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manchester G8 meeting

dosummat | 28.09.2004 22:48 | G8 2005 | Globalisation

do summat is the manchester contact in the dissent! network agfainst the G8 and welcomes you to come and discuss any actions- community based or otherwise- you wish to take in the run up to, during and after the G8...

the leaders of the worlds 8 richest countries will meet in june 2005 to
make decisions about our lives..our future.. and our world.

at 7pm on thursday 7th october there is a meeting to decide how to reclaim
our lives and our world from their manchester's new community,
campaigns and art space /social centre: 24 lever street in manchester city

the evening will start with short films and know how from speakers to
inform and inspire inclusive discussion...

whether you are interested in community actions such as 'fix shit up' or
direct actions come along to share ideas.. experiences.. hopes and

for more info please email:
and for the website and forum go to:

for more info bout the G8 and the dissent network please see

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