UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Anti fur demonstration with a difference at Cashe Nottingham
20-02-2010 22:05

Camden Animal Lab campaign residents "We are up against heavies".
19-02-2010 20:31
There are plans to build a high level [3+] virus contianment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden Council house estate alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. Residents have been campaigning against the lab plans. Some have said that "we are up against heavies" and others have spoken of "dirty tactics" by those who are in support of the lab plans including aggression.Stop UKCMRI [Camden Bio Hazard] Lab meeting at Camden Town Hall update.
19-02-2010 03:23
There are plans to build a high level [3+] virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden on a council house estate in Camden, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. This week residents met with councillors at Camden Town Hall as a follow up to the meeting at St Mary & St Pancras Primary School meeting. Read the notes below regarding this meeting.Stop The Stevenage GSK/Wellcome Trust/Mandelson Animal Torture Park
18-02-2010 18:59

Call out to Brendan / London Animal Rights and Bedford Animal Rights.
18-02-2010 18:48
In October 2009 plans were unvelied by the government, Glaxo Smith Kline, Wellcome Trust and Stevenage council for a new Stevenage Bio Sciences Park. This will of course contain new animal testing labs. The plans wee unvieled in October and have been met with SILENCE. Is there a campaign other then struggling local activists who do not want the lab? Will there be a national group?Sony, Nora Ephron, Julie Powell, and Others Teach Children to Kill Animals
17-02-2010 18:45

with desensitizing people to human slaughter
Vintage Warehouse adopt a fur free policy during protest
16-02-2010 14:39

UKCMRI to use £300 million of public funds for Camden Bio Lab
16-02-2010 05:06
Plans to build the World's largest ever Bio Lab including the World Flu Centre alongside St Panrcas International behind the British Library will cost the UK £300 million from public funds. Already the govt and the MRC have argued over this. A parliamentary report says of funding the lab : "We are at a loss to understand the rationale behind this behaviour" and "It is hardly redolent of good faith".Cambridge Council Says NO to Foie Gras
16-02-2010 01:30
Step forward to a Foie Gras Free CambridgeBig Pharma security thug threats to kill gay AR activist with crack cocaine.
15-02-2010 19:54
A thug working for a private security firm on behalf of a pharmaceutical company have threatened to kill animal rights activists with crack cocaine & make it "look like suicide". The homophobic thugs have said they will rape & kill the man his family members with crack & a noose. The thugs burgled his house and stole family photos & told the AR activist " we will rape your gran, your mum & aunt".Witness Appeal - Bradford University National Demo Arrests
15-02-2010 13:52
WITNESS APPEAL - National March & Rally Against Bradford University - Sat 13th Feb 2010Adrian Radford. A hoax, diversion and paid by Cancer Research UK?
15-02-2010 02:04
The farce that is the "Adrian Radford" story. Adrian Radford claimed that he infiltrated SHAC who he describes as the ALF. He runs a "surveillance instruction" outfit and claims that he was working for MI6 [SIS]. He came out publicly and claimed that he was "responsible" for the info given to police about SHAC [leaving the real moles to carry on]. We think his real employer was Cancer Research UK.Cambridge 'Anima' on Fairtrade Fortnight 2010
15-02-2010 01:06
Anima is a newly formed movement, there is no central control and no leaders anyone and everyone can be Anima, as long as they follow the Mission Statement. People can form Anima groups anywhere and everywhere, they can be closed (groups of friends, etc) or open (anyone can join) or a mixture of both – whatever works for you.Cambridge Anima is the first part of this new movement. We aim to do stuff in the Cambridge area - look out for us!
UKCMRI Camden Animal Lab project. Will it replace Huntingdon Life Sciences?
14-02-2010 23:52

World Day for Animals in Laboratories (W. Mids coach transport)
14-02-2010 01:30
Details of coach transport from the West Midlands to the biggest anti-vivsection demo of the year.UKCMRI ignore letters from residents & councillors about Camden germ lab
14-02-2010 00:21
Residents from Camden and Kings Cross have had letters & emails utterly ignored by the UKCMRI. Worryingly they have said that "those who signed up" at last weeks poorly advertised meeing would get the chance to oppose planning permision on reciept of a letter from UKCMRI. The UKCMRI have so far ignored all communication from residents. None of our questions have been answered.Noahs ark zoo farm - campaign continues
13-02-2010 19:25

150 Angry Activists March to Close Down the Bradford Lab
13-02-2010 18:11
[pictures coming shortly]Activist Sentenced to Two Years for A.L.F. Mink Liberation
13-02-2010 02:31