UK Culture Newswire Archive
Community Day
28-05-2007 09:18

Green Festival [in the rain] Arboretum Park
27-05-2007 22:11

Photos of London Critical Mass, May 25th
26-05-2007 10:12

[ Photos copyright (c) - available for use under creative commons non-commercial share-alike license. ]
You Are Not Fucked poster
26-05-2007 08:52

BBC News on Tour in Nottingham
24-05-2007 23:53

From Thursday 24 May to Sunday 27 May the tour is in Nottingham, in our shiney new Market Square.
A Walk on a Partially excavated site At Tara- and updates on violence.
24-05-2007 18:21

to Protections under the Shredded National Monument Act 2004. Apart from
this the integrity of the landscape comprises a whole and not as the government
in Ireland says '38 unrelated sites of little significance'
Collierstown is one of the sites and we were invited to speak to campaigners.
Protesters against Bulldozers
23-05-2007 20:58

National 'NO TV' Day 20th July 2007
23-05-2007 14:53
A call to the OFFICIAL National 'NO TV' Day in July- switch off yr boxes!!Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Review of Climate Change Exhibition at the Castle, Nottingham
23-05-2007 13:06

Yesterday me and a couple of mates decided to go to the exhibition 'Exposed' at Nottingham Castle. Organised by the National Trust, the exhibition features a number of photographers who through their work have tried to document the various effects climate change already has in the UK. Although the exhibition was a lot about the National Trust and how climate change effects their buildings and gardens, it was an interesting look at some of the less visible changes happening today. The exhibition is free for city residents (take proof) and definitely worth seeing.
G8 Resistant Art Festival Update
23-05-2007 07:31

update below - this from the free spaces / free party scene who plan to have a safe space of cultural expression - a place to chill out and wind down...
Crime of the Century - Article 4
23-05-2007 00:26
We publish this article to let the world know whom some of the defendants are in the Brussels Criminal Case because we believe that both the Brussels and Strasbourg Court are trying to find a way to deny us our justice and allow the criminals to go free.RED TUESDAY - Socialist Film Club
22-05-2007 14:08
RED TUESDAY Socialist Film ClubTuesday 5 June - The Battle of Algiers - 7.45pm, Victoria Hotel
(behind Leeds Town Hall) - a classic film of the Algerian Revolution.
Australia: 1 in 8 kids exposed to INDULGENCE: study?
20-05-2007 23:15

Bollocks to Reading Borough Council! Community Garden opens on schedule.
20-05-2007 10:04

massive police operation to stop art exhibition
19-05-2007 21:06
Has London gone anti-arts and culture?The Metropolitan Police launch major operation against an art exhibition.
Virgin spoil-sports - TAA exhibition obstructed
19-05-2007 17:37

(Photos copyright and licensed for use under Creative Commons, non-commerical, share-alike.)
Mark Lynas and Kate Evans at Swindon Festival of Literature, 13 may 2007
19-05-2007 11:16

Food not Bombs benefit gig tonight
19-05-2007 10:06

Where is the Panchem Lama
19-05-2007 09:34

On 17th May 2007 a candel lit vigil was held for the release of The Panchen Lama in Mc Leod Ganj, Dharamsala, the home of the Dali Lama and Tibetan community in exile.
Garden City Social//Sat 26th May 07//Yard Theatre
19-05-2007 08:06
Enjoy a springtime garden party at the Basement, featuring three great musical acts.8pm-midnight, Saturday 26th May 2007
The Yard Theatre, 41 Old Birley Street, Hulme, Manchester M15 5RF
£4 - a fundraiser for the Basement Social Centre