Download!! Dissident Island Radio April Fools 2011
dissidentisland[at] (Dissident Island) , 03-04-2011 - 09:22
Dissident Island Radio EP. 79: download!!!
Bangor Against The Cuts Protest (Stillshooter) , 02-04-2011 - 19:28
"North Wales Against Cuts, Bangor" marched though the city centre today, Saturday April 2nd, to protest against the government's cuts to public services.
Leeds "Free City Bus" Ceases To Be Free (marker) , 02-04-2011 - 00:22
People in the city of Leeds have had to face another in a long series of service cuts today. The "Free City Bus" that used to transport all-comers around the city centre has begun to refuse rides to people without eligible tickets or money.
From Nuclear to Solar (marker o.b.o. Ozaki Tetsuya) , 30-03-2011 - 10:24
Northern England has very different interactions between nuclear energy and geology than the Japanese archipelago. Here, we have expert opinion being ignored by politicians looking for waste disposal sites. There, they had expert opinion being ignored in the siting of reactors. Similar propaganda methods were used in both. In this piece, Ozaki describes his personal experience of the Japanese earthquake, and looks at some of the warnings that were ignored about regional geological hazards. He quotes from Hirose Takashi's book "Time Bomb Reactor" (published in August 2010), not available elsewhere in English, "While I was working on this final manuscript on June 17, 2010, a power blackout just occurred at the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) operated Rector 2 of the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant, leading to a major accident that almost ended in a meltdown. [...] The accident was caused by four external power transmission lines, all of which were cut off at the same time. The emergency stop systems of the generators and reactors did of course work, but as water continued to boil inside the reactors, the cooling water level sank dramatically, and a core melt could only be avoided at the very last minute. [...] The fact that something as severe as this could happen even though there was no earthquake on the day of the accident led me to think about what the scenery could look like if the plant was visited by a major quake." Although Ozaki hasn't bottomed-out the pholtovoltaic ideal, he is doing significantly better than George Monbiot. His first-hand account gives a window on how the recent events are effecting the Japanese psyche, and what we could learn from their experience.
TSG tactics revealed (woof justice) , 28-03-2011 - 18:23
A video posted on the guardian website by a journalist embedded with a TSG team during the m26 demos. Reveals police tactics and the "lines in the sand" that they were authorised to go over the top for. Also reveals the levels of personal choice that the TSG units have when faced with public order situations. Interesting from a tactical point of view for future actions.
Video: the Resistance WILL be televised!
28-03-2011 - 16:22
A roundup of the events of March 26th in London, as people gathered in their thousands to march through central London to demand an alternative to the destruction of peoples livelihoods by the privilged elite. Many marched for an alternative to capitalism itself. Breakaway groups took a more direct approach, occupying buildings and trashing the symbols of capitalist excess that got the nation into this mess in the first place. The banks and global corporations were heavily targeted and the police found themselves completely outnumbered and powerless to resist the will of the people as their anger spilled out onto the streets. Music in this video is by Alt Track (who were with the people on the barricades to the bitter end): (warning: link to corporate site)
Tax avoiding shops
28-03-2011 - 11:23
thousands of people in fluid and well organised break away groups took to the streets to show their anger at the inequalities of a capitalist system that continues to reward the rich at the expense of the poor and working classes. Global corporations, banks and symbols of decadence where all targeted throughout the day.
28-03-2011 - 11:23
thousands of people in fluid and well organised break away groups took to the streets to show their anger at the inequalities of a capitalist system that continues to reward the rich at the expense of the poor and working classes. Global corporations, banks and symbols of decadence where all targeted throughout the day.
Symbols of Wealth
28-03-2011 - 11:23
thousands of people in fluid and well organised break away groups took to the streets to show their anger at the inequalities of a capitalist system that continues to reward the rich at the expense of the poor and working classes. Global corporations, banks and symbols of decadence where all targeted throughout the day.
Black Block - Mindless Yobs? (nab) , 27-03-2011 - 23:22
During the TUC march on Saturday a 600 strong black block marched through London with militant efficiency. The took out banks, multi-nationals and other symbols of capitalism. They all wanted different things but were united in their desire to make the capitalists pay. See the London Indymedia article on the events.
