Sequani Animal Testing Labs Demo Hereford - 16/04/04
People Against Cruelty to Animals - West Midlands | 12.04.2004 21:34 | Animal Liberation
Calling Anti-Capitalists, Anarchists, Veggies, Vegans, AR Militants even Socialists!
Friday 16th April - World month for lab animals - Anti-vivisection demo -
Sequani labs, Bromyard rd, Ledbury, Herefordshire. HR8 1LH. - 12 Noon.
(Turn right facing out of Ledbury train stn, walk under bridge, the death
camp is 100 yrds walk approx.)
Friday 16th April - World month for lab animals - Anti-vivisection demo -
Sequani labs, Bromyard rd, Ledbury, Herefordshire. HR8 1LH. - 12 Noon.
(Turn right facing out of Ledbury train stn, walk under bridge, the death
camp is 100 yrds walk approx.)
As the vile 'scientific' menace that is 'vivisection' is now being
exposed again and again in our tabloids and on our airwaves as
'scientific fraud' Now is our chance to show venomous opposition to those
that would steal the lives from the innocent for filthy profit gain. The
torture and pain that animals suffer daily at the Midlands local
vivisection laboratory 'Sequani Limited' is not something to merely
regret, but something to unite and fight against, harder, in numbers!
If you care, be there!
Love and Liberty,
People Against Cruelty to Animals - West Midlands
exposed again and again in our tabloids and on our airwaves as
'scientific fraud' Now is our chance to show venomous opposition to those
that would steal the lives from the innocent for filthy profit gain. The
torture and pain that animals suffer daily at the Midlands local
vivisection laboratory 'Sequani Limited' is not something to merely
regret, but something to unite and fight against, harder, in numbers!
If you care, be there!
Love and Liberty,
People Against Cruelty to Animals - West Midlands

People Against Cruelty to Animals - West Midlands