UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Armed Police to seal Sheffield for G8
14-02-2005 13:53
The G8 anti terrorism summit is meeting in Sheffield from June 15 to 17th. This article from local tabloid the Sheffield Star claims the city centre will be closed by a massive presence of armed police.G8: Activists Being Monitored - Border Controls Considered reports Scotsman
13-02-2005 19:39
Scotsman roundup of security measures re G8 Summit in July 05 - including assertion by Tayside Chief Constable that "known activists" were already being "monitored" by "undercover officers" both in the UK and mainland Europe, and that police are "talking to the Crown about a range of issues... ...including restricting access to Scotland". John Vine, the Chief Constable of Tayside Police said: "In extreme situations we may apply to prevent entry into Scotland".G8: Summat for the Summit launched
11-02-2005 17:14
About 50 people gathered at Manchester Students Union last night to discuss working together against the G8 Summit, to be held at Gleneagles, Scotland, from 4th – 6th July.G8: Scottish Parliament Petition re Policing + Protests
11-02-2005 14:09
G8 Alternatives are publicising a petition in response to some of the alarming reports about policing plans for the G8 summit protests this coming July is Scotland. The petition demands that riot police equipped with rubber bullets are not used for policing, that venues be provided for protest meetings and accomodation, and that protestors creating their own spaces should be allowed to do so.New Dissent Newsletter
09-02-2005 20:41

Action Hallmarks, rooted in local and autonomous organising and action, and aims to go beyond the G8. The PGA is
a decentralised, non-heirachical, global network of social movements, for a copy of the hallmarks visit
G8: Summat for the Summit
08-02-2005 19:00
The G8-summit is coming to Britain in July. This is going to be a big event. We need to organise now.Shakedown*05
08-02-2005 18:46

08-02-2005 10:49
The first of the G7 meetings leading up to the G8 Summit took place in London over February 4th/5th in the form of the G7 Financial Ministerial.Activists from Dissent!, the new South East Resist G8 Network and others were there to greet them...G7 Finance Ministers Protest Friday
08-02-2005 10:45
Last night, the G7 Finance ministers met in Lancaster House, The Mall, Central LondonWhat happened INSIDE the G7 Finance Meeting!
05-02-2005 15:07
The Group of Seven appear to have achieved a compromise on aid to the Third World proposing "up to" 100 percent multilateral debt relief to poor nations.Make Poverty History Rally
05-02-2005 01:45

SchNEWS on the G7 Finance Minister's Meeting
04-02-2005 17:12
Here's this week's SchNEWS article on the G7 Finance Minister's Meeting in London today>>>TOMORROW (FRIDAY 4TH) G8 ACTION LONDON!
03-02-2005 20:13
Financial G7 - Bankrupt! Give the central bankers and government tools a G8 welcome: Friday 4th February, 6pm, Lancaster House, The Mall, London.Dissent! A Network of Resistance against the G8 -
Friday! Give the central bankers and government tools a G8 welcome!
03-02-2005 19:39
G7 ACTION - LONDON - FRIDAY 4TH FEB - 6PM!Give the central bankers and government tools a G8 welcome: Friday 4th February, 6pm, Lancaster House, The Mall, London (or in the area).
Dissent! A Network of Resistance against the G8 -
Jubilee Debt Campaign Annual Conference
02-02-2005 13:23
Details of Jubilee Debt Campaign's free annual conference -- all are welcome!Make Poverty History
01-02-2005 15:54
Church launch of Make Poverty History, a global campaign on debt, aid, and trade. Held at Bloomsbury Baptist Church in London on Saturday 29 January 2005.Scotsman Reports Plastic Bullet Baton Rounds Authorised for G8 Protests in July
31-01-2005 10:25
Swiss police bring prosecuted for G8 attack
28-01-2005 23:45