Faslane Peace Camp needs more guests!
Imc Scotland , 10-03-2003 - 23:00
Faslane Peace Camp, exists to protest against nukes and war for 21 years, and has become the activist centre of Scotland. The next big direct action will be at the Big Blockade in April- see Calendar, but at the moment, Faslane Peace Camp is in urgent need of guests.
[ report | Faslane Peace Camp | Blockade]
Pat Freebourne , 10-03-2003 - 10:35
Please visit Faslane peace Camp, a camp that has existed to protest against nukes and war for 21 years, and has become the activist centre of scotland. The camp is in urgent needs of guests.
Aberdeen is marching against the war
Imc Scotland , 08-03-2003 - 23:00
The biggest march in Aberdeen for perhaps a decade took place on Saturday the 8th of March protesting the war on Iraq, and the persecution of the Palestinian people by the Israeli military state. Activists in Aberdeen and beyond are preparing for the next direct action, taking place next Friday at 12 noon in front of the local army recruitment centre on Belmont St. [full story | another report ]
Pat Freebourne , 07-03-2003 - 20:37
Faslane Peace Camp urgently requires more visitors. Even, if you can only stay 1 or 2 days, any visit would be much appreciated. Please ring 01436 820 901 for details.
Edinburgh March against the War - 6.3.2003
Imc Scotland , 06-03-2003 - 23:00
On Thursday, 6th of march, there were two demonstrations happening in Edinburgh, which joined together in front of the Scottish parliament. Both demonstrations were quite large compared to other demonstrations in the last years.
[ report | pictures of SSP]
Edinburgh Claimants destroy forces recruitment brochures
Imc Scotland , 28-02-2003 - 00:00
On Wednesday, 26th of february, Edinburgh Claimants have destroyed armed forces recruitment material in an Edinburgh Job Centre in resistance to the threatened war with Iraq. The shredded material was returned through the letter box. The group also explains its action, that “ The army and other armed forces try to take advantage of unemployed people?s poverty ”
[full story | Edinburgh Claimants]
International Demonstrations against War and Imperialism, 15th of February.
Imc Scotland , 15-02-2003 - 23:00
On Saturday, 15th of February, masses will take the streets all over the world to protest against the forthcoming war in the greed for oil and economical control of resources. As the politicians are getting shit-scared, the suspension and abolition of democratic, constitutional and human rights to assemble on the streets to voice alternative opinions are excluded in the lie of "security". The demonstration in Glasgow is expected to be one of the largest Scotland has seen in a long while. The Labour conference will simultaneously take place, and Blair is planned in to speak at 2pm. [more feature on global imc about February, 15th | feature on global imc about the cancelled demos | call for red and black block at Scottish demo | International anarchist call for global action against capitalism and war]
No more speakers in our name!
Imc Scotland , 13-02-2003 - 23:00
Scotland's parliament was temporarily reclaimed today, when First Minister's Question Time was interrupted three times. Anarchists and allied anti-war protesters heckled their “ representatives ” over the Scottish Executive's disinterest in the wishes of the Scottish people - as exemplified by Labour's support of the war on Iraq.
“ No more talks in our name ” on Saturday either, when the after-demo rally is banned. Also there seem to be calls out to have also demos starting from the south of Glasgow and the East. [ Anarchists in the Scottish Parliament | Glasgow rally banned| Anti-War webpage on infoshop]
Critical mass against the war in Edinburgh
Imc Scotland , 27-01-2003 - 00:00
On Sunday, 26th of January, a crowd of cyclists, drummers, pedestrians and wheelchairs took the street to protest against the forthcoming war and to deliver a clear message of “ Don't attack Iraq ” to the American embassy. [full story | another report | more impressions]
Global Days of Action against the War on the Gulf War anniversary
Imc Scotland , 20-01-2003 - 23:00
Glasgow Anarchist Students prepare for a weekend of direct action, starting Thursday 16th of January. This weekend will see global anti war actions on the Gulf War anniversary January 17-19th. Actions have been called in Argentina, the USA, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Pakistan, Australia, Egypt, Belgium, Spain, Canada, Italy, France, Japan, Indonesia, Britain, Germany, Austria, Russia, the Phillipines, Switzerland, Bahrain and South Korea. [Glasgow events against the war | global events against the war ]
Solidarity with Glasgow Anarchists facing repression
Imc Scotland , 19-01-2003 - 23:00
Some of the brave Glasgow Anarchists who took direct action against the war by occupying the Adam Smith Lecture Theatre on campus for 21 hours are now to be facing the repressive intimitation methods of the powers that be. As usual when the state and other representatives of power lack arguments, they try to suppress civil courage and resistance by abusing their bureaucratic hierarchies to prove their self-righteous, elitist, capitalist, sell-out neo-liberal attitude.
