Libya: The destruction of a country. The bombing of civilian targets
An open letter by Russian doctors in Libya , 04-04-2011 - 00:00
The account provided by the team of Russian Doctors constitutes an eyewitness account of what is happening on the ground in Libya. It contradicts the stream of media disinformation. It confirms that the coalition is routinely bombing civilian targets. For those progressives who have endorsed the US-NATO "humanitarian mandate", this account provides us with evidence of extensive war crimes by those you claim to be coming to the rescue of civilians. Residential buildings, hospital are being targeted by the coalition's smart bombs. The latter are extremely precise. The bombing of civilians is deliberate. These are so-called validated targets. they are part of a list of targets.
Inside WikiLeaks—an attack from a former supporter
Johann Müller , 03-04-2011 - 11:49
In mid-February, Econ-Verlag published Inside WikiLeaks by Daniel Domscheit-Berg, a former employee of the whistleblower web site WikiLeaks.
The agents of Washington and Britain within Libya’s opposition leadership
Julie Hyland , 03-04-2011 - 11:45
The Interim Transitional National Council (TNC) was not officially able to participate in the conference held on Libya at London’s Lancaster House on Tuesday due to differences within the war coalition over support for the anti-Gaddafi leadership. However, Washington and London made clear their backing for what is being groomed as Libya’s government-in-waiting—once, that is, the military onslaught against the country has achieved its desired objective of regime change.
Stapleford Community Farm
aaaa , 03-04-2011 - 00:54
This coming weekend we are gathering on the land at Field Farm, Stapleford, Notts to discuss setting up a community here this spring. Acoustic music and food on the friday night, and a chance to check out the site and local area.
NATO’s fascist war
Fidel Castro Ruz , 02-04-2011 - 19:20
You didn’t have to be clairvoyant to foresee what I wrote with great detail in three Reflection Articles I published on the CubaDebate website between February 21 and March 3: “The NATO Plan Is to Occupy Libya,” “The Cynical Danse Macabre,” and “NATO’s Inevitable War.”
Not even the fascist leaders of Germany and Italy were so blatantly shameless regarding the Spanish Civil War unleashed in 1936, an event that maybe a lot of people have been recalling over these past days.
Public Meeting: The Case for Secularism
Sheffield Humanist Society , 01-04-2011 - 14:06
Terry Sanderson will make the case for our tradition of secularism as the foundation of a good society. Human rights, equality under the law, freedom of religion and of expression all need a firm secular base and not domination by or conflicts between religions and sects.
Friday 8 Apr 2011, 7:30pm, Lecture Theater 6, The Arts Tower, The University of Sheffield
Sheffield BNP Meeting
The Bloodhound Gang , 31-03-2011 - 12:25
Sheffield BNP will be holding a meeting tonight at The Malthouse Public Ecclesfield.
Japan: Triple Meltdown
Radio Ecoshock , 30-03-2011 - 21:50
Confirmation that 3 reactors damaged, melting down in Japan. Civil defense info to protect yourself. Plus investigation into California reactor built on quake zone. Remember, a nuke accident anywhere in the world can arrive where you live.
Media disinformation: The protest movement in Syria
Michel Chossudovsky , 29-03-2011 - 22:54
Presented below are four reports of the same protest movement in the Southern Syrian city of Daraa, Associated Press, The Guardian, Israeli National News, Ya Libnan (Lebanese News).
Spot the difference.
Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity: At home in the Jordan Valley
Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity , 29-03-2011 - 16:30
The Brighton Jordan Valley Solidarity Group currently have people on the ground in the Jordan Valley. With recent increased settler and army repression it is our aim to keep people in the valley on a permanent basis throughout the year.
The following reports are from our volunteers on the ground. Please help us spread information. If you are on twitter you can get our updates by following @jvsolidarity or @brightonjvs
Planned regime change in Libya
Stephen Lendman , 29-03-2011 - 14:57
A March 25 White House press release announced Obama's planned March 28 national TV speech: "to update the American people on the situation in Libya, including the actions we've taken with allies and partners to protect the Libyan people from the brutality of Moammar Qaddafi, the transition to NATO command and control, and our policy going forward."
Imagine the hypocrisy. US-style "humanitarian intervention" reigns death and destruction "to protect the Libyan people." Recall how "shock and awe" protected Iraqis, how war on Afghanistan helps Afghans and neighboring Pakistanis from predatory drone and ground attacks. Libyans are now tasting imperial viciousness firsthand.
In fact, all US wars are imperial, not humanitarian, a long discredited propaganda ruse major media reports don't explain. Instead they cheerlead for war no matter how lawless, mindless, destructive or counterproductive, spreading malicious misinformation to justify intervention, concealing or downplaying the fallout from all conflicts let alone why they're waged.
