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UK Zapatista Newswire Archive

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Zapatista Call to Action

18-06-2003 11:45

A proposal to Zapatista Solidarity Groups.

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Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group formed

18-03-2003 12:51

The recently formed Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign introduces itself and its project and practical tasks it undertakes to support the autonomous indigenous communities in Chiapas, South Mexico.

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Zapatista Films in Edinburgh 13 March

10-03-2003 17:45

Two films on the situation and struggle of the indigenous people in Chiapas, Mexico will be shown in the Forest Cafe, 9 West Port, Edinburgh at 7.30pm on Thursday 13th March.

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Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign

01-02-2003 12:13

The Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Campaign will be having a workshop and a meeting on Thursday. 13th of march.

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Neoliberalism as a puzzle: the useless global unity which fragments and destroys

26-05-2001 15:45

This is the "new world order", the unification of the entire world in one complete market. Nations are department stores with CEO's dressed as governments, and the new regional alliances, economic and political, come closer to being a modern commercial "mall" than a political federation. The "unification" produced by neoliberalism is economic, it is the unification of markets to facilitate the circulation of money and merchandise. In the gigantic global Hypermarket merchandise circulates freely, not people.

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Zapatista Solidarity - inside Nike film clip 1

11-03-2001 21:03

Anti-sweatshop campaigners marched into Nike's central London Flagship Niketown store today in a move to highlight the abuses of workers in the majority world and show support for the Mexico-based Zapatista movement.

Text report at:

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Zapatista Solidarity - Niketown photo montage

11-03-2001 20:50

Zapatista Solidarity - Niketown photo montage
Anti-sweatshop campaigners marched into Nike's central London Flagship Niketown store today in a move to highlight the abuses of workers in the majority world and show support for the Mexico-based Zapatista movement.
(some of the pics show security guards and suspected undercover police aggresivly trying to push out the protestors - but failing)
Text report at :

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Zapatista Solidarity - Protestors storm 'Niketown'

11-03-2001 20:43

Zapatista Solidarity - Protestors storm 'Niketown'
Anti-sweatshop campaigners marched into Nike's central London Flagship Niketown store today in a move to highlight the abuses of workers in the majority world and show support for the Mexico-based Zapatista movement.

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Zapatista Solidarity at Mexican Embassy

11-03-2001 20:26

Zapatista Solidarity at Mexican Embassy
A protest in London to support the zapatista's arrival in mexico city, saw a gathering of around 30 people outside the mexican embassy.

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Zapatista Caravan threatened. EZLN's Communique 26/02 (English and Spanish)

26-02-2001 23:07

Following there's a translation of today's Communique of
Genaral Command of the EZLN in relation to the threats they received in yesterday's leg of the Zapatista Caravan in the city of Juchitán.

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Zapatista teacher grips the black and red flag of the EZLN

25-02-2001 06:38

Zapatista teacher grips the black and red flag of the EZLN
Zapatista teacherholds teh black and red flag of the ezln

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Zapatistas arrive in San Cristóbal (closeup)

25-02-2001 06:36

Zapatistas arrive in San Cristóbal (closeup)
Zapatistas on board truck as it arrives in San Cristobal.

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Zapatista March begins from Oventic

25-02-2001 06:33

Report from the sendoff of the Zapatista delegates - for up to date news and photos check out

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Zapatistas march on Mexico City

22-02-2001 13:35

Zapatistas march on Mexico City
Article on march and PDF file of poster for you to
print out and distribute locally

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Interview to Marcos on the Zapatista march.

21-02-2001 16:38

I. Marcos on everything you ever wanted to know about the
Zapatista march, under the following headings:
a)the current political debate
b)the three signals
c)the COCOPA law
d)En Route

Originally published in Spanish by the EZLN
Translated by irlandesa

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Viva Zapatista!

16-02-2001 17:15

Viva Zapatista!
Forthcoming protest planned in Mexico

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The Zapatista Route

06-02-2001 19:14

The Zapatista Route
A map of the route the Zapatistas will take on their way to Mexico City

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Zapatista Communique Dec 22, Call for international mobilisation

31-12-2000 06:15

To the People of Mexico:

To the Peoples and Governments of the World:

Brothers and Sisters:

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Zapatista Communique Dec 20, Nothing has changed

31-12-2000 06:12

December 20, 2000.

To the People of Mexico:
To the Peoples and Governments of the World:

Brothers and Sisters:

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11-12-2000 16:17

The "GLOBAL ACTION EXPRESS TRAIN" is back. Here's an article about the "white overalls" from Ya Basta, who were in Prague S26 in the "yellow bloc".
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