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UK Zapatista Newswire Archive

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European Solidarity with Chiapas is rising

03-08-2005 23:05

Solidarity groups deepen the level of networking.
Anti-neoliberal struggles in Europe are emphasised.

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Mexican Government Admits Zapatista Drug Reports Untrue

22-07-2005 15:48

So this is sort of old news i guess, but no sign of it in the archive and pretty ironic in light of the Mexican government's recent welcome of the Zapatistas' new political initiatives.

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Recent Zapatista declaration and communique

21-07-2005 07:36

The last part of the recent Zapatista declaration and two more recent communiques outlining the next steps...

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CCRI-CG/EZLN: Red Alert lifted; communities reopening

20-07-2005 15:15

Communiqué from the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee – General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.

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EZLN: A letter of explanation...or, perhaps, farewell

24-06-2005 08:06

This is not a letter of farewell. At times it is going to seem as if it is, that it is a farewell, but it is not. It is a letter of explanation. Well, that is what we shall attempt.

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Reasons for Zapatista Red Alert

23-06-2005 13:34

Originally published in Spanish by the CCRI-CG of the EZLN
Translated by irlandesa

Communique' from the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee - General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation

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Zapatista Revolution calls!

21-06-2005 14:19

we'r calling to activist of the world to boicot the BBVA bank

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21-06-2005 06:34

Originally published in Spanish by the CCRI-CG of the EZLN
Translated by irlandesa

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15-06-2005 10:31

There will ne a demo, candlit-vigil and mass attendance
at the adjourned council committee meeting taking place
at 7.30 (Tuesday) 21 June at Basildon Centre, Basildon.

Hovefield Ave, Wickford in Basildon threatened with eviction order by Basildon Council. Judicial Review underway.

Human Rights Monitoring Teams meeting with Dale Farm Housing Association, at Dale Farm, Crays Hill in Basildon, Essex.

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report of US embassy demo: GIVE UP THE TERRORISTS!

14-06-2005 01:28

around forty people came to a picket on monday afternoon outside the US embassy in london, to protest the protection of self-confessed terrorist luis posada. there were speakers from hands off venezuela, rock around the blockade, bolivia solidarity campaign and colombia solidarity campaign, as well as samba from rhythms of resistance.

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Protest Outside the US Embassy Monday 13th June: BUSH - GIVE UP THE TERRORISTS!

08-06-2005 03:03

"America has a message for the nations of the world: If you harbor terrorists, you are terrorists. If you train or arm a terrorist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist or fund a terrorist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable." George W. Bush, 21st November 2001

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Boxfresh Zapatista Rip Off

06-06-2005 20:32

You may have seen some of the Zapatista graffiti around Central London recently, what you may not have realised is that it was sprayed up not by some urban activist, but rather by a trendy overpriced clothes shop based in covent garden.

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01-06-2005 16:31

review of meeting

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Zapatista Fortnight in Nottingham 1 - 15 June

28-05-2005 17:32

Ever heard of the Zapatista's?

A fortnight of activities in Nottingham are planned to kick-start the new solidarity group. Come along, find out and get involved!

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John Ross (author and latin american correspondent) talking at the Common Place

26-05-2005 22:56

John Ross, one of the first journalists to talk to Subcommandante Marcos after the Zapatista uprising in Mexico, acting as a human shield in Baghdad in 2003, author of 'murdered by capitalism', and latin american corespondant for 20 years, is speaking in Leeds on Friday 27th May.

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Chiapas: bank bars the solidarity bank accounts

26-05-2005 14:25

The bank Bilbao Vizcaya-Bancomer freezes the bank accounts of the solidarity organization ENLACE CIVIL

“The bank has to protect itself from money laundering”

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Health, Education, Women and Production – Advances in Zapatista Autonomy

23-05-2005 15:08

Indigenous people are making important advances in their autonomy in the zone of Morelia, in Chiapas, Mexico. The most important aspects in the development of autonomy have been health, education, production and the situation of women, say the Zapatistas.

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Inter Milan accepts challenge of playing Zapatista football team

16-05-2005 13:52

subcommandante marcos playing football, by Alessio from LaJornada
As previously reported on Indymedia Scotland and Indymedia UK, plagiarised though of BBC world news, Subcommandante Marcos from the EZLN in Chiapas, Mexico, wrote an invitation for a solidarity football game to Inter Milan.
Now the solidarity group B.A.S.T.A. Reports on Indymedia Germany that Inter Milan would have accepted the challenge, however, not yet detemining the time and location of the match.

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Zapatista rebels woo Inter Milan

13-05-2005 10:08

The captain of Inter Milan football club says he would be willing to take up an invitation for the club to play a team of Mexican Zapatista rebels.

The Italian club have received a letter from the indigenous movement, based in the southern state of Chiapas.

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Zapatista Solidarity Events in Leeds May 27th and June 4th/5th

06-05-2005 18:53

There are several Solidarity Events with the Zapatistas in Leeds coming up: