UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Classic ! - "What do you think of the new G8 logo?"
01-10-2004 00:27

Great comments from people on bbc website:
Last Updated: Thursday, 30 September, 2004, 21:12 GMT 22:12 UK

What do you think of the new G8 logo?
The new logo unveiled for the planned G8 Gleneagles summit next summer has been described as a thistle with a "modern twist".
The Scottish Executive believes the design - which cost £40,000 - has captured traditional and contemporary images of the country. The summit at the Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire in July 2005 will be the main event of the UK's presidency.
But is the logo an adequate reflection of the UK's role? Do you agree it reflects Scotland's traditional and contemporary image? Has it been worth the money?
manchester G8 meeting
28-09-2004 22:48
do summat is the manchester contact in the dissent! network agfainst the G8 and welcomes you to come and discuss any actions- community based or otherwise- you wish to take in the run up to, during and after the G8...Bono, Geldof, Hertz, Labour Party Conference and the G8 NGOs
25-09-2004 00:40
Scotsman covers bono run up to Labour Party Conference.Expect a lot more of this in next week as the PR machines get up to speed.
G8 'Make Poverty History' NGO Campaign hits Press
14-09-2004 02:59
The 'Make Poverty History' campaign by the 'trade justice' NGOs has hit the press:
Rising Tide Network Gathering
22-08-2004 16:15

21-08-2004 10:16
BEYOND ESF6 saturday nights of political discussion, films, exhibitions, food, live music & dj’s at ex-Grand Banks Occupied Social Centre,156-158 Fortess Rd, Tufnell Park, NW5. opposite Tufnell Park tube.
An invite to Demo G8 UK 6-8th of July 2005
12-08-2004 18:03
The G8 (Group of eight most industrialised nations) Summit will be held at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire, about 40 miles/70 kilometres away from Edinburgh, in Scotland from 6-8th of July 2005.Dissent! Network of Resistance against the G8 Gathering 17 - 19 September
09-08-2004 09:06

Invitation to the Dissent! Network Gathering in Edinburgh 17th - 19th September
05-08-2004 12:08

The G8 (Group of eight most industrialised nations) Summit will be held at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire, about 40 miles/70 kilometres away from Edinburgh, in Scotland from 6-8th of July 2005. In past years, everywhere they have tried to meet they have been met with a massive response from the world's social movements. Now, in Britain, a network of groups and individuals is emerging that resists the Summit, and forms a lasting movement against capitalism.
The next Dissent! Gathering will take place in Edinburgh on 17th-19th September 2004.
Come along and get involved!
Popular dissent against the Olympic Corporate Games
22-07-2004 10:30
an article produced at the last dissent! gathering in Bradford"No Comment" updated and republished
16-07-2004 12:25
No Comment, the Defendant's Guide to Arrest has been upadted by formers members of the ABC network and LDMG.Who is pulling the Strings ?
11-07-2004 10:42
This is an attempt to demistify what globalisation is all about.How does Globalisation affect Scotland?
11-07-2004 10:36
Notes from a community education workshop about globalisation.Dissent! Anti-G8 Gathering, Bradford this weekend!
01-07-2004 12:33
The next Dissent! gathering will take place at the 1 in 12 Club in Bradford from the 3rd-4th July 2004. Come along and get involved!Sunday Herald writes about Golfing anarchists' threat
24-06-2004 10:40
Sunday Herald20 June 2004
Golfing anarchists' threat to Gleneagles G8 summit
Protest groups publish plans to disrupt world leaders' 2005 meeting
By Stephen Naysmith
GOLFING anarchists are plotting to descend on one of Scotland's most prestigious hotels in protest at the hosting of the G8 summit of world leaders next summer.
dissent! meeting in bradford July 3/4
22-06-2004 23:16

More details to come in the following days.
Brunswick Georgia G-8 Arrestees Begin Hunger Strike
19-06-2004 09:10
There are still 10 people in the Glynn County Jail in Brunswick, Georgia, 9 males and one female. Four of the Brunswick Ten have begun a hunger strike and are demanding that the charges for all 15 arrested on Thursday's walk to Sea Island be dropped.Activist Armada: Pirates of the G8
18-06-2004 11:19
On Wednesday June 9th, 10 Pirates did the unthinkable: they set sail toward Sea Island against all odds. Determined to make their message heard these activists brought their banner and their voices to the summit doors ignoring the weather, the darkness, and the warnings of danger.G8 counter summit in Mali
18-06-2004 07:18