LONDON ANTI-AUTHORITARIANS | 16.03.2005 16:39 | G8 2005 | Social Struggles | London
Make Capitalism History
The leaders of the 8 most powerful nations in the World will be meeting this July in Gleneagles in Scotland. They come as representatives of their respective nation-states, with a mandate to facilitate trade and maintain the capitalist system. This will benefit only corporate interests and not those of people,
especially those living in the global south. At this summit they are meeting to recuperate the very real concerns of climate change and global poverty.
But how can we believe that these figureheads will challenge the foundations on which their power is built?
Capitalist economies depend on the subjugation of nature and people, divided and disempowered by the ever strengthening relationship between the State and Capitalism.
In our lives nothing can change for mutual benefit without a rejection of the State which has historically served none but its overlords.
Nothing can change in our world until we challenge the social relationships of capitalism which at their core benefit a small minority at the expense of the global majority and nature.
During the G8 meeting, London Anti-Authoritarians have called for an action in and around Edinburgh on July 7th. While we recognise that all protest is symbolic, we feel that our efforts are best spent and our politics best expressed through actions aimed towards the institutions that facilitate global poverty and the ecological meltdown.
On March the 20th we are meeting at O'Neills pub on Euston Rd (nr Kings x)Between 2-6pm to discuss proposals. We ask all anti-authoritarians, anti-capitalists, radical ecologists, dreamers and rebels to come armed with ideas and enthusiasm to create a mass effective action for this summer.
The leaders of the 8 most powerful nations in the World will be meeting this July in Gleneagles in Scotland. They come as representatives of their respective nation-states, with a mandate to facilitate trade and maintain the capitalist system. This will benefit only corporate interests and not those of people,
especially those living in the global south. At this summit they are meeting to recuperate the very real concerns of climate change and global poverty.
But how can we believe that these figureheads will challenge the foundations on which their power is built?
Capitalist economies depend on the subjugation of nature and people, divided and disempowered by the ever strengthening relationship between the State and Capitalism.
In our lives nothing can change for mutual benefit without a rejection of the State which has historically served none but its overlords.
Nothing can change in our world until we challenge the social relationships of capitalism which at their core benefit a small minority at the expense of the global majority and nature.
During the G8 meeting, London Anti-Authoritarians have called for an action in and around Edinburgh on July 7th. While we recognise that all protest is symbolic, we feel that our efforts are best spent and our politics best expressed through actions aimed towards the institutions that facilitate global poverty and the ecological meltdown.
On March the 20th we are meeting at O'Neills pub on Euston Rd (nr Kings x)Between 2-6pm to discuss proposals. We ask all anti-authoritarians, anti-capitalists, radical ecologists, dreamers and rebels to come armed with ideas and enthusiasm to create a mass effective action for this summer.
