Michael Moore on live interview tells CNN to stop lying
sara | 10.07.2007 18:23 | Health | Iraq | Other Press
Moore may not be your chosen watch and the whole personality cult is a bit tiring too, but I think it is still worthy to watch this CNN program where M.Moore is interviewed about his film Sicko and he ignores the journalist's questions and start to ask about media corruption,lies and corporation control as well as Iraq...he does put things straight and call a spade a spade..you might get a bit of satisfaction from it if nothing else...
A few days ago I critiqued CNN's absurd "fact-checking" of Michael Moore's "Sicko" with the shocking news that "free" health care isn't actually free, and that it's paid for by taxes. Today, for the first time in three years, Moore appeared on Wolf Blitzer's "The Situation Room" on CNN to defend himself and his movie. While he was at it, though, he decided to take on Wolf Blitzer, CNN, the entire mainstream media and its subservience to their corporate advertisers, the war in Iraq, and lots more.
It was really something to watch, "reality TV" at its most real. I've put it up on YouTube in two parts (the whole thing is 15 minutes long). We're told there will be a second interview tomorrow, an extension of today's, which Moore only agreed to do as a pre-recorded segment under the proviso that not a word be edited. Once you watch today's performance, you'll understand why he did so.

Link to video
