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UK Zapatista Newswire Archive

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¡Viva México! Reminder and Interview

06-05-2011 19:38

SCREENING TOUR IN SCOTLAND : ¡Viva México! & "La Otra Mirada"


a documentary film by Nicolas Défossé - a production of Terra Nostra Films (Mexico) - 2010.

Accompanied by Nicolas Défossé (film director) & Adolfo López Magaña (photographic exhibition coordinator of the Photo Exhibition "La Otra Mirada").

In Scotland May 7th & 8th

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Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group Punk Benefit Gig Wed. 4 May

03-05-2011 00:43

Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group Punk Benefit Gig
Wednesday 4th May
8 pm

212 Cowgate
Edinburgh EH1 1NQ

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Repression, Impunity and Resistance in Oaxaca: One Year After the Copala Caravan

02-05-2011 13:59

Update from Oaxaca. No change after election of new State Governor.

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Campaign to drive Zapatistas off their land

02-05-2011 12:00

A “Global Day of Action for the Liberation of the Zapatista Political Prisoner” is calling for freedom for Zapatista villager Patricio Domíngez Vázquez. Patricio
has been imprisoned on false charges by the authorities in Chiapas, Mexico.

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¡VIVA MÉXICO! The Other Mexico On Film Glasgow Screening 8 May

29-04-2011 14:26

In a journey from the mountains of southeastern Mexico to the northern border with the United States, Subcommander Marcos, Zapatista spokesperson, and the people of Mexico trace the forgotten face of a country. A celebration of the struggle for land and dignity.

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¡VIVA MÉXICO! The Other Mexico On Film Edinburgh Screening

29-04-2011 14:22

In a journey from the mountains of southeastern Mexico to the northern border with the United States, Subcommander Marcos, Zapatista spokesperson, and the people of Mexico trace the forgotten face of a country. A celebration of the struggle for land and dignity.

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Demos in solidarity with Zapatista-initiated Other Campaign Prisoners

21-04-2011 20:36

Info Stalls and demos about San Sebastian Bachajón as part of the Five
More Days of Action for the 5 prisoners of Bachajón

Sunday 24th April
Wellington Statue
East End of Princes Street

Thursday 28th April
12 noon - 2pm
Outside the Library
Glasgow University

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Zapatista/Chiapas News April 2011

20-04-2011 22:31

Harsh pressure against ejidatarios from San Sebastian Bachajon.

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Zapatista Solidarity in Glasgow

17-04-2011 19:36

Screening of Health and Solidarity (25 min.)
- The twinning of Zapatista Solidarity Groups in Scotland with the Zapatista Autonomous Municipality '16th February' in Chiapas, Mexico.

+ Latest Video Message from an indigenous community in struggle in Chiapas

Followed by Glasgow Chiapas Solidarity Group organising meeting

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Authorities reward those who leave the Zapatista resistance with social support

11-04-2011 20:02

"Buying consciences", trying to bribe people out of the resistance

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Stop the Repression of Indigenous Communities in Chiapas Mexico, Demo. London

28-03-2011 00:59

Stop the Repression of Indigenous Communities in Chiapas Mexico

April 1st

Mexican Embassy,
16 St George Street,
London W1S 1FD.

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Chiapas/Zapatista News March 2011

23-03-2011 20:26

Further escalation of violence and repression against the organized communities of Chiapas

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'What ever happened to the Zapatistas?' Tues. 29th Mar. Glasgow

21-03-2011 21:28

7.30pm Tuesday 29th March
@ The Free Hetherington
The Glasgow University Occupation
13 University Gardens
Just off University Avenue,
Glasgow University Campus

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The indigenous: between harassment and dispossession

12-03-2011 13:33

Seventeen years after the armed uprising in Chiapas and eleven after the signing of the San Andrés accords on indigenous rights and culture, the situation of indigenous peoples throughout the country is worse than ever. There is literally a war of dispossession against their lands and territories.

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Declaration from the Network against Repression concerning acts of repression in

02-03-2011 07:08

We denounce with indignation the new escalation in violence and repression against the organised communities of the Other Campaign in Chiapas. During the month of February we have witnessed with alarm assaults and attacks by the state and its paramilitary groups on adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle:

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Screening of Salud y Solidaridad, Thursday 17th March, Glasgow

24-02-2011 23:38

A Film about the twinning of the Zapatista community 16th February with Chiapas Solidarity groups in Scotland

Hosted by Digital Desperados

Thursday 17th, 7 – 10pm, CCA cinema space , 350 Sauciehall St (nearest tubes – cowcaddens & st georges cross)

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Chiapas/Zapatista News February 2011

15-02-2011 01:08

Mass non-payment of electricity bills

Action in support of migrants

Police harass journalists in San Cristóbal de las Casas

Prisoners huger strike in Motozintla Prison

Demonstration against femicide

The General Command of the Zapatista National Liberation Army expresses sadness and regret at the death of Bishop Samuel Ruiz García.

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Detaining of Other Campaign Adherents, Chiapas, Mexico

13-02-2011 23:23

Urgent Action

Fray Bartolome de las Casas Human Rights Centre
San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas
February 7, 2011

Arbitrary Deprivation of Liberty of ejidatarios in Chiapas

State government has detained 10 ejidatarios, adherents to the Other Campaign from San Sebastián Bachajón .

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Letter in support of prisoners from San Sebastian Bachajon

11-02-2011 18:33

Letter in protest at the arbitrary detention of 117 common landholders in Chiapas. 10 remain in prison.

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Mexico: Days of Action, 14-19 February 2011

10-02-2011 06:15

The continued violations of the right to freedom of association by the Mexican government must stop. The IMF, ICEM, ITF and UNI are calling on affiliates to take action from 14 to 19 February, 2011.

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