Chavez threatens to cut off US oil supplies
What would happen if Venezuela cut off oil shipments to the United States? , 14-01-2006 - 01:32
On top of disruption to oil supplies this week from Nigeria after sabotage and kidnapping, and on top of concerns over stability of supplies from Iran should the UN initiate sanctions, now the 5th largest oil producer in the world has asked the question 'what would happen if we were to stop exports to the US'?
Should this implied threat be taken seriously it could spell further increases in oil prices in an already jumpy market. It could also fuel speculation that the US will taken action to remove Chavez from power in the coming months....
Caracas Youth Festival Starts
pescao , 09-08-2005 - 04:54
Over 17,000 young international activists have gathered in Caracas for the 16th World Festival of Youth and Students, which begins today (Monday 8th August). Several groups in the UK, including Hands Off Venezuela, Colombia Solidarity Campaign, Justice for Colombia and New Generation, as well as various communist groups, have between them sent over 100 delegates. Everyone from Europe is being housed at a newly-completed village, half an hour south of the Venezuelan capital, except for the organisers from the World Federation of Democratic Youth who have been staying at the Hilton Hotel (which is now run as a co-op). The festival is seen as an excellent opportunity to build solidarity with Venezuela's peaceful and democratic revolution.
U.S. Criticism of Chávez Unfounded
FPF-fwd. Mark Weisbrot , 21-12-2004 - 16:06
The recent round of Venezuela-bashing from the U.S. State Department and Washington- based foreign-policy organizations is symptomatic of a broader problem. And it's not Venezuela's problem; it's ours.
O12 (Venezuela) prisoners free!
pachamerikan , 07-12-2004 - 00:20
As of December 6th, the three prisoners being held for the toppling of the statue of Columbus in Plaza Venezuela in Caracas were released from prison, but one of them, the most vocal of the group, Freddy Tabarquino, is still set to stand trial inliberty. There is, however, a good possibility that other individuals who have stepped forward to declare responsibility will face trial and/or imprisonment, but there has yet to be a response to the request for a collective trial for all 200 who have declared responsibility for the action.
You are invited to meet Marisol León
Global Women’s Strike Bolivarian Circle , 06-12-2004 - 12:52
You are invited to meet Marisol León of the Asociación Artesanos de Tarmas (Tarmas’ crafts people’s association), the Fundación Comunicación Libre y Alternativa (foundation for free and alternative media) and the Unidad de Batalla Electoral (electoral battle units). She is in the network of users of Banmujer, the Women’s Development Bank of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Venezuela solidarity events in London on Tuesday & Wednesday next week
Hands Off Venezuela! , 04-12-2004 - 09:57
two very special speakers from Venezuela are in London next week, come and meet with them and hear what life as a grassroots activist is like in a self-declared "revolutionary" country...
Car-bombing, Coup-plotting & the CIA in Venezuela
charley allan , 02-12-2004 - 04:12
piece in thursday's morning star promoting tonight's vigil
Candle-lit Vigil outside Venezuelan Consulate, Thursday 6-7pm
hands off venezuela , 01-12-2004 - 03:19
A candle-lit vigil will be held outside the Venezuelan consulate in London from 6pm on Thursday, December 2, in memory of Danilo Anderson, the state prosecutor assassinated two weeks ago by car bomb in Caracas. The vigil has been organised by the Hands Off Venezuela campaign and the UK Bolivarian Circle.
The USA & Economic Terrorism: TLC/AFTA/WTO
Jason martin , 30-11-2004 - 06:06
USA people grow fat off the mass murder terrorristic policies of their government. 90 % of US people and all of the political parties are pro-AFTA , free trade and WTO. Time that the world recognizes that the USA is dangerous, W Bush is the real terrorist, and the greed-based denial of most USA people guarantees the continued denial that these free trade programs and USA foreign policies are just like the war in IRAQ – a terrorism of mindless evil...hope that Latin Americans are not deluded. We hope that it is not too late for them to grasp that help will never come from anyone in the USA.
Extraordinary meeting of Chavez with workers in Madrid
Emilia Lucena , 26-11-2004 - 10:31
Chavez' visit to Spain has generated a lot of enthusiasm, he has spoken to the students at the University, with workers at the Workers Commissions meeting hall, and has generally broken protocol all the time. By denouncing the involvement of the previous Aznar government in the April 2002 coup he has also created a massive polemic in the media. Here's a report of his meeting with the workers:
British MPs condemn murder of Venezuelan prosecutor Danilo Anderson
Jorge Martin , 26-11-2004 - 10:14
The left wing Labour Member of Parliament John McDonnell has tabled an Early Day Motion condemning the murder of Danilo Anderson, the Venezuelan prosecutor investigating the April 2002 military coup against president Chavez.
Prosecutor investigating anti-Chavez coup killed in terrorist attack
Jorge Martin , 26-11-2004 - 10:11
The explosion of two bombs in his car took the life of 38-year old State Prosecutor Danilo Anderson, late on Thursday night in Caracas, Venezuela. Danilo Anderson had waged a tireless struggle to get the leaders of the opposition prosecuted for the crimes they have committed and particularly for the military coup they organised on April 11th 2002.
Spain says former government backed Venezuela coup
Daniel Flynn (Reuters) , 23-11-2004 - 20:01
the cards are falling...
Prosecutor investigating anti-Chavez coup killed in terrorist attack
Jorge Martin , 23-11-2004 - 16:29
The explosion of two bombs in his car took the life of 38-year old State Prosecutor Danilo Anderson, late on Thursday night in Caracas, Venezuela. The terrorist attack took place at 11.50 pm in Los Chaguaramos, in south east Caracas, where Danilo Anderson was coming away from evening classes he was attending at the University.From his role as State Prosecutor Danilo Anderson had waged a tireless struggle to get the leaders of the opposition prosecuted for the crimes they have committed and particularly for the military coup they organised on April 11th 2002.