UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Sequani Animal Testing Labs Demo Hereford - 16/04/04
12-04-2004 21:34

Friday 16th April - World month for lab animals - Anti-vivisection demo -
Sequani labs, Bromyard rd, Ledbury, Herefordshire. HR8 1LH. - 12 Noon.
(Turn right facing out of Ledbury train stn, walk under bridge, the death
camp is 100 yrds walk approx.)
Protests at Colchester and other zoos
07-04-2004 09:03
Call for protests at zoos in the UK, especially at Colchester Zoo on Easter MondayVeggies Beware! - Quorn Partners with McDonalds!
05-04-2004 15:22

Essex Police assault and racially abuse Hunt Sabs
29-03-2004 12:41
Essex Police acted as hunt stewards, assaulting and racially abusing hunt sabs at a meet of the Essex and Farmers Union Hunt in Maldon, Essex.No Cages - No Oxford Animal Lab
25-03-2004 17:22
Demonstrate against the building of a new university animal lab in South Parks Road, Oxford.Be at the site (next to Dept. of Psychology) at 8AM Friday 26 March TOMORROW!
Good Riddance Vs KFC
24-03-2004 16:49
From the PETA mailout: "This Sunday the band Good Riddance will be playing at Manchester University and before they take to the stage the band will lead a PETA protest against KFC: Sunday, 28 March at 12.45 p.m. outside KFC, 131-133 Portland Street, Manchester.Protests stop Harvey Nichols selling fur
23-03-2004 23:14
Harvey Nichols owns 5 shops in the UK and animal rights groups have been protesting outside them for months as they sell clothes made of rabbit, fox and raccoon fur. A few days before a national day of action, the company officially withdrew all its fur and announced that it would not be selling it again.Help Save Alaska's wolves from eradication
21-03-2004 20:30
The Alaska Wildlife Alliance has launched an online petition to send the democratic voice to our politicians in Alaska.Wolrd Day for Lab Animals
21-03-2004 16:57

B & E Hamblion ditch Sequani labs
21-03-2004 15:21
B & E Hamblion Haulage Limited of Colchester have finally done the right thing and stopped delivering items to the puppy killers at Sequani labs. People Against Cruelty to Animals - West Midlands received this email 19/03/04 ...Police attempting to bluff campaigners over HLS related emails
20-03-2004 21:52
It has come to our attention that the police working on behalf of the customers of HLS who have taken out injunctions against protests are over stretching themselves in their interpretations of its terms and attempting to harass activists on behalf of their masters. This article gives you the information to unmask their tricks and keep yourself safe from them.Colin Blakemore - vivisector - speaking at Dana Centre
19-03-2004 00:39

Stop Canada's Seal Hunt
18-03-2004 14:08
The Canadian government has already announced plans to kill nearly ONE MILLION seal pups in the next three years despite evidence of widespread cruelty and grave threats to the population. This is the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world, and it will not end unless caring people like you take action now!KFC Demo
17-03-2004 22:10
there will be a demonstration at the kfc on great charlotte street [LIVERPOOL] this friday (19th) march between 12-1pm. try and get there at 11.45!Firm targeted by animal rights group
17-03-2004 13:54
East Anglian Daily TimesFirm targeted by animal rights group
March 17, 2004 06:11
By Ted Jeory
Hunt Sabs attacked by Essex Hunt
13-03-2004 20:16
3 sabs received cuts and bruises from Red Coat at a joint meet of the Essex Union and Essex Farmers and Union.ANC International ditch Sequani labs
12-03-2004 23:47
People Against Cruelty to Animals - West Midlands received email confirmation today 12/03/04 that ANC International (who appear on the latest 'suppliers and maintainers' list for Sequani labs) a long term Sequani supplier service, who were spotted a few weeks ago delivering 'suspect packages' from Sigma Aldrich and Fisher scientific, have now severed all ties with the Herefordshire animal molestors after receiving an email alerting them to the gross practices that harm animals that occur at Sequani labs and, also of our legal right to demonstrate at their company HQ ... Here's the email:Undercover Lawyer Exposed At Animal Rights Meeting
10-03-2004 12:28
The following was cut and pasted from the archive section.It seems the original posting was misssed by the majority of readers.
Sequani vivisection labs - suppliers - updated
09-03-2004 01:44

Animal tested drugs not only send people to hospital that have had adverse reactions to these drugs, they also send people in their thousands to their graves. The sick, perverted animal vivisectors will not let the public know that these tests are always hit and miss, tossing the coin ... imagine the millions of pounds they would lose if they did!
If you don't agree with Dogs, puppies, pigs, piglets, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats and mice being deliberatley induced with cancer in and out of the womb, plus fed toxic pharmaceuticals by filthy profiteering vivisectors who help nobody but themselves ... please email, write to, visit or demo these companies that help supply and maintain Sequani labs and voice your concerns ..