UK Iraq Newswire Archive
Michael Moore on live interview tells CNN to stop lying
10-07-2007 18:23
Moore may not be your chosen watch and the whole personality cult is a bit tiring too, but I think it is still worthy to watch this CNN program where M.Moore is interviewed about his film Sicko and he ignores the journalist's questions and start to ask about media corruption,lies and corporation control as well as Iraq...he does put things straight and call a spade a might get a bit of satisfaction from it if nothing else...Neocons, theocons, Demcons, excons, and future cons
10-07-2007 17:59
Who do you think said this on June 20? a) Rudy Giuliani; b) Hillary Clinton; c) George Bush; d) Mitt Romney; or e) Barack Obama?"The American military has done its job. Look what they accomplished. They got rid of Saddam Hussein. They gave the Iraqis a chance for free and fair elections. They gave the Iraqi government the chance to begin to demonstrate that it understood its responsibilities to make the hard political decisions necessary to give the people of Iraq a better future. So the American military has succeeded. It is the Iraqi government which has failed to make the tough decisions which are important for their own people."[1]
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UK terrorism (part 4) by Latuff
09-07-2007 22:23
Turkey poised for attack on 'Kurdistan'! What will the US response be?
09-07-2007 15:38
Hevallo actively supports the Kurdish struggle in Turkey
09-07-2007 13:37
US Middle East Wars: Social Opposition and Political Impotence
09-07-2007 12:35
Everywhere I visit from Copenhagen to Istanbul, Patagonia to Mexico City, journalists and academics, trade unionists and businesspeople, as well as ordinary citizens, inevitably ask me why the US public tolerates the killing of over a million Iraqis over the last two decades, and thousands of Afghans since 2001?Women in Black continue monthly vigil in Cardiff
08-07-2007 22:43
Talking Walls
08-07-2007 08:28
The mainstream press is full of stories but for ONE BIG exception; a FAILURE the proportions of which promise to sear the pages of history. The criminal intervention and the consequent holocaust and humanitarian disaster that is Western Interventionist Iraq! The media is at pains to avoid this story for obvious reasons -- it participated in the original ruse and deception upon which a full-scale military invasion was launched. The list of war criminals includes the name of Rupert Murdoch as he clearly carries equal responsibility with Bush, Cheney, Blair, Howard and the conservative forces that support them. War crimes arrests must therefore extend to Murdoch and other responsible parties – Murdoch is damned by his own words, delivered in numerous speeches and addresses to fellow conservative criminals.There Are Now More US Paid Contractors than US Troops In Iraq
06-07-2007 16:43
The Corporate Occupation UnveiledAustralian defence minister admits oil a key factor behind Iraq occupation
06-07-2007 09:31
Australia’s Minister for Defence Brendan Nelson yesterday acknowledged that maintaining control over Iraq’s vast oil reserves was a critical factor behind the ongoing US-led occupation. His comments came just before Prime Minister John Howard delivered a major foreign policy address, similarly stressing the need to ensure “energy security” amid growing “great power competition” in the Middle East.Under sustained US pressure, Iraqi cabinet sends oil law to parliament
05-07-2007 14:05
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki went before the media on Tuesday to announce that his cabinet had “unanimously” approved US-backed draft legislation covering the future development of Iraq’s vast oil resources. The parliament, he declared, would begin debating the oil law the following day. He trumpetted his achievement as a key step towards finalising the “most important law in Iraq”.Alan Johnston is released - what about all the invisible captives?
04-07-2007 13:39
Imminent Crises: Threats and Opportunities
03-07-2007 15:13
Regrettably, there are all too many candidates that qualify as imminent and very serious crises. Several should be high on everyone’s agenda of concern, because they pose literal threats to human survival: the increasing likelihood of a terminal nuclear war, and environmental disaster, which may not be too far removed. However, I would like to focus on narrower issues, those that are of greatest concern in the West right now. I will be speaking primarily of the United States, which I know best, and it is the most important case because of its enormous power. But as far as I can ascertain, Europe is not very different.Tony Blair: What, me worry? (by Latuff)
30-06-2007 22:34
Blair's future is Brown
30-06-2007 20:37
As Tony Blair left Downing Street, leaving Britain 's Prime Ministership to his long time rival and co-leader of the Labour Party, Gordon Brown, the protesters outside Blair's office were greeted with the news that Blair had just been appointed as the new "Middle East Envoy" for the Quartet. (US/EU/UN/Russia)Peace envoy Tony Blair (by Latuff)
30-06-2007 05:56