UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Formation of the Cambridge Action Network
28-05-2004 11:56
The formerly nameless group of people who perpetrated the fearsome May Day Picnic in the Grafton Centre has now decided after a vigourous debate to call itself the Cambridge Action Network. The group has also adopted the PGA Hallmarks and affiliated to the Dissent! Network organizing against the G8 summit to be held in Scotland next year.LIBERATE GEORGIA, U.S.A. !!! HELP THE G8 PROTESTERS!!
28-05-2004 06:06
12 days away from the Sea Island 2004 G8 summit, the repression in Georgia (USA) escalates. State of emergency declared by Georgia Governor in six coastal counties.Police given the go-ahead to stop all demonstrations.
Resist the 2005 G8 Summit in the UK
27-05-2004 12:01
The following text is an international call to participate in a process of reflection upon past summit mobilisations and to begin organising resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit to be held somewhere in the UK. Please distribute widely.For information about the next national Dissent! Network gathering in the UK, email:

G8 2004:Savannah placed under state of emergency
22-05-2004 23:36

Police cover fears over G8 summit
22-05-2004 22:28

Edinburgh Evening News
14-05-2004 23:45
COME TO SAVANNAH JUNE 8th-10th for anti-G8 action!upcomming anti G8 actions in Nottingham
13-05-2004 15:04
some info on upcomming anti G8 actions in NottinghamDissent! Oxford meeting
29-04-2004 21:32
The next Dissent!Oxford meeting is to be on Wednesday the 5th May at 7.30pm, hopefully at OCSET (or another venue will be announced).There are a number of things to discuss including the Dissent!Oxford group, a potential bid for £10,000 to fund a social/info space to help build energy in oxford for the mobilisation around the UK G8 meeting 2005 as well as potential actions around the G8 2004 (beginning of June)...and any other matters?.
All welcome
Anti-G8 'Dissent! Network' National Gathering in Manchester, April 24-25
14-04-2004 23:02
Dissent! is a Network of resistance to the G8, set up in the Autumn of 2003 to co-ordinate resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit in the UK, and to contribute to the building of an anti-capitalist movement in the UK. The Network is open to all of those who work within the PGA Hallmarks ( 2004: Police crackdown begins in Savannah
17-03-2004 04:06

G8 2004: Savannah on the move
03-03-2004 18:42

26-02-2004 14:27
Someone called Che was asking for information about the G8, and the post has vanished from the newswire (technical problems) so...G8 Dissent in Oxford - Photos! (21st Feb., 2004)
22-02-2004 17:21

The G8 leaders visit oxford
21-02-2004 18:15

They hand out truthful money to the toe tapping crowed
DISSENT - Anti G8 Day
17-02-2004 14:51
An invitation to a day event (& evening social) to discuss the forthcoming G8 Summit in the UK in 2005.SATURDAY 21ST FEB. 2pm onwards.
DISSENT - Anti G8 Day (London Sat 21st Feb)
14-02-2004 14:22
An invitation to a day event (& evening social) to discuss the forthcoming G8 Summit in the UK in 2005. SATURDAY 21ST FEB. 2pmG8 Call to Action: Geography is not an Obstacle, but an Opportunity!
24-01-2004 00:43
Global Days of Action against Empire, War and CapitalismJune 8-10, 2004
Dissent! A Network of Resistance Against the G8: National Gathering in Brighton
11-01-2004 12:04
National Gathering @Brighton, Feb 7-8G8 comes to UK in 2005. Organising has already begun!
09-12-2003 19:43
The G8 summit is happening in the UK in 2005. Already people are meeting and planning how to oppose the rulers of the world when they come to these islands. The Dissent! network was launched at a recent gathering. It aims to connect people who want to mobilise against the G8 on the basis of solidarity, mutual aid, direct action and autonomy, as defined by the hallmarks of Peoples' Global Action. For more info on PGA see vs the G8 in 2005
07-09-2003 12:43