UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
23-03-2005 16:26
MEDIC TRAINING IN LONDON 1st - 3rd APRIL not 2nd - 4th - PLEASE EMAIL IF YOU CAN AS PLACES ARE LIMITEDMayday 2001 Protest Detention Damages Case Fails
23-03-2005 14:27

Nearly four years later, the High Court has rejected compensation claims by Lois Austin and Geoffrey Saxby who claimed they had been ilegally imprisoned and that their "right to liberty" under the European Convention on Human Rights had been breached when they were held for over seven hours along with thousands of other people.
There are around 150 other claims by people held by the police operation which are depending on the test case outcome.
The pair have been given leave to appeal and say they will do so.
The full judgement will soon be available here:

03/TLQ/0350 Austin v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis
03/TLQ/0411 Saxby v Same
RESIST G8 // 3rd Southeast Assembly - 3rd April
22-03-2005 21:55
RESIST G8 // 3rd South-East AssemblyDate: Sunday 3rd April
Time: 1.30-6.00pm
Venue: RISC, 35-39 London Street, Reading, Berks.
Anti-G8 Gathering 6-10th April - Learn Skills- Network- Get Inspired- Take Actio
22-03-2005 12:00
The Festival of Dissent!... 6th-10th April Lanarkshire.... A chance to form networks of resistance... A chance to plot, conspire, and dream about resistance to the G8... To meet people learn skills, share information, practice direct action, and party together.
Anti-G8 Gathering 6-10th April - Learn Skills- Network- Get Inspired- Take Actio
22-03-2005 11:36
The Festival of Dissent!... 6th-10th April Lanarkshire.... A chance to form networks of resistance... A chance to plot, conspire, and dream about resistance to the G8... To meet people learn skills, share information, practice direct action, and party together.
Anti-G8 - Learn Skills - Network - Get Inspired - Take Action
22-03-2005 11:31
The Festival of Dissent!... 6th-10th April Lanarkshire.... A chance to form networks of resistance... A chance to plot, conspire, and dream about resistance to the G8... To meet people learn skills, share information, practice direct action, and party together.
Anti-G8 - Learn Skills - Network - Get Inspired - Take Action - 6-10th April
22-03-2005 11:27
The Festival of Dissent!... 6th-10th April Lanarkshire.... A chance to form networks of resistance... A chance to plot, conspire, and dream about resistance to the G8... To meet people learn skills, share information, practice direct action, and party together.Action Medic Training in London, 1-3 April
21-03-2005 23:25
*** CORRECTION: The training is Friday evening through to all of Sunday, NOT Saturday to Monday as previously advertised ***The medics group will be holding a 2 and a 1/2 day action medic training in London on the first weekend in April (the evening of Friday the 1st to Sunday the 3rd).
Medic training for g8 in london 2-4th April
21-03-2005 11:36
The medics group will be holding a 3 day action medic training in London on the first weekend in April (Saturday the 2nd to Monday the 4th). to book a place email
Trading Freedom and the G8 screening in Brum Tuesday 22nd March
21-03-2005 00:48

G8 Independent / Alternative Media Convergence, London May 14-15
20-03-2005 22:35
WHERE : London
WHEN : May 14 - 15
HOST : Indymedia UK (

Report with photos of the Glasgow anti-war demo on Saturday March 19th 2005.
20-03-2005 21:54

"Visibility Policing" on March 19th Anti-War Demo in London
20-03-2005 15:08

While they were not criticising the actions of any police officers, they were keen to point out that there was an increased level of close policing along the route and the increased use of police vans to create road block barriers, both en route and at Trafalger square, where the march ended.
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army IN GLASGOW next WEEKEND
20-03-2005 01:48

S14 Arrested
19-03-2005 01:27
S14 or S12, either way the entire operation was disorganised and poorly carried out. I think it is likely we will get our bikes back in April.Derby G8 Crical Mass / Mass Arrest?
19-03-2005 00:09

Can you ride a bike and protest at the same time?
G8 Environment ministers Meeting at Derby Piccys Pt2
18-03-2005 23:39

G8 Environment ministers Meeting at Derby Piccys Pt1
18-03-2005 23:28

G8: Derby M17 Picture Collection
18-03-2005 15:11

Bailed away from G8 meetings
18-03-2005 12:28
Two people who stand accussed of minor offences relating to Section 14 of the Public Order Act have been granted conditional bail that prevents them from going with 200 metres of a G8 meetings!