UK Culture Newswire Archive
Radical newspaper seeks volunteer graphic designers + illustrators
04-04-2008 13:35
Help us put together the next edition of The Mule.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Birmingham City Council Endorses Sinister Scientology Cult
03-04-2008 17:56
Birmingham City Council is endorsing the 'L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future contest', a science fiction competition run by the dangerous cult, the Church of Scientology.
Birmingham City Council also link to the competition site

Exposed! - Bobby Roberts Circus
03-04-2008 14:04
This is a report received by protesters from a customer of Bobby Roberts Circus in relation to a performance on Thursday 27 March 2008 7pm. See demo report:
We Are Bad – Bronze Graffiti
03-04-2008 12:37

On the 2nd April 2008 30 Bronze Graffiti plaques, with text that reads “WE ARE BAD – PLEASE KEEP AN EYE ON US”, where attached to CCTV camera posts in various London locations.
EuroMayDay Promo Video
03-04-2008 11:27
A EuroMayDay promo video has been made and is on YouTube. Check it out! Link it. Add it to your blog/MySpace, etc...asbo evicted
02-04-2008 18:29
the asbo was this afternoon evictedand about bloody time
i wonder where the violent residents will lay their shame now
its just a shame its not winter
Free Social Space weekend of events in Birmingham, April 11th to 13th 2008
01-04-2008 20:05
As part of the Europe-wide call for decentralised action for squats and autonomous spaces (see
Full article | 2 additions | 8 comments
Protesters Threatened at Bobby Roberts Circus
01-04-2008 15:30
Animal exploitation and threats just a normal day for the likes of Bobby Roberts![Bobby Roberts Super Circus will be in Hitchin (Butts Close – Bedford Road, Fishponds Road) from 1st – 6th April 08]
Mithraic Temple Discovered under Terminal 5
01-04-2008 14:31
Worldreviewer archeological expert Professor Avril Buffon from the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the University of Nantes announced today that formal excavations will start next month on a Mithraic Temple complex discovered during the construction of Heathrow’s Terminal Five.Gagged! #23 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
01-04-2008 13:04

Report From Nablus-Boomchucka Circus
31-03-2008 21:32
More inspiring words from the real clowns...we operate purely on donations..hint hint ;o)"There is a climate of hate and fear in the Netherlands"
30-03-2008 15:25

"We can no longer remain silent. There is a climate of hate and fear in the Netherlands," said Rene Danen, a spokesman from anti-racism organisation Nederland Bekent Kleur (The Netherlands Shows its Colours), which organised a protest against the film.
Protect the Children of Darfur
29-03-2008 01:13
SUNDAY 13th April – PROTECT DARFUR DEMONSTRATIONFree coach - Nottingham to London and back, Book your place now!
Leaves from outside the Nottingham city centre Post Office on Queen Street (opposite Gatecrasher) at 7 am and returns by 8 pm.
Demonstration outside the Sudanese Embassy in London starting at 12 pm on Cleveland Row, opposite St James’ palace. Postcode: SW1A 1DD
Interviews from the top of Rath Lugh (March 2008)
28-03-2008 20:25

Interview at the Solidarity Vigil Camp Tara!!
28-03-2008 14:51

Benefit gig for CIPO-RFM prisoners in Oaxaca, Mexico.
28-03-2008 11:24

Indymedia coverage here:

As a result of their work many of their activists are in prison on false and trumped up charges. Nowhere is the state repression of CIPO-RFM more acutely felt than in the remote village of San Isidro Aloapam where men and women have been murdered by paramilitaries supporting an American logging company who are trying to cut down their local forest. Other villagers have been detained and imprisoned by corrupt Police supporting the local establishment. At the the end of last year two London based IMC UK volunteers visited San Isidro to report on the situation. After many months of translating our findings from both Spanish and Zapatec we will shortly be publishing our material on this newswire. WATCH THIS SPACE....
In the meantime there will be a benefit gig for CIPO-RFM prisoners in London on April 16th. Details below. See you there.
Reclaiming Human Rights In Birmingham
27-03-2008 15:29
Birmingham , it's time to reclaim your rights to choose before the big fat coorporate butts sit on you and extinguish your right to a creativity , diversity and most of all YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE for good.New Brighton 'On the Verge' screening
27-03-2008 12:08
The Smash EDO film ‘On the Verge’ will be screened for free on Wednesday the 2 April at The Friends’ Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton. The film will start at 19.30 and will be followed by speakers and a Q&A.Oxford community-run bar under threat from local cops
26-03-2008 23:19
East Oxford Community Social Club is a social club run for and by its members, based in a local community centre for which it raises money. It's unique not just for the way it's run but also because of its diverse, inclusive and friendly atmosphere, cheap prices and availability as a community venue.A personal account and call to action. Corrections and comments welcome!