report of US embassy demo: GIVE UP THE TERRORISTS!
pescao | 14.06.2005 01:28 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Terror War | Zapatista | London
around forty people came to a picket on monday afternoon outside the US embassy in london, to protest the protection of self-confessed terrorist luis posada. there were speakers from hands off venezuela, rock around the blockade, bolivia solidarity campaign and colombia solidarity campaign, as well as samba from rhythms of resistance.
on this same day demonstrations were happening in fourteen US cities, including el paso, texas, where posada was in court on minor immigration charges. the ex-cia agent is wanted in venezuela for the bombing of a cuban airliner in 1976, which killed 73 people. in an interview with the new york times, he also confessed to being behind a string of hotel bombings in cuba in 1997, "so that the tourists don't come anymore". more on this scumbag (and the US demos) at

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