UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Fur Shop Shuts Its Doors!
06-04-2007 22:01
A fur shop that has been the focus of a 2 year campaign has finally shut it's doors!MP3s of grass Robin Steele offering to sell out everyone
21-03-2007 21:55

AR Activists - Read and Digest
21-03-2007 15:31
Police informer - Please readYet more injustice: appeal courts deny Newchurch 3
16-03-2007 16:31
Jonny Ablewhite, along with John Smith and Kerry Whitburn, had their appeal today against the draconian sentence of 12 years for activities related to Newchurch guinea pig farm. They received no reduction in sentence. The prosecution were even told they didn't need to present their case. This is indicative of the corruption of the judicial system and the state's repression of animal rights activists!Mayor of Sofia and Minister of Agriculture Delay Humane Animal Control
16-03-2007 13:05
No any reaction of the letter below.ARE NETCU WASTING THEIR TIME? Report into political policing
16-03-2007 01:39
Is international policing against the animal, earth and human rights movements working, or are NETCU just wasting their time?Democracy or Corpocracy?
09-03-2007 21:40
Putting protesters sentences into perspective....SOCPA - The garrotting of commonsense and democracy continues
07-03-2007 15:45

The 3 latest ALF prisoners
06-03-2007 21:37
Originally From: A Longing For Collapse Press on Myspace.Food industry implicated in Britain’s bird flu outbreak
05-03-2007 14:25
On January 30, some dead turkeys were found in one of the intensive rearing sheds that form part of the Bernard Matthews turkey farm and processing plant in Holton, Suffolk in eastern England. The following day more turkeys were found dead and by February 3 more than a thousand had died.Moral Schizophrenia
04-03-2007 18:48
An analysis into our relationship with animals"Welcome to Ledbury otherwise known as the Police State"
02-03-2007 22:49

Say Goodbye To The Circus
01-03-2007 23:34
For years the traditional circus performance was that of Nottingham Animal Rights campaigners at the opening dates of the 'Great' British Circus tour at the Japanese Water Gardens.This year they have abandoned their opening dates in Nottingham and opened instead at Lincoln Showground
Huntingdon Life Sciences fail to seize protestor's assets
28-02-2007 00:47
Huntingdon Life Sciences last week failed once again to seize the assets of a high profile activist recently imprisoned for serious criminal activity and were instead made liable for his costs in defending the proceedings. In this article we ask why the national media totally ignored this story, choosing to focus instead on a non-story about animal rights stalls in London.[AR] Stop Sequani Animal Testing (SSAT) Notification
25-02-2007 18:18
Please be advised that over the next few days the Stop Sequani AnimalTesting website at

will the SSAT web mailing list and the alternate contact email address

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Northern Animal Rights Network
24-02-2007 22:12
PLEASE NOTE:Demo against celebs Needed in London on Saturday 24 Feb
22-02-2007 23:57
Hypocrisy of honouring a disabled ex-boxer with a violent love of pit-bull fightingAnimal Rights Coalition
22-02-2007 22:32
A national Animal Rights gathering is to be held in Nottingham, to promote cooperation and to spread information between the various groups and individuals working throughout the UK to stop animal abuse.Everything But the Incendiary
22-02-2007 19:42

The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) has been active throughout the UK, since the 1980s, and operates globally today. Individuals campaigning for animal rights have liberated thousands of animals, and have caused millions of pounds worth of damage to those who profit through their suffering. Everything But the Incendiary is a celebration of all these individuals. Through different events, installations and information this exhibition will provide people with a space to discuss issues connected with animal rights, share skills, and promote direct action in the endles struggle to help those who are defenceless in the face of corporate greed, and in the name of so-called 'science'.