UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive
Climate change, carbon credits and the other CC
04-07-2005 13:40
Climate change is the biggest threat humanity currently faces, and it won't be going away anytime soon. What will the G8 summit be doing about it? Very little.G8 Carnival Timeline
04-07-2005 12:10
"Carnival for Full Enjoyment" has started at 12, but before that things are already happing in Edinburg. Please call in 07901-778 062 or 07050 686 844 to report from the arrest outside the forrest cafe Edinburgh 2nd/3rd.07.05
04-07-2005 12:01

Footage by Jason Parkinson.
G8 will not ease Third World poverty
04-07-2005 10:47

G8 Carnival Timeline
04-07-2005 10:32
"Carnival for Full Enjoyment" is supposed to start at 12, but things are already happing in Edinburg. Please call in 07901-778 062 or 07050 686 844 to report from the streets.Report of `Make Poverty History` march in Edinburgh with 12 photos
04-07-2005 09:57

BP and Shell garages closed by direct action in Edinburgh today
04-07-2005 09:41
Direct action against the oil industry and the G8 started early today in Edinburgh....Glasgow - Make Borders History Pictures #2
04-07-2005 08:47

Glasgow - Make Borders History Pictures #1
04-07-2005 08:38

Faslane: First report
04-07-2005 08:01
Protestors arrived at Faslane. At the moment the midges are a bigger problem then the cops...Faslane Blockade: Timeline
04-07-2005 06:37
A 'Really Really Big Blockade' type direct action by Trident Ploughshares (TP) and CND is planned for Faslane nuclear submarine base. Coaches left from Glasgow and Edinburgh. This timeline gives news as they are coming in the dispatch phone at 07901 778 062 and 07050 686 844.THE LIMITS OF 'LIVE 8' AND THE G8 IN MAKING POVERTY HISTORY
04-07-2005 06:08
Some interesting reflections here from US writer/editor Danny Schechter. Danny Schechter edits and directed WMD (Weapons of Mass Deception) a film on the media coverage of the war in Iraq that was shown at the Alternative Summit in Edinburgh. For more: g8 in Bristol : 6 July
04-07-2005 01:11

outside the Hopoddrome, St Augustine’s parade
Make Poverty History July 2nd Demo - An Eyewitness Report
04-07-2005 00:16
After an epically long overnight Coach journey, (which incidentally didn't get surveillance from Cops Inc. at its drop off point), we arrived in Edinburgh for what I suspect may prove to be one of the biggest public demonstrations in the city's history.24 police vans seen heading north
04-07-2005 00:03
Late Sunday afternoon, the People's Patrol spotted three convoys of police vans, a group of 8 motorcycle police and a tractor trailer loaded with steel barricades.Edinburgh Public Action - 6th July
04-07-2005 00:00
Public Action in central Edinburgh on the day of blockades, the 6th of July.Make Poverty History - Black Bloc and Police
03-07-2005 23:59