BBC News on Tour in Nottingham
Tash [alan lodge] | 24.05.2007 23:53 | Culture
The 'BBC News and Sport on Tour' is taking place at events around the UK this summer.
From Thursday 24 May to Sunday 27 May the tour is in Nottingham, in our shiney new Market Square.
From Thursday 24 May to Sunday 27 May the tour is in Nottingham, in our shiney new Market Square.
BBC News on Tour in Nottngham
The 'BBC News and Sport on Tour' is taking place at events around the UK this summer.
From Thursday 24 May to Sunday 27 May the tour is in Nottingham, in our shiney new Market Square.
They say this is your chance to have a go at reading the news on television or radio in our special studios. You can also try at some of the technical roles involved in getting programmes on air and check out some of the interactive services the BBC has to offer.
your chance to:
* have a go at reading the news and sport on television or radio
* present a weather bulletin
* be a sound or vision mixer or operate a camera or autocue
* check out some of the latest interactive services and gadgets
* create a website story about yourself
* have a go at some sports commentary, with a BBC commentator to help you
* tell us about news stories you think we should cover
* take a tour of the BBC News, Sport, Weather and Newsround websites
* meet BBC staff and ask us questions about what we do
* find out more about the BBC and its history
So, I had a go at mixing the sound for East Midland Today. I was useless, and no good at all :-(
Think i'll stick with photography thanks!
Our new Sheriff of Nottingham had a go at presenting the weather.
Although this is a BBC promotion tour, and that it does give an opportunity to play with some toys ...... I think one of the main main values for people is it provides some direct contact with the 'straight media'. It is an objective of the the tour to get feedback from listeners and viewers of its output. I think concerned folks should go and ask them about their coverage of many of the issues that we feel to be under-represented. Please go and tell them about you concerns.
News & Sport On Tour - Nottingham
BBC News and Sport on Tour
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
The 'BBC News and Sport on Tour' is taking place at events around the UK this summer.
From Thursday 24 May to Sunday 27 May the tour is in Nottingham, in our shiney new Market Square.
They say this is your chance to have a go at reading the news on television or radio in our special studios. You can also try at some of the technical roles involved in getting programmes on air and check out some of the interactive services the BBC has to offer.
your chance to:
* have a go at reading the news and sport on television or radio
* present a weather bulletin
* be a sound or vision mixer or operate a camera or autocue
* check out some of the latest interactive services and gadgets
* create a website story about yourself
* have a go at some sports commentary, with a BBC commentator to help you
* tell us about news stories you think we should cover
* take a tour of the BBC News, Sport, Weather and Newsround websites
* meet BBC staff and ask us questions about what we do
* find out more about the BBC and its history
So, I had a go at mixing the sound for East Midland Today. I was useless, and no good at all :-(
Think i'll stick with photography thanks!
Our new Sheriff of Nottingham had a go at presenting the weather.
Although this is a BBC promotion tour, and that it does give an opportunity to play with some toys ...... I think one of the main main values for people is it provides some direct contact with the 'straight media'. It is an objective of the the tour to get feedback from listeners and viewers of its output. I think concerned folks should go and ask them about their coverage of many of the issues that we feel to be under-represented. Please go and tell them about you concerns.
News & Sport On Tour - Nottingham

BBC News and Sport on Tour

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK


Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Tash [alan lodge]