Pirate for the Sea
Lex Rigby , 29-03-2011 - 13:04
Come join us for a screen of the Whale Warrior - Pirate for the Sea in Sheffield on April 8th.
Pirate for the Sea
Lex Rigby , 29-03-2011 - 11:54
Come join us for a screen of the Whale Warrior - Pirate for the Sea in Sheffield on April 8th.
Plutonium Found - Fukushima Update
Radio Ecoshock , 28-03-2011 - 21:24
Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #5 March 28 in North America. Government scientists found plutonium outside the Fukushima nuclear complex. Damaged reactors are the suspected source. More radiation found in soil outside the plant, and by Greenpeace 40 kilometers away - far outside the 20 k evacuation zone. Japan's gov't forbids residents from going home. May become a giant no-go zone bisecting Japan. A continuing risk to the Northern Hemisphere.
Libya: The objective of "humanitarian bombing" is death and destruction
Michel Chossudovsky , 27-03-2011 - 11:34
The objective is not to come to the rescue of civilians. Quite the opposite. Both military as well as civilian targets have been pre-selected.
Civilian casualties are intentional. They are not the result of "collateral damage".
Early reports confirm that hospitals, civilian airports and government buildings have been bombed.
The objective of the media disinformation campaign is to blatantly obfuscate the loss of life of civilians.
Tomahawk missiles and aerial bombings are upheld as instruments of peace and democracy. They do not result in civilian deaths.
Some photos from the TUC anti-cuts demo #march26
Chris , 26-03-2011 - 19:44
The turnout in London seemed about the scale of the anti-poll tax demo but not as big as the massive 2003 anti-Iraq war one. Attached are a few snap from the protest.
Photos of undercover Cop Simon Wellings
Undercurrents , 26-03-2011 - 14:40
Photos of cop
The Guardian-Mark Kennedy: Confessions of an undercover cop
lotek , 26-03-2011 - 09:26
Here we go again. The little bastard just won't fuck off. Instead he reveals his sob story in the Guardian.
"After seven years spent living as an environmental activist, Mark Stone was revealed to be policeman Mark Kennedy. He talks to Simon Hattenstone about life on the outside, with no job, no friends and no idea who he really is."
Helen Caldicott on the Nuclear Disaster in Japan
Radio Ecoshock , 26-03-2011 - 04:42
World-famous anti-nuclear campaigner and physician Dr. Helen Caldicott in a major interview on the multiple reactor accident at Fukushima Japan. How to read through media misinformation, what this means for the nuke industry, including Europe, which may be severely damaged by a similar accident (or even radioactive pollution from "normal" operation of these plants. A historic interview.
Obama’s imperial twist: “Humanitarian” regime change in Libya
Glen Ford , 24-03-2011 - 21:54
President Obama demanded regime change in Libya more than three weeks ago, but now acts as if that’s not his policy. He will use the assault on Muamar Khadafi’s forces to introduce so-called “humanitarian intervention” as an anchor of the Obama Doctrine. Regime change will remain a basic tool, while the “humanitarian” ruse expands imperial options. Obama may well opt to turn Libya into a kind of protectorate, as Haiti has become. Meanwhile, France interprets the UN mandate in Libya as allowing the Euro-Americans to act as air support for the rebel armed forces, as the French did at Benghazi.
BNP shit it out of South Tyneside
IHTF , 24-03-2011 - 19:16
The odious scumbags of the BNP are not to field a singal coandidate in South Shields due to infighting amid claims Nick Griffin is not fit to lead the party
Last min legal advice for Saturday
GBC & LDMG , 24-03-2011 - 18:44
Last minute legal advice for the demonstrations this Saturday
Helen Caldicott on Japan Nuke Disaster
Radio Ecoshock , 24-03-2011 - 05:19
World-famous anti-nuke campaigner Dr. Helen Caldicott talks the Japanese nuclear disaster with Radio host Alex Smith of Radio Ecoshock. Is it the death knell of the nuke power industry? How much of Japan will be uninhabitable? Plus implications for U.S., Canada, and France. 28 minute interview March 23rd, 6 MB.
Obama’s War in Libya
Margaret Kimberley , 23-03-2011 - 21:30
The continuity between the Bush and Obama administration’s is now complete. Almost exactly eight years after Bush invaded Iraq, Obama’s Euro-American military alliance swooped down on Libya to enforce a western world order. “Obama definitely took a page out of the Bush administration recipe book,” including “peddling scary stories of poison gas stockpiled at a remote desert location.” All this may serve Obama well in domestic opinion polls, since “American blood lust is always just below the surface.”
White Hat Report #15
The White Hats , 23-03-2011 - 05:03
The core objective of the White Hats is to inform and advise America’s population, and Global associates, of the transgressions being perpetrated by our governing entities, and their criminal Banking Cabal.