Talking Walls
peptide | 08.07.2007 08:28 | Iraq | Other Press | Social Struggles | World
The mainstream press is full of stories but for ONE BIG exception; a FAILURE the proportions of which promise to sear the pages of history. The criminal intervention and the consequent holocaust and humanitarian disaster that is Western Interventionist Iraq! The media is at pains to avoid this story for obvious reasons -- it participated in the original ruse and deception upon which a full-scale military invasion was launched. The list of war criminals includes the name of Rupert Murdoch as he clearly carries equal responsibility with Bush, Cheney, Blair, Howard and the conservative forces that support them. War crimes arrests must therefore extend to Murdoch and other responsible parties – Murdoch is damned by his own words, delivered in numerous speeches and addresses to fellow conservative criminals.
Whatever you may see or read in the mass media sober yourselves by taking a direct look at the REALITY that is Iraq. According to new figures released by John Hopkins researches, almost one million civilian INNOCENT deaths to date! FOR WHAT? The filth that is money -- the rabid pursuit of which is killing the planet and destroying society.
An Australian CEO was recently offered a 35 million dollar payout just to vacate his chair! And that figure is nothing compared to directors of Transnationals who have recently listed their (soon to fail) companies in order to translate their positions of power into raw assets to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars per (thoroughly corrupt, criminal) director!
These people have plunged the world into chaos and are now ‘jumping ship’, leaving all the hard working little investors to take the fall. However, they ARE KNOWN to us through corporate listings; it is time that JUSTICE superseded the law, as it is obvious the ‘law’ has become a plaything of criminal elites (Hicks and Libby).
It is of the utmost importance to include Corporate Directors in all actions against the obvious politicians and media moguls that have plunged us all into chaos. Hold tightly the lists of their names and locations -- justice will be dispensed by the people for the people in the very near future. THE EXISTING POWERS HAVE FAILED AND WILL NOT HESITATE TO PLUNGE THE WORLD INTO FURTHER CHAOS IN ORDER TO SAVE THEIR MISERABLE HIDES.
The people neither believe nor do they trust their leaders any longer – the model has failed in the most dramatically evident way possible.
Forewarned is action ready!
We are ONE or we are nothing.
See how they run!
An Australian CEO was recently offered a 35 million dollar payout just to vacate his chair! And that figure is nothing compared to directors of Transnationals who have recently listed their (soon to fail) companies in order to translate their positions of power into raw assets to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars per (thoroughly corrupt, criminal) director!
These people have plunged the world into chaos and are now ‘jumping ship’, leaving all the hard working little investors to take the fall. However, they ARE KNOWN to us through corporate listings; it is time that JUSTICE superseded the law, as it is obvious the ‘law’ has become a plaything of criminal elites (Hicks and Libby).
It is of the utmost importance to include Corporate Directors in all actions against the obvious politicians and media moguls that have plunged us all into chaos. Hold tightly the lists of their names and locations -- justice will be dispensed by the people for the people in the very near future. THE EXISTING POWERS HAVE FAILED AND WILL NOT HESITATE TO PLUNGE THE WORLD INTO FURTHER CHAOS IN ORDER TO SAVE THEIR MISERABLE HIDES.
The people neither believe nor do they trust their leaders any longer – the model has failed in the most dramatically evident way possible.
Forewarned is action ready!
We are ONE or we are nothing.
See how they run!