UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
G8 in the News
28-01-2005 15:31

as well as 200 000 protesters expected. It was mentioned that the security forces now make preperations to draft in English police forces to Scotland, too.
cops threaten G8 repression
28-01-2005 12:44
police are preparing to use submachine guns and rubber bullets to defend leaders of the G8 who will meet at gleeagles. they are carrying out training in a mock up village on the site of a closed down hsopital. the closed down law hospital, lanarkshire has been turned into a mock village, complete with its own names, in which to train riot squads.Britain sliding into police state - says ex-police chief!
28-01-2005 12:27

Kyoto Climate Demo London (Sat 12th Feb) + Regional Meetings
26-01-2005 00:23

Campaign against Climate Change

GROUPS ISSUE G8 WARNING: Right questions, wrong solutions!
25-01-2005 19:03
MEDIA RELEASE on behalf of
- World Development Movement Scotland
- Friends of the Earth Scotland
- War on Want
- National Union of Students
G8Alternatives: Main Demo at Gleneagles Train Station 1st Day of G8 (6th july)
24-01-2005 17:16
The last meeting of the G8Alternatives mobilisation in January 2005 agreed to call their main mass demonstration on the first day of the G8 Summit (Wednesday 6th July) with the meeting point at Midday at Gleneagles train station.Tsunami Disaster Concert in aid of UNICEF
23-01-2005 11:17
Tsunami Disaster - a FREE concert presented by René Seren with Sheffield bands: Bhuna,Tarana & Duplex Blues and others to raise funds to give urgent help to the suffering children in our small world today.UNICEF will accept donations.
Now, the reckoning- The Guardian story of the Diaz Raid-Genoa 2001
22-01-2005 16:32
In the summer of 2001, Italian police launched a brutal raid on protesters at the G8 summit in Genoa after they had returned to their sleeping quarters. Among 62 injured were various Britons, some of whom have still not recovered. Finally, more than 60 officers are being called to account in court. Rachel Shabi and John Hooper reportNottingham Dissent! Meeting
21-01-2005 10:34

The meeting will on the 26th of January at 8pm at The Sumac Centre and will bring together a variety of groups and individuals from the Nottingham area.
Resist G8 2005 - South East Assembly
19-01-2005 13:24

nature, culture, and indygenous struggle for autonomy under threat from road bu
16-01-2005 19:15
three recent articles taken and translated from chiapas indymedia which explain the current situation in the mexico- guatemala border area, in the lacantun nature reserve. the governement is building a huge bridge to prepare the way for the transnationals and "progress", perhaps lets call it sustainable development. only that the zapatisas hold autonomous comunities in the area, and that we are resisting everywhere. dissent!g8Birghton Anti-G8 Meetings
15-01-2005 12:55
Brighton! Dissent are a group attempting to co-ordinate radical resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit, and contribute to the building of an anti-capitalist movement in and around Brighton.Anti G8 Meeting Nottingham
14-01-2005 20:47

Wednesday 26th January, 8pm, at the Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham, 0845 458 9595
Anti-G8 Meeting in Leeds
14-01-2005 19:05
Resisting the G8 summit 2005: meeting 7.30 pm Thursday 20th January, The Adelphi pub, 1-5 Hunslet rd, Leeds.Following the well attended meeting on the same topic in November this meeting has been called to continue discussing what people in Leeds can do to oppose the G8 Summit in Scotland this summer.
Make Your Tsunami Donations Go Further - Vegetarian Relief
13-01-2005 09:08

Bristol G8 Dissent news
11-01-2005 23:09

International Anti-G8 Meeting in Germany, Feb.26-27
10-01-2005 17:43
Calling All Anti-Capitalists…An Invite to an International Networking and Co-ordination Meeting (26th -27th February in Tuebingen, Southern Germany) for those wanting to build radical resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit to be held in the UK
International Anti0G8 Meeting: Invite and Agenda
10-01-2005 17:09
Calling All Anti-Capitalists…An Invite to an International Networking and Co-ordination Meeting (26th -27th February in Tuebingen, Southern Germany) for Those Wanting to Build Radical Resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit to be Held in the UK