UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Bobby roberts protest blaydon
19-05-2011 00:21
Over twenty five local activists and residents protested today against bobby robertsYoung and old came came to show there anger at this horrific show
Peter Young discusses sectarianism, finding post-prison role
18-05-2011 00:16
In a May 7, 2011 interview, animal liberationist Peter Young discusses sectarianism and finding a post-prison role, among other topics.Dog Fighting Page Crushed
17-05-2011 11:14
An animal rights campaign on, a social networking website, said it would not tolerate pages which encourages an illegal act of cruelty.Wildlife Rescuers Encourage Nest Watching
17-05-2011 05:31

The Animal Rights Zone Tom Regan Week.
16-05-2011 12:11
A week-long series of events have been organised (16 May - 21 May) to mark The ARZone Tom Regan Week, including the release of rare and exclusive questions and answers with the scholar/activist, a full transcript, and an ARZone member’s “workshop.”Global week of action against Air France-KLM: 27 May - 3 June
14-05-2011 14:38

Reminder: Save the Harlan Beagles National Demo - 18/06/11
14-05-2011 02:03
Harlan in Belton, Loughborough, are one of they few remaining suppliers of beagles to vivisection laboratories left in the UK. Over 1,000 dogs are held in the kennels onsite at any given time - 250 of which are killed each year as surplus to stock.Urgent: Stop IBC's Primate Shipment to USA
12-05-2011 19:38
AMERIJET STOPPED, SO WILL IBC!Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust - supports animal abuse
11-05-2011 19:27
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust is running a fund raising event with Gifford's Circus, a circus well known for it's abuse of animals.Palestine Today 06 05 2011
06-05-2011 16:40
Palestine Today 05 05 2011
05-05-2011 19:31
World Week for the Abolition of Meat - May 2011 Campaign
30-04-2011 10:50

Legislators In 3 US States Seek To Ban Slaughterhouse Investigations & Films..
28-04-2011 14:46
The world's largest fast food chain once ran a commercial of hamburgers growing in garden patches. For millenia, slaughterhouse torture has been hidden from children and adults. AETA, passed with the help of slaughterhouse state senators, California Senator Dianne Feinstein's husband Richard Blum and the FBI, is an unconstitutional law which limits animal rights activists' 1st amendment rights to expose brutality to animals. Now Minnesota,Iowa and Florida legislators want to hide further the abbatoir torture caught in video such as those above. A ban on filming would help those who profiteer from mongering cancerridden, ecoli saturated cadavers of murdered animals. One Minnesota Health Dept official said giving rare meat to a child is a form of chlid endangering akin to driving 95 mph on the highway. A California dairy operation film showed injured cows being pushed with forklifts into a chain link fence.
Facist infestation on facebook
28-04-2011 09:56
English National Alliance attempt to infiltrate animal rights movement.The Black Fish is looking for crew members
27-04-2011 08:40

UG#546 - How The Environmental Movement Died of Success (& What To Do About It)
26-04-2011 18:31

Anti Vivisection SHAC talk this Wednesday in London
23-04-2011 17:15

Oppose the Marshall UK Beagle Factory!
20-04-2011 11:44
URGENT: OPPOSE THE MARSHALL UK BEAGLE FACTORYNew York-based Marshall Farms purchased UK vivisection breeder B&K Universal
from the Bantin family a number of years back. The site was cleared of all
animals and breeding stock and has remained empty for over a year - until now.
Nottingham, Sheffield, & West Yorkshire Sabs Sept 2010-March 2011 Report
18-04-2011 21:01

World Day for Animals in Laboratories 2011
17-04-2011 17:23