UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive
Justice for the Canary Wharf cleaners!
15-10-2004 18:56

Guantanamo to Genoa panel dissusion
15-10-2004 18:40
This was a really good talk/dissusion stright from European Form of Comunication RightsINDY RADIO PAGE AT

From Guantanamo to Genoa panel dissusion
1 introduction +

2 Diaz school lawyer talks

3 Palistine

4 campagning journalist talks

5 Human_rights_journo

6 Guantanimo_ bay_detainee_ talks

7 questions _to_the_panel

Insurrectionary Imagination experimenting in London
15-10-2004 18:36
London, Friday 15 Oct. People from the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination did 5 actions this afternoon. Vacuumcleaner dropped into the indymedia center with the news:ESF sees launch of 'Power To The People'
15-10-2004 18:03, an independant website designed to empower you to hold those in power to account is being launched during the ESF this weekend. Focusing primarily with MP Accountability, it also deals with Corporations and the Corporate Media.Rising Tide Critical Mass
15-10-2004 17:34

Proutist Universal Protests its Banning by the London ESF
15-10-2004 15:56
ESF banned Proutist Universal, falsely claiming that the organisation is in conflict with WSF principles. Prout, the Progressive Utilisation Theory, is a socio-economic alternative to capitalism. Noam Chomsky and Pres. Hugo Chavez of Venezuela among many others has praised the model.First pictures from London Rising Tide critical mass
15-10-2004 13:53

European Social Forum Starts!
15-10-2004 09:45

Precarity: New forms of exploitation, new forms of resistance at Beyond ESF
15-10-2004 09:14
The imposition of and resistance to precarious forms of work is one of the themes of Beyond ESF (
‘From Genoa to Guantanamo: A Human Rights discussion’
15-10-2004 06:24
Today, at the camden centre: ‘From Genoa to Guantanamo: A Human Rights discussion’9am to 12am
Take action against British complicity in the US executions
14-10-2004 22:35
Falsely convicted death row survivors spoke at the Rampart social centre as part of the Rampart centre's involvement in ESF Automomous Spaces on Thursday night. Members of the US group, Pennsylvania Abolitionists United Against the Death Penalty spoke about the dire need for a Moratorium on executions in the United States. Ray Krone and Williams Nieves were amoungst the activists and spoke with insight and from bitter experience about their treatment at the hands of the very government which 'holds itself up as the example the rest of the world is supposed to follow'.pictures from Noborder demo in London, Waterloo Station/Eurostar
14-10-2004 21:58

Here are some pictures of somebody who cluelessly got lost in the area at the time and had to stay outside the exit to wait for what's happening at the direct action occupation.
No Borders at London Waterloo
14-10-2004 19:36
Between 200 and 300 people broke through passport control at Waterloo International train station in london earlier this evening in a no borders action.No Borders Activists Get Past Passport Control!
14-10-2004 18:28
Between 200 and 300 No Borders activists have breached passport control at Waterloo International train station.Banned Canary Wharf Demo is ON!!!
14-10-2004 14:02
An injunction has been served to ban Walk on the Wharf protest . . .DEFEND FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND THE RiGHT TO MARCH
NUS protests against religious right at ESF
14-10-2004 11:31
The National Union of Students has voted to protest against the invitation of Islamist academic Tariq Ramadan to speak as a "voice from the global south" at the upcoming European Social Forum.lutte anti terroriste
14-10-2004 10:56
Des experts spécialisés à ALGER.
La capitale algérienne devient cette fin de semaine
la Mecque pour des plus grands experts de la lutte
anti- terroriste à l’occasion de l’inauguration du
centre africain d’études et de recherches sur le
terrorisme dont le siège se trouve à Alger.
Pendant qu’une conférence intergouvernementale
regroupant des représentants de l’union européenne, de
l’OTAN, d’Interpol et des Etats-Unis, s’y tient
mercredi et jeudi,les activité terroristes semblent
connaître un remarquable ralentissement à la lumière
d’une formidable organisation , vigilance et
mobilisation de tous les acteurs chargés de la lutte
contre ce fléau du siècle