UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
105 Billion Monthly,3.5 billion daily,1.26 Trillion Yearly,.US War Cost
24-02-2011 18:26
The human, animal and environmental costs of the wars of the US, UK and NATOare incalculable. The fiscal cost is below.
Please Tell Smithfield No More Pig Gestation Crates
22-02-2011 22:47
While the world's biggest pigkiller, Smithfield Foods of Virginia, has gestationcrates for pigs which have been outlawed in the EU, its crates continue
in the US and 3 states in Mexico.
Hunt Saboteurs Association - Six years since the ban and nothing's changed.
22-02-2011 00:04
Last Tuesday, the 15th feb, members of Guildford Hunt saboteurs witnessedthe Surrey Union Hunt blatantly breaking the hunting Act by illegally
chasing a fox.
Murky world of hunting revealed on new 'huntmap'
18-02-2011 21:59
Six years on and Hunting Act is going from strength to strength, according tocharity
Anti-Fur Protesters Back at Dixies – Campaign to step up!
16-02-2011 23:22
Fur is dead! Until Cambridge is fur free we will fight on!Nocton Dairies "mega dairy" project scrapped
16-02-2011 19:15
The cow prison project, originally proposed by Nocton Dairies, has been scrapped following massive opposition.Cambridge Activists Target Reptile Dealers 'Pets at Home'
15-02-2011 20:58

HLS Unmasked 2011: Investigative report into HLS' shocking experiments
15-02-2011 12:33

Victory: Amerijet Stop Transporting Primates for Vivisection!
14-02-2011 20:20

Professor Colin Blakemore in Animal Rights Zone
14-02-2011 07:16
The animal rights social network and advocacy website Animal Rights Zone (ARZone) announces a groundbreaking interview with British neurobiologist and University of Oxford1 Professor Colin Blakemore Ph. D. to take place at 10pm GMT on Saturday February 19, 2011.Thousands rescued from a farm in Hassocks, West Sussex
13-02-2011 02:01

Fruitarian Diet: Most Nonviolent, Healthiest, Highest Acreage Yield,Reforesting
12-02-2011 20:15
Nut groves, olive orchards, grape vines can yield 450,000 pounds of food per acre.Slaughterhouses filled with the shrieks of terrorized animals yield a maximum 1000 lbs
per acre.
BNP Crufts website causing a stir
12-02-2011 00:16

the website is an almost identical copy of the crufts website claiming this year the BNP are Cruft's official sponsor. linking their similar views whilst explaining Whether you call it 'pedigree' or 'master race', the quest for pure bloodlines is the same thing - the false and dangerous belief that some breeds or races are superior to others and asking true dog lovers to take a bite out of cruelty by boycotting breeders and adopting a lovable animal from a shelter instead.
however since the website was launched and published to indymedia there has been anger amongst both kennel club and BNP members
BNP to sponsor Crufts
10-02-2011 16:00
Quote from website"After realising that Crufts has nothing to do with sofas, we have teamed up with the BNP. With identical views and aims, we hope to deliver the purest Crufts yet!"
Vegan awareness via confectionery
10-02-2011 02:53

Don't forget the seals, another animal slaughter
09-02-2011 10:49
The anger demonstrated by Canadians over the Whistler dog killings is evidence that legislation to help bring an end to cruelty to animals must be passed.Anti-meat demo in Brighton on 15 February
09-02-2011 05:27
On 15 February 2011 there is an anti-meat demonstration in Brighton.Briana Waters re-indicted
08-02-2011 20:45
US eco-prisoner Briana Waters has been re-indicted in a 9 count indictment which also served as a superseding indictment for Joseph Dibee, Josephine Overaker, and Justin Solondz.Police Intimidation Fails Against Dixie's Vintage Fur Protesters
07-02-2011 23:11

Activist: “What were we accused of saying?”
PC Paul Adams: “They sell fur!”
Hunt saboteurs attacked on Crawley and Horsham hunt
07-02-2011 11:59
Hunt saboteurs were attacked on the Crawley and Horsham hunt on Saturday when they intervened to stop illegal hunting.