UK Culture Newswire Archive
George Africanus: Re-dedication of former slave's grave
26-03-2007 16:52

On Sunday 25th March at 3 - 5pm in the St, Marys Churchyard, the Re-dedication of George Africanus grave. This event marked, was part of the celebrations of the bicentenary of the End of the Slave Trade. 'Abolition 200'.
Market Square Opening Events : Saturday Pix 2
26-03-2007 15:00

Market Square Opening Events : Saturday Pix 1
26-03-2007 14:54

Market Square Opening Events : Construction & Preparation
26-03-2007 14:44

Anti-racist protest/stall - Saturday 31 March 2007, 12-3pm
26-03-2007 11:50
As the racist Labour governments' attacks on immigrants and especially asylum seekers intensifies (ESOL, snatch squads, charter flights, etc), anti-racist activists from NWASDG and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! will be holding anti-deportation stalls/protest on Saturday 31 March from 12pm-3pm on Market Street in Manchester city centre. You are invited to attend and take an active part. Actions speak louder than words. Say no to the racist Labour government's policies of starvation, isolation, detention and deportation of asylum seekers and refugees, where it matters: on the streets.Starbucks openning greeted by local knees up
26-03-2007 11:12
Described as "a proper east-end knees up", locals gathered outside the new Starbucks store for a tea party, "in defence of our area, and to show off the lovely culture we have".Silent Disco at Nottingham Uni
25-03-2007 20:41

NPower obtains High Court injunction to prevent press coverage of protests
25-03-2007 15:03
Electricity giant Npower has obtained an injunction to stop protests and filming at the site of a proposed ash dump.Last Hours issue 15 out now - DIY culture, autonomy & revolution!
25-03-2007 11:55

British Premier - East of Liberty, 1pm, Dalston Rio cinema, May Day Bank Holiday
25-03-2007 10:35
The British premier of East of Liberty, a hard hitting documentary about gentrification in East Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The director, Chris Ivey, will be attending to answer questions at the end.Reclaim Our City! - leaflet text for Nottingham's Market Square reopening night
24-03-2007 21:15

It’s lovely to have the Market Square finally finished, isn’t it? Now we can start to use it again; as a great hang out, somewhere to sit around with our friends in the sun, the best place to raise awareness about political issues through formal and impromptu demos, listen to free music of all sorts, maybe have a drink, take the piss out of the army recruitment display, shelter from the rain on the Council House steps, but the question is ...
Afghans now rejecting NATO troops - for Taliban
23-03-2007 19:51
Senlis Council’s Norine MacDonald QC. said:“The results from the survey are extremely alarming because they indicate that the international community is in serious trouble in Afghanistan .
Art Not Oil 2007 gallery stands at 31 items, but we'd like more please...
23-03-2007 15:14

And below the Art Not Oil info, please find a link for Rising Tide North America's current tour with the wildly creative and very inspiring Beehive Collective.
Bo from Art Not Oil/London Rising Tide
Pete Seeger for Nobel Peace Prize
23-03-2007 00:51
To read and sign the petition to American Friends Service Committee to nominate Pete Seeger for the Nobel Peace Prize go to:
A satirical Goon-style review by Lord Biro.
22-03-2007 15:49

(to avoid being shot by the Yanks)
Thursday 29th March
Venue: The Cricket Pavillion, Wollaton Sports Club
Doors open 7:45pm – show commences 8-15pm
Remembrance and Resistance
22-03-2007 01:51

RampART Creative Social Centre
7a Rampart Street, off Commercial Road, LONDON, E2
Nearest Tube Whitechapel, Aldgate East, Shadwell
Whitechapel Knees Up against Starbucks
19-03-2007 16:17

Pasolini Requeim has gone from Wiki.
19-03-2007 12:07

A "Pasolini Requeim' that had been produced for the thirtieth
Anniversary of the brutal murder of Pier Pasolini has vanished from the
Wiki pages.
Pasolini had been murdered in Italy, he was run over by his own car.
He knew the names of the mafia and the coup makers.
St Patrick's Day Parade - Piccys 2
19-03-2007 11:39