Platt Fields Speakers' Corner on 3rd April (Dan) , 24-03-2011 - 19:23
Speakers' Corner returns to Platt Fields on 3rd April - everyone welcome to speak or listen!
Leeds University to charge maximum fees (nab) , 24-03-2011 - 17:22
The University of Leeds plans to charge the full £9 000 in fees following in the foot-steps of Manchester, Essex, Surrey, Imperial College London, Oxford, Cambridge, Exeter and Durham universities. When the government education minister set the limit of fees to £9 000 he planned that this would only be in "exceptional circumstances", which apparently means that most Universities are in exceptional circumstances.
UCU Strikes in Bradford, Occupation in Manchester (unscabby dog) , 24-03-2011 - 16:23
Staff at both the University of Bradford and Bradford college formed a picket line on the main entrances to both campuses today, Thursday 24th March, as a national strike called by the University and College Union (UCU) entered a third successive day Also, across the Penines, students have been in occupation at the University of Manchesters Roscoe Lecture theatre for over a month now and are preparing to wind down the occupation in order to join in with the March for the alternative actions that will be happening in London this Saturday, March 26th.
UK threatens detainees’ lives (marker) , 22-03-2011 - 23:23
UK threatens detainees' lives by withholding HIV medication Most HIV+ immigration detainees helped by Medical Justice have been denied life-saving medication in detention according to our new research. "Detained & Denied", based on the first ever comprehensive analysis of treatment of HIV+ immigration detainees in the UK draws on medical evidence from 8 independent clinicians who assessed the detainees. Many of the 35 men, women and children studied are torture survivors from countries where rape is used as a weapon of war. As a result of denial of medication some detainees have developed drug resistance, necessitating more complex drug combinations which are inaccessible to many in the country they are being deported to. Without these drugs they may die within a few years, leaving their children orphans in a country some of them have never been to before. More than three-quarters of the people in our study who were deported, had little or no medication. The UK Border Agency (UKBA) tried to deport an HIV+ pregnant mother who had been given less than a month's medication even though it is critical that treatment is not interrupted during pregnancy, to avoid a newborn child becoming infected.
Common Place closing 24th April (C Place) , 22-03-2011 - 19:22
Common Place closing statement
The Common Place Closes (nab) , 22-03-2011 - 17:23
The Common Place is Leeds autonomus social center and it is also closing on the 24th of April (statment from the Common Place). The reasons given are famillier to many social centers, the work to keep the place running ended up falling on too few people, working on a rented building was hard work and it was not make enough money to pay the bills. There are also less familier reasons, the local police had a vendetta agianst the Common Place and one of the orgional members was an undercover police (more on this).
The 5th I Bike MCR Festival starts next week (I Bike MCR) , 20-03-2011 - 19:22
A month long DIY bike festival in Manchester
Dissident Island - Mar. 18 show ready for download (Dissident Island) , 20-03-2011 - 17:25
For episode 78, the Dissident Island Crew put together something extra hot.. A Sex Worker Special! The show features:
* Ava Caradona from x:talk discussing sex work and border regimes * Claire, speaking candidly about her experiences of the vulnerabilities of working in different sex work settings * Luca, a queer sex worker, political activist, and Open Sex Workers' University organiser, talking about his experiences and politics
The show also features some whoretastic music, announcements, and banter. Finishing off the evening we had a back-to-back Danzchlag set from Shibby Shitegeist and Bunni Splanchnik
Press Release: Bin Veolia Campaign (Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign) , 19-03-2011 - 18:22
*Human Rights Campaigners lobby Leeds Council to exclude Palestinian Occupation complicit company Veolia’s bid for controversial city incinerator contract*
Audio Report: Housing under The Condems: Cuts Cafe (audio drone) , 19-03-2011 - 10:23
Between 31st January and 6th February Cuts Cafe in Leeds held a series of events, including talks on a number of subjects The attached files were derived from a workshop linking the crisis in relation to housing, the cuts and reforms of the Condems.
Animal rights Gathering: City centre fun (led) , 15-03-2011 - 22:22
In addition to an all day general information stall which amongst other things collected hundreds of anti fur signatures, the following events took place: