UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
G8 action planning meeting
18-03-2005 12:25
Meeting this Sunday March 20th at O'Neills pub Euston Road from 2 until 6pm to discuss proposals for action in Edinburgh on July 7th.G8 Action planning meeting
18-03-2005 12:18
Meeting this sunday, March 20th to discuss proposals for action in Edinburgh on July 7th.Derby arrested released on bail
18-03-2005 10:11
10 cyclists arrested on the Critical Mass bike ride yesterday morning were released on bail last night, pending further investigation and consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service.Friends of The Earth Interview at Derby M17 Protests
17-03-2005 20:33

Derby G8 M17 Police
17-03-2005 18:50

M17 Derby - Bush and Blair get pied
17-03-2005 18:28

Abuse of police powers in Derby
17-03-2005 18:09
Police in Derby this afternoon made around a dozen arrests during a critical mass bike ride in the city center. The arrests were made using section 14 of the public order act which is supposed to be used in relation to public assembles and allows police to limit numbers and restrict the location and duration of an assemble. Further more, offences under sections 14 are minor offences only punishable by a fine and not an “arrestable offence” under Section 24 of PACE. The police are increasingly abusing their powers in relation to section 12 and 14 of the public order act and charges are frequently dropped and many people have successfully sued the police for compensation in relation to unlawful detention.Derby M17 Section 13 and 14 Notices
17-03-2005 17:54

Police and the G8 - then and now
17-03-2005 11:50
It's almost four years on since the 2001 G8 converence....Breaking news from Derby G8 protest today
17-03-2005 11:44
G8 Environment Ministers Meeting - Protest, Derby 17th March 2005ANTI-G8 MEETING CALLOUT-THIS SUNDAY 20TH
16-03-2005 16:39
16-03-2005 15:42
The UK government is today hosting the IAEA's International Conference on Nuclear Security: Global Directions for the Future as part of its G8 presidency year.2000+ at Dissent! benefit party
16-03-2005 11:13

Scotsman Reports Bans Requested For G8 Protest in Derby on 17th March
16-03-2005 07:43
The Scotsman in a PA news article has reported that police and councillors in Derbyshire have requested bans on G8 demonstrations which are planned for tomorrow - thursday 17th march - alongside G8 Environment and Development Ministers meeting. Home Secretary Charles Clarke will today consider meansures to be imposed.Below the article is reproduced for note:
15-03-2005 17:49

International Anti-G8 Meeting Minutes: Tuebingen, Germany 26-27 Feb 2005
15-03-2005 11:15

The following are the minutes of a two day international meeting to co-ordinate radical resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit to be held in the UK. The meeting took place in Tuebingen, Germany and was hosted by the Tuebingen Infoladen. The meeting was organised by the Dissent! International Networking Group.
To contact the Dissent! International Networking Group for comments upon, or corrections to, these minutes, email:

For more information about Dissent! see: or email the above address.
how 2 organise a protest- by the BBC!
15-03-2005 06:22
this article is from th BBC last year. probably worth a good chuckle. i lost the url but its re-posted in full..