UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
World Day for Lab Animals March in Chile
28-04-2009 17:25

American pig killing operation linked to disease in Mexico, Romania, Poland
28-04-2009 13:47

Sick Factory Farming and The Flu Pandemic
28-04-2009 08:50
The sickening conditions for animals reared in factory farms are yet again implicated as the being at the festering center of the rapidly spreading fatal flu pandemic.Fitwatching at World Day for Animals in Labs London March. 25th April 2009
27-04-2009 19:30

Nottingham Animal Rights - Another 8 events to support
27-04-2009 15:09
Is this a slack week for Nottingham Animal Rights?Only 8 forthcoming events to report on this time.
SHUT DOWN PASSENGER FLIGHTS,empower communities&end industrial livestock farmin
26-04-2009 20:49
Laboratories confirm this is a H1N1 flu,time for us to organise& survive, cooperatively & help good workers in the NHS & WHO.In this chaotic system-society,Seems most experts & government leaders will still be assesing situ still or trying to save themelves+ their families first as they know their isnt a
proper cooperative democratic system in place
World Day for Lab Animals 2009 – pics and videos
26-04-2009 20:38

Peter Jolly's Circus..
26-04-2009 19:14
Is currently plaguing us here in Evesham and are situated at Knowle Hill Road, WR11 7EL (A46). Apparently it's some "traditional" western extravagnza with llamas and horses and other victims of human supremist crap.New SHAC Magazine - Out Now!
26-04-2009 16:39

With a share price that is almost as low as HLS’ moral standards, the last thing they will be needing is someone secretly filming them abusing monkeys for the past year. Bad luck Huntingdon! An ADI reporter watched and filmed as monkeys were bred and shipped in from Vietnam, strapped into chairs and gassed to death. For the seventh time in the past twelve years, we can see once again the huge level of incompetence and suffering at the hands of the monsters inside HLS. Turn to the next pages to read the full write-up of what’s been going on behind locked doors...
Nottingham AR for Animals in Laboratories
26-04-2009 16:13

World Day For Animals In Laboratores March Photo's | Part 4
26-04-2009 14:01

An initial upload of photographs from the World Day for Animals In Laboratories March which took place in London on 25th April 2009.
World Day For Animals In Laboratores March Photo's | Part 3
26-04-2009 13:53

An initial upload of photographs from the World Day for Animals In Laboratories March which took place in London on 25th April 2009.
World Day For Animals In Laboratores March Photo's | Part 2
26-04-2009 09:00

An initial upload of photographs from the World Day for Animals In Laboratories March which took place in London on 25th April 2009.
World Day For Animals In Laboratores March Photo's | Part 1
26-04-2009 08:44

An initial upload of photographs from the World Day for Animals In Laboratories March which took place in London on 25th April 2009.
Interview with ex-vivisector Jerry Vlasak
26-04-2009 05:29

His essays and interviews have been published in numerous journals and magazines and he has been interviewed on radio, TV and in print by journalists worldwide regarding animal rights. He resides in Los Angeles.
Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Whaling Ship Sunk in Norway!
25-04-2009 21:27
Another whaling ship scuttled - "WE SANK THE BASTARD. -AGENDA 21"Telmex poetically sabotaged, locks glued & shops etched
24-04-2009 20:24

BEWARE! The importance of NO COMMENT whilst under caution by the police!
24-04-2009 14:05
I know it has been said before but making comments under caution helps convict people every day. Have some sense and respect for your fellow protesters / friends / comrades / family etc who might be implicated by anything you say whilst under police caution.Sea Shepard Documentary - Whose side are you on?
24-04-2009 12:56

A documentary is to be shown on the Discovery Channel on monday, 9pm which will feature footage of the Sea Shepard crew in action against the Japanese whaling Fleet.
Another Arrest at Barclays & Police Station Vigil
24-04-2009 12:31