The demands are and were:
- to the Chancellor of the University of Glasgow to step down; because of him investing the universities pension funds in war-profiteering companies.
- the Army to be booted off campus instead of the brave Glasgow Anarchist students; because the army does not belong there, whereas courageous, independant-thinking ethically sound students do.
- For the university to keep the Slavonic and Philosophy departments. Because philosophy makes more sense than war.
- Read Adorno!
Reading tip especially for university professors and politicians: Minima Moralia. For more brains and more discussions and less intimitation or superiority policy.
For all to support the Glasgow Anarchists Students meet on Friday, 24th, 9.30 outside Hillhead Underground to protest against the university hearing. [full story | link to former article]
For more demands on libertarian education go to: lib ed magazine Free University Copenhagen [ women | abz | all powers | publications | on knowledge production | all power ]
Blockade of BAe and Ark Royal
Imc Scotland , 13-01-2003 - 23:00
On Monday 13th, protesters took direct action against the War. BAe, British Aerospace was blockaded in Edinburgh, and access to the Ark Royal, before leaving towards Iraq, was blocked, too, when it was stationed at Loch Long (near Faslane Trident sub base).
Stop the war, chuck out the army and remove the Chancellor!!
Imc Scotland , 18-12-2002 - 00:00
Glasgow Anarchist Students occupied the main hall of the university building in Glasgow. They protest against the war, the army which has recently tried to recruit on the campus, as well as the investment of the Universities pension fund in war-profiteering companies. [ full story ]
Stop the war
Imc Scotland , 14-12-2002 - 23:00
On Saturday, 14thof December protesters tried to inspect weapons at the Raytheon arms manufacturer in Glenrothes, Fife. The action was organised by the local 'Stop The War Coaltion'. [ full story | rock against war in Kirkcaldy ]
Faslane security breached again as protesters paint on Trident
TRIDENT PLOUGHSHARES , 09-08-2002 - 01:37
Press Release: 8th August 2002 : At 3am this morning, two Trident Ploughshares activists breached the security at Faslane naval base on the Clyde. Veteran Peace Campaigner, Dave Rolstone (55) and Gillian Sloan (40) were arrested when they swam into the nuclear base and painted on the side of a Trident submarine.
Report from Monday's Blockade of Faslane Nuke Base
No Nukes , 07-08-2002 - 11:34
Report from the first day's blockade.
Trident Ploughshares Website down as faslane actions start
Info , 05-08-2002 - 10:24
On the day that the Trident Ploughshares annual two week International disarmament camp at the nuclear bases on the Clyde begins (today Monday 5th August), their website is down.
Trident Ploughshares , 04-08-2002 - 15:40
Anti-nuclear direct action group, Trident Ploughshares, are going to kick of their annual International disarmament camp at the nuclear bases on the Clyde with a blockade of faslane tommorrow morning at 7am.
"Don't Nuke Iraq" Message at Hiroshoma Day Faslane Die-in
voices in the wilderness , 03-08-2002 - 12:04
activists to stage die in at nuclear base against iraq attacks
will faslane get a birthday cake from the base?
Scotland on Sunday , 12-05-2002 - 09:36