UK Culture Newswire Archive
Bath coach to Anti-Tory/cuts demo - Oct 3rd
01-09-2010 16:58
On Sunday the 3rd of October, the Tories will be kicking off their annual conference - thousands of angry people will be there to meet them -Cowley Club Reopens!
31-08-2010 02:05

Here's a list of events in early September, more info available later on our website.
See you soon!
MathewStreet - The Biggest Free Festival in Europe
29-08-2010 22:16

Eco day at the Nerve Centre
27-08-2010 23:37
Sunday 29th August, 11am to 8pm - The Nerve Centre, Renshaw Street (old Rapid paint shop), LIverpool Climate Action and Critical Mass presents a day of workshops, discussions, demonstrations, films and fun, followed by a Sunset Bike Ride and party.The United States Federal Government and Property Value Manipulation
27-08-2010 06:45
President Obama said; “Failure is not an option”. I agree, failure is not an option, failure is a given.Taunton Benefit Gigs: Womens Refuge / Antifa / Hunt Sabs / UK Tek 6
22-08-2010 21:36

6th October - BrainDead, Comply or Die, The Vexed, 51st State & Po-lice
21st October - Sickwax, King Tuts Revenge, Hacksaw & Room 4 1 More
4th November - Ludump, Rash Decision, Ed Wood & The Hacks
#513 - Producing Killers and Selling Wars (Why Any Mother's Son will Do)
22-08-2010 11:51

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New social group in Yorkshire for lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women
20-08-2010 14:58
News about a new social group in Yorkshire for lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women, and women who are questioning their sexuality. Partners, friends and children are welcome too!2nd Leeds Queer Film Fest, September 22-27th
18-08-2010 14:38

Sunrise Offgrid - reclaiming & redesigning our future - dancing our dream awake
14-08-2010 16:57

CHICK COREA - call from the Gaza ghetto !
10-08-2010 21:29

“Countdown to Zero”: Hollywood movie promotes war on Iran
06-08-2010 09:48

Seductive, fascinating and frightening, Countdown to Zero motivates the public to support complete nuclear disarmament and to fear Iran, which is conveniently the next country the US wants to invade. Framed in no-nuke rhetoric, Countdown to Zero is not-so-subtle agitprop. The film relies on conventional geopolitics to whip up conventional audiences into another conventional state of panic. Islamo-terrorists just can’t acquire this technology! This is painfully similar to what we were told prior to the invasion of Iraq.
04-08-2010 08:30
ConvocatoriaChannel 4 to present a confident Hindu gay voice
02-08-2010 14:13
It is a good balance to be able to hear a gay Hindu voice on National Television, with a supportive message from a mother about son's openly gay identity.Taunton Benefit Gigs: Renata Zelazna / Womens Refuge / Antifascist
01-08-2010 15:25

16th September - Taunton Womens Refuge
6th October - Moscow Antifa
21st October - Benefit TBA
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Planned EDL Counter Protest in Bradford fails to raise eyebrows
31-07-2010 12:19

Minister for Culture admires work of London’s gay art festival
30-07-2010 14:08
Minister for Culture Ed Vaizey met the organisers of ‘GFEST – Gaywise FESTival’ – London’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) art festival. In this brief surgery meeting, Mr Vaizey showed a keen interest to know more about enterprising GFEST activities and admired its work."SIKITIKO" satirical shortfilm
27-07-2010 12:50
In 2004 a mysterious group abducts the hand of a statue, part of a monument for King Leopold II. This as an act of political activism. They would catalyse a surreal chain of events, in the best Belgian tradition. A little girl reconstructs the story...