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UK Policing Newswire Archive

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Katy Bourne Candidate for Sussex Police Crime Commissioner

03-11-2012 18:20

Katy Bourne. Candidate for Sussex Police Crime Commissioner
We the family and supporters of Justice for Katrina.
We would like a public meeting with you before the election

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PCC GOodfrey Daniel Lays Down The Law At Crawley Hustings

03-11-2012 08:50

Guerrilla Democracy: Democracy made easy
Problems started from the out-set when Godfrey Daniel, voiced his disapproval and insisted that Matt Taylor doesn't participate at all and that Pete Bradbury only be allowed to read out a prepared statement and then join the audience for the remaining duration.

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Death of a Detainee in Harmondsworth

01-11-2012 12:31

UK migration prisons have claimed yet another victim.

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Alfie Meadows & Zac King retrial — Day 3

01-11-2012 11:01

Police feared overcrowding in Parliament Square on the day Alfie
Meadows nearly died — but kettled protesters who arrived anyway, a
court has heard.

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Rape Victim Fury at Julian Assange Prosecutor, Marianne Ny

29-10-2012 21:29

"I am a woman. I was raped. But I never lied about my experience..." Why the case against Julian Assange is nothing other than an attempt to silence.

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EDL "National" demo in Westminster / Walthamstow

27-10-2012 17:56

80 far-right cannon-fodder bother to show-up in London

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How much do police fear being photographed on demos?

25-10-2012 21:14

Spain’s government is drafting a law that bans photographing and filming the police (interestingly, the ban even extends to a prohibition against recording SOUNDS of the police) -

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The Earth Needs Rebels

24-10-2012 00:19


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Matt Taylor declares himself an unofficial PCC candidate

23-10-2012 17:56

Guerrilla Democracy
I'm introducing a new concept into politics called Guerrilla Democracy. I am always pushing the boundaries and will continue to do so. I want voters to exercise their democratic right to spoil their ballot papers by writing SOS on them

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Police vs. Brag

23-10-2012 03:34

The police in the UK claim to be neutral enforcers of the law – disinterested machines dedicated to the violent enforcement of the will of the state. This would be contemptible enough, if only it were true. The thugs in uniform that House of Brag has encountered over the past week have not only persecuted us in the absence of any accusations of law-breaking but have actively ignored strong evidence of violent law-breaking which clashed with their anti-squatter agenda.

To take a step back – House Of Brag (HoB) is a small collective of idealistic queers and allies seeking to create a non-commercial space for queer people and activists to organise, network and socialise. A week and a half ago, we squatted a long-term abandoned council-owned building in South-Central London and opened up The London Queer Social Centre with a cafe, free-shop, work-shop, stage, library and events spaces – all free to use for anybody. For context, it may be worth making clear that we have not had any late or loud parties or done anything that could be considered anti-social or a disturbance in any way.

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unions cuts march and london anti-workfare actions - pics & report

21-10-2012 13:30

despite very little publicity for yesterday's union-organised march in london, there was an impressive turn-out, with huge numbers still waiting to leave the embankment at the time the front of the march entered hyde park. as DPAC closed down park lane, and activists targetted oxford street workfare and tax avoidance stores, policing was sporadically violent, very high on surveillance, but with very few arrests.

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How to support Trenton Oldfield

21-10-2012 11:58

On the same day George Osbourne was refusing to sit with us “plebs” in the second class train carriage, Trenton Oldfield was beginning a six month prison sentence for protesting against elitism and inequality. See excellent article by Nina Power below.

Please show your support by writing to Trenton.

You can email Trenton using: with the details: Trenton Oldfield, Prison ID: A1010CT, H.M.P.Wormwood Scrubs.

Or send a letter: Prison Number: A1010CT, H.M.P.Wormwood Scrubs, P.O.Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London W12 0AE

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Census case verdict in Liverpool: Donate to support refusers

20-10-2012 16:50

Andy Manifold was back at Liverpool's Dale Street Magistrates' Court on Friday 19 October to hear the outcome of his trial on a charge of failing to complete the 2011 Census. Six people held a solidarity vigil outside the court beforehand. In the week that the CPS dropped charges against another census refuser in Liverpool, Andy was found guilty, fined and costs were awarded against him.

