking direct action or supporting others to take action at the G8 Summit and beyond.
G8 travel arrangements: initial info
09-05-2005 07:43
Please note that there will probably be coaches travelling directly from Oxford to Scotland - we will post this info when we receive it.All you ever wanted to know about G8
08-05-2005 14:44

Anti-G8 Benefit: Wednesday 11th May, Brighton
07-05-2005 13:20

Leeds Day of Dissent @ the Common Place 14th May
06-05-2005 14:18

People in Leeds are organising and will be going to Scotland
RESIST G8 // 4th South East Assembly // Saturday 7th MAY
06-05-2005 12:37
RESIST G8 // 4th South East AssemblySaturday 7th May, 2005
Venue: Room 3E >> 3rd Floor >> University of London Union
>> Malet Street >> London WC1
Time: 2pm - 6pm
Tomorrow - Direct Action Affinity Group Training - proposed timetable
06-05-2005 06:40
Proposed timetable for tomorrow's direct action training for DSEI and G8.Successful Critical Mass in Worthing
05-05-2005 20:57
WORTHING'S Critical Mass against the G8 and Climate Change on Saturday April 30 turned out to be a big success in several ways.
Spoof Newspaper - The Hate Mail
05-05-2005 16:39

G8: House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee attacks Govs Climate Stance
05-05-2005 13:35
Get this - very interesting report from The Green Building Press on Labours G8 stance on climate change: