Say Goodbye To The Circus
N A R | 01.03.2007 23:34 | Animal Liberation
For years the traditional circus performance was that of Nottingham Animal Rights campaigners at the opening dates of the 'Great' British Circus tour at the Japanese Water Gardens.
This year they have abandoned their opening dates in Nottingham and opened instead at Lincoln Showground
This year they have abandoned their opening dates in Nottingham and opened instead at Lincoln Showground
Martin Lacey's Lincolnshire-based circus, one of just three in Britain to still use wild animals, claims to have "the largest collection of wild animals touring Britain". Animals used in the circus include tigers, lions zebras, camels, llamas, horses, ponies, goats and reindeer.
Lacey’s business was previously called Circus Harlequin: physical and verbal abuse of animals was found by an undercover investigator to be standard practice during the 1997 summer season. In one incident an injured lioness was kept hidden during a visit from the RSPCA. A vet had not been called. The name of the circus may have changed: the people haven’t!
A year after the report was published, Martin Lacey admitted on TV to having shot his bears, making clear that circuses kill surplus animals.
We can't rely upon weak legislation to ban the use of animals in circuses. The Animal Welfare Bill (in its present form) is not proposing to ban this evil industry and will do little to protect any animal used. It's up to people like you to make a difference, by convincing others not to visit these mobile prisons and make them completely unprofitable and untenable.
Say Goodbye To The Circus
Sunday 4th March at 2pm
The circus finishes their opening dates on Sunday 4th March.
Nottingham Animal Rights will be there to 'say goodbye to the circus' at 2pm (for the 3pm performance) - setting off from Nottm at 12.45 (after vegan fry-up breakfast at the Sumac Centre). Contact or 0787 086 1837 for details.
Protest the 'Great' British Circus details, inc map, at
Details of last year's campaign at
More on circus's at
Lacey’s business was previously called Circus Harlequin: physical and verbal abuse of animals was found by an undercover investigator to be standard practice during the 1997 summer season. In one incident an injured lioness was kept hidden during a visit from the RSPCA. A vet had not been called. The name of the circus may have changed: the people haven’t!
A year after the report was published, Martin Lacey admitted on TV to having shot his bears, making clear that circuses kill surplus animals.
We can't rely upon weak legislation to ban the use of animals in circuses. The Animal Welfare Bill (in its present form) is not proposing to ban this evil industry and will do little to protect any animal used. It's up to people like you to make a difference, by convincing others not to visit these mobile prisons and make them completely unprofitable and untenable.
Say Goodbye To The Circus
Sunday 4th March at 2pm
The circus finishes their opening dates on Sunday 4th March.
Nottingham Animal Rights will be there to 'say goodbye to the circus' at 2pm (for the 3pm performance) - setting off from Nottm at 12.45 (after vegan fry-up breakfast at the Sumac Centre). Contact

Protest the 'Great' British Circus details, inc map, at

Details of last year's campaign at

More on circus's at