A number of people are now in the position of having fines taken directly from their benefits. As these aren't enough to live on even before any deductions, please consider making a donation to the solidarity fund if you can afford it, and particularly if you resisted the census but weren't prosecuted. Over 1 in 20 households didn't complete a census return (see this Daily Telegraph article) but only a few hundred people were prosecuted. Donation details below.

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Dale Farm activists take ‘Fight for Sites’ to Pickles’ doorstep

19-10-2012 15:49

Traveller rights activists targeted Eric Pickles’ Department of Communities and Local Government in a protest today to mark the one year anniversary of the eviction of Dale Farm.
 250 activists, many of whom resisted the eviction at Dale Farm last October, and former Dale Farm residents descended on the government building in an attempt to ‘evict Eric Pickles’.

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100,000s expected at TUC march – know your rights

19-10-2012 10:58

With 100,000s expected to march as part of the TUC mobilisation on Saturday, it is important that people know their rights and what to do in case of arrest.

We recommend that you take a minute to look at our bust card, which can be found in the resources section on the left-hand side of our website or in this post.

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Guerilla Democracy

19-10-2012 06:32

Guerilla Democracy
Matt Taylor, a Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner candidate, introduces a new concept into politics called 'Guerilla Democracy.'

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Stay Safe: Stay Anonymous! #2: Masking Up

19-10-2012 06:01

This is possibly the easiest form of FITwatching that can be done. It is 100% legal (although you need to read the Legal Information at the bottom of this post), keeps you off a database and, when done en masse, creates a sea of obscured faces that are much harder to identify. This is something everyone should be doing on demonstrations, particularly in London – a city smothered by blanket surveillance.
However, there are a few things we should bear in mind when engaging in this form of FITwatching:

When, Where, Who, Why…

  • If travelling alone or with a small group of friends (an ‘affinity group’), move quickly and smoothly round the streets to find the demonstration. It is not advisable to mask up before reaching a crowd, as this draws attention to you. However, you should use your initiative – if the cops are already making moves towards you, you might want to mask up.
  • Once there, mask up in a nice spot in the crowd, an enclosed doorway or other public-accessible space; toilets, alleyways etc. away from the obvious glare of the police, journalists, CCTV or other people who might (intentionally or otherwise) be documenting your movements and jeopardising your anonymity.
  • If there is civil disobedience, direct action or crowd responses to aggressive policing taking place, then make sure you mask up if you haven’t already. These are crucial moments when intelligence gathering cops of all stripes will be on the prowl and the best moment to disrupt their activities.
  • If the FIT shove a camera in your face, it goes without saying you should do whatever you can to obscure it. It is, after all, your legal right to individually refuse FIT photography/filming. If you have a mask, put it on. Ideally, you won’t let it get to this far without masking up, but it’s never too late.
  • Just because you aren’t going to do anything unlawful when you leave the house that day, doesn’t mean you don’t need to defend your anonymity. With draconian powers handed to the police on a plate for their arbitrary use, you never know when you might get your collar felt. Better safe than sorry.

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Amnesty International Denounces Torture in California Prisons

19-10-2012 04:35

Two weeks after the release of Amnesty Intl’s new report on the use of prolonged solitary confinement inside California’s ‘Security Housing Units’ (SHUs), entitled "The Edge of Endurance: Conditions in California’s Security Housing Units," prisoners initiated another hunger strike, with 500 participants statewide. In this new interview, Tessa Murphy speaks about her visit to California SHUs and Amnesty's report based on the visit. Our introduction features key excerpts from Amnesty's report detailing how Amnesty thinks the CA authorities have not done enough in response the the 2011 hunger strike.

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Don’t be on a database

18-10-2012 17:51

Netpol have today launched a campaign to limit the gathering of data by the police on political protest. The campaign, don’t be on a database, gives good reasons why protesters should assert their legal rights to keep their personal details private.

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65yr-old dies during today's protests in Athens

18-10-2012 15:38

65-year old protester Xenophon Lougaris dies during today’s General Strike demonstration in Athens; heart failure following tear gas inhaling flagged as most probable cause of death