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Derby M17 Section 13 and 14 Notices

IMC'er | 17.03.2005 17:54 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Sheffield

Photos of the section 13 and 14 notices which were plastered around Derby city centre today.

Section 14 Notice
Section 14 Notice

Section 14 Map
Section 14 Map

Section 13 Notice
Section 13 Notice

The policing was totally over the top today and protestors were only allowed to assemble between 10am and 3pm in the Market Square.

According to the local rag there were "A thousand officers from 23 forces" and "policing the event was expected to cost between £1m and £2m", since there were perhaps 100 protestors it cost around £20,000 per protestor...



Display the following 3 comments

  1. over the top policing / wheelchair discrimination — Doug Paulley
  2. Police read these boards — Doug Paulley
  3. Top quotes from the police — King